I have a question for leftists. Besides having Democrats in control of everything...

YES there are communists in America, just like there are flat earth people, Q followers, tons of different religions & any number of different groups who think they have the All THE ANSWERS. But history has shown us that this is not true.
So in your view, a citizen should not have the freedom to be able to accept a lower-paying job because a citizen isn't really a citizen but a subject, right?
The minimum wage serves an important reason. It prevents employers from using economic or political conditions from driving down wages. It would foster employers constantly seeking somebody more desperate to displace a current worker, because he is willing to work for less.
It also would be the draw for illegal workers doing the same in an endless cycle of lowering wages, and displacing skilled workers with cheaper ones.
Yes, that is what I want
You are aware that government dictating what a private person must pay another private person is a tenet of fascism, right?

Taxes is not fascism. You VOTE for your Government
As Oliver Wendell Holmes said.......Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Civilized societies take care of their sick
That's all bullshit, especially the claim that we vote for our government. We certainly didn't vote for Biden.
Wages people can live off of
So, again, you want the government to force citizens to pay other citizens a wage that is acceptable to you, right?

Yes, that is what I want

Employers are no longer willing to do it on their own.
As a result, taxpayers have to make up the difference and help pay for housing, food and healthcare for THEIR workers
Employers have never volunteered to pay workers what you think they should be paid, dumbass.
Because Democrats are so good for PA:

Managed to prompt US Steel to cancel it's $1.5B upgrade/expansion
Actually that was a decision of US Steel, to instead of investing in old technology, they would instead invest in new technology, having acquired Big River Steel in Arkansas, that produced better steel, cheaper, and with less environmental impact.
Employers have never volunteered to pay workers what you think they should be paid, dumbass.
Why are you always wrong?

In January 1914, Henry Ford started paying his auto workers a remarkable $5 a day. Doubling the average wage helped ensure a stable workforce and likely boosted sales since the workers could now afford to buy the cars they were making. It laid the foundation for an economy driven by consumer demand.

Read a history book.
If you can’t stay in business without the taxpayer subsidizing YOUR employees with food, housing and healthcare......then maybe you shouldn’t be in business
So in your view, a citizen should not have the freedom to be able to accept a lower-paying job because a citizen isn't really a citizen but a subject, right?
Yes... the old, Let the free market determine wages

That works great for highly skilled workers. If you don’t pay me I will go somewhere else.

But minimum wage and low skilled workers don’t have much bargaining power. That makes them easy to exploit. They wI’ll accept the best available offer and that is usually minimum wage or close to it.
That is why we have to set a fair minimum wage. And $7.25 isn’t it.
Wages people can live off of
So, again, you want the government to force citizens to pay other citizens a wage that is acceptable to you, right?

Yes, that is what I want

Employers are no longer willing to do it on their own.
As a result, taxpayers have to make up the difference and help pay for housing, food and healthcare for THEIR workers
Employers have never volunteered to pay workers what you think they should be paid, dumbass.
Yes they have.

My father had a HS education and got a Union Job
He earned enough to buy a house, raise 4 kids, take vacations, send 4 kids to college and retire at 61.
All without my mother working.

All of our neighbors had similar experiences
...is there anything else that you want for America? It seems to me that, as long as Democrats are in office, nothing else really matters to you. Do you have any hopes for poor and middle-class Americans?

Perhaps the bigger question is to ask that considering that Democrats are in charge of most big cities and most federal agencies most of the time, how is it that we still have all these big problems? Just what is it that they intend to fix that all occurred on their watch when they were already in control in the first place?

Are we really to believe that despite ALL THEIR HARD WORK, generation after generation, that just ONE GUY getting in office just one time, for just four years, under constant obstruction and interference, a man whose never even held office before, that now the planet is a total wreck, continents sinking, nations utterly falling apart?
I’m sure some are... others I’m sure provide funds and support that help people succeed. Depends on the case we are looking at
Keep in mind that, anytime you take money from the private sector, you REDUCE economic activity. If you want a better and more vibrant economy, let people keep their money and then they'll invest it or spend it.
Yea...but it is a vibrant economy that benefits the most wealthy among us
Yes, that is what I want
You are aware that government dictating what a private person must pay another private person is a tenet of fascism, right?

Taxes is not fascism. You VOTE for your Government
As Oliver Wendell Holmes said.......Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Civilized societies take care of their sick
That's all bullshit, especially the claim that we vote for our government. We certainly didn't vote for Biden.
Sorry pal

But not engaging in your stolen election fantasies
But minimum wage and low skilled workers don’t have much bargaining power. That makes them easy to exploit. They wI’ll accept the best available offer and that is usually minimum wage or close to it.
That is why we have to set a fair minimum wage. And $7.25 isn’t it.
Allowing a purely market economy, with no minimum wage, means that during times of high unemployment wages would drop, pushed by the unemployed willing to take a lower salary than those currently working. This would depress wages, without companies actually hiring additional people.
And the constant influx of new lower wage workers would have a negative impact on productivity, which would preclude lowering prices on their products and services.
Yes, that is what I want
You are aware that government dictating what a private person must pay another private person is a tenet of fascism, right?

Taxes is not fascism. You VOTE for your Government
As Oliver Wendell Holmes said.......Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Civilized societies take care of their sick
That's all bullshit, especially the claim that we vote for our government. We certainly didn't vote for Biden.
Sorry pal

But not engaging in your stolen election fantasies
They are not fantasies and an answer like that shows the fantasy is all yours. The other Democrats are spending millions fighting those fantasies. Why would they do that? Why don't they encourage the fantasies and let these people prove there was no fraud?
Keep in mind that, anytime you take money from the private sector, you REDUCE economic activity. If you want a better and more vibrant economy, let people keep their money and then they'll invest it or spend it.

What you overlook is that when you give the rich more money, they do spend it. But they spend it on foreign stuff, not domestic.

Just look at Jeff Bezos latest purchase. A $1 billion super yacht

The vessel will be one of the largest sailing yachts ever built in the Netherlands, the unofficial capital of boat-building for the super rich

I'm sure the Netherlands thanks you for the tax cuts.
Affordable Healthcare available to all
A Clean Environment
Affordable higher education
A comprehensive immigration policy
Modernize American Infrastructure
Wages people can live off of
Obamacare was/is DAMN EXPENSIVE

We have a clean environment

Get government out of "education" if you dont like the cost

Return all illegal invaders

Well set up a DONATION FUND for you to contribute to

Demand businesses give 1 million dollars to every adult
Yes, that is what I want
You are aware that government dictating what a private person must pay another private person is a tenet of fascism, right?

Taxes is not fascism. You VOTE for your Government
As Oliver Wendell Holmes said.......Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society.

Civilized societies take care of their sick
That's all bullshit, especially the claim that we vote for our government. We certainly didn't vote for Biden.
Sorry pal

But not engaging in your stolen election fantasies
They are not fantasies and an answer like that shows the fantasy is all yours. The other Democrats are spending millions fighting those fantasies. Why would they do that? Why don't they encourage the fantasies and let these people prove there was no fraud?
What part of not playing don’t you understand?

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