I have a practice date tomorrow

someone who is not my ideal type of women since she has a kid and lives in a high crime area but she is cute in the face and thick in the waist which is good enough for her to be seen with me in public.

So we are going to meet around 5pm and I can work on my dating skills so I can get better by time the next woman comes along who is dating material. This is also an opportunity for me to improve my small talk skills at the beginning of the date which has gotten better since June.

So I will see how this goes

another misogynist thread.

do you have the slightest understanding about why you skeeve women?

p.s. you're busy talking abut whether she's good enough for you.

i'm going to say she'll be well rid of you and can do way better.
Here, fbj, I am going to give you yet another nugget of wisdom that I have accrued over the years. This one may be right up your alley.

Most Mexican and Chinese restaurants are really just fronts to import people legitimately into the United States. They have a whole racket going on. They go to someone in their country and tell them they want to go to America. They are shipped over and put to work in one of these ethnic restaurants in order to obtain a work visa. These visas are only good for like a year, but I think they can be extended. Lots of times they come over, work for a year, go home, then come back to the same place on a new visa.

Most ethnic communities have a contact here that coordinates all of this for them for a fee. Think of him as a "boss". He takes in the imports, houses them, coordinates the paperwork, and sends them to work for little or no pay. He will be paid either by the immigrant if said immigrant has the means or by the employer in the network. He helps place these people, knows the system, helps people apply for public assistance, get driver licenses, apply for SBA loans to start businesses, and whatever else is required to facilitate this trade.

Go hang out at a Chinese or Mexican joint and get to know them. Eventually you can broach the subject. Ask for a housekeeper. The boss will contact you. Tell him you want a 20 year old pretty chick. He will know what you mean and will be cool with it. Obviously you will have to pay. But unlike a whore, she will not be a sloppy slut and it will be a long term live-in who will do whatever you want.

Obviously, you do not want to get involved in some kind of human slave trade thing because you can get into so legal trouble if you do. I am talking above the table work placement here. Nonetheless, with a wink and a nod you can get a good live-in housekeeper who will take care of everything you need her to.
Well 6:30pm came fast and have not heard from her yet to let me know if she left her house or if she is at the meeting place
Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"
Just an FYI, I have never had a "practice date", and I doubt that 99% of the m
Hell, I'm home alone this weekend. I plan on hitting the shower and going out for dinner, hang at the restaurant bar watch some football, eat at the bar, have a few drinks, then see if I can get lucky with some tipsy slut who is also hanging out. I get lucky doing this from time to time. If not, then I still have a good time. Granted, this may be too adventurous for you, but my point is that if you sit at home then you are going to have zero chance of meeting anyone. It is not like Halle Barry is going to knock on your door and say "Please fuck me, fbj." You have to expend some effort.

Well I got a new phone number this morning from plenty of fish so maybe that can turn into a date for next weekend
You can take out a chick on Black Friday and spend all of your disposable income on her.
Practice date? Never heard that before. Meaning that you will ask for a date when everything fail...oh well I tried.

Practice Date: "Going out with someone who is not your type"
Just an FYI, I have never had a "practice date", and I doubt that 99% of the m
Hell, I'm home alone this weekend. I plan on hitting the shower and going out for dinner, hang at the restaurant bar watch some football, eat at the bar, have a few drinks, then see if I can get lucky with some tipsy slut who is also hanging out. I get lucky doing this from time to time. If not, then I still have a good time. Granted, this may be too adventurous for you, but my point is that if you sit at home then you are going to have zero chance of meeting anyone. It is not like Halle Barry is going to knock on your door and say "Please fuck me, fbj." You have to expend some effort.

Well I got a new phone number this morning from plenty of fish so maybe that can turn into a date for next weekend
You can take out a chick on Black Friday and spend all of your disposable income on her.

Not black friday, next saturday
Most people meet people through friends. At least that is the way it used to be. Maybe most people meet online now and I am just unaware. Nonetheless, you can still meet people through friends. If you do not interact with people then you are limiting your options if your goal is to meet a woman to have a relationship with.
She just called me and said she was at the place and asked me why I never showed up. I told her when I didn't hear anything from her I was not going out in the cold and she not be there

So she is on her way to me meet in front on my apartment
Most people meet people through friends. At least that is the way it used to be. Maybe most people meet online now and I am just unaware. Nonetheless, you can still meet people through friends. If you do not interact with people then you are limiting your options if your goal is to meet a woman to have a relationship with.

But that can mess up the friendship with the person if things don't go well
She just called me and said she was at the place and asked me why I never showed up. I told her when I didn't hear anything from her I was not going out in the cold and she not be there

So she is on her way to me meet in front on my apartment
Good. Go. This is a good sign, as she did not let you sabotage the date.
Most people meet people through friends. At least that is the way it used to be. Maybe most people meet online now and I am just unaware. Nonetheless, you can still meet people through friends. If you do not interact with people then you are limiting your options if your goal is to meet a woman to have a relationship with.

But that can mess up the friendship with the person if things don't go well
You are making excuses.
This dumb calls me and says she is down the street from my apt and I told her to come 2 blocks down. Then I hung up the phone waiting for her to call back and tell me she is outside and I noticed she didn't call back. So I send a text 10 mins later asking was she outside and never got a reply

So i said fuck it and just went to the store to get some sodas and chips and came back home. Then the retarded bitch sends a text 2 hours later saying she got a ticket down the street from my apt and was mad and just went home. If u want me to call you let me know I am about to pick up my daughter

I put that bitch on the SPAM LIST.
you couldn't walk two blocks to meet her? :eusa_eh: Bejeezus!!! :banghead: Lazy much?

Thats why you're sitting in your cold apartment drinking sodas. You got to get off your ass and put forth some effort like Iron Head said.

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