I have a question for memorial day

It's readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you've never served, nor do you appear to have even heard or read what military people swear to in their oath of enlistment.
Did you swear to defend the constitution? Did you? Do you not understand that this administration and entire hunks of the government finds the Constitution the musings of dead white guys? The Constitution gets in their way. It isn't even taught in schools anymore. It is mentioned, if at all, as protecting slavery and objectifying women. You are the same. The Constitution is the same. The government has become corrupt.

John Adams said "The Constitution is written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." We are neither moral nor religious. If you want a country governed by the Constitution, go make one. This isn't it.
Did you swear to defend the constitution? Did you? Do you not understand that this administration and entire hunks of the government finds the Constitution the musings of dead white guys? The Constitution gets in their way. It isn't even taught in schools anymore. It is mentioned, if at all, as protecting slavery and objectifying women. You are the same. The Constitution is the same. The government has become corrupt.

John Adams said "The Constitution is written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." We are neither moral nor religious. If you want a country governed by the Constitution, go make one. This isn't it.

Thanks for your opinion Mouse Farts. Got any concrete evidence to present to support your opinion? Or is this just more flatulence oozing from a rodent's butt?

As far as understanding the Constitution and how the military works? I have a fairly passable understanding of it. Was a major part of the instruction I had to attend for one week out of every year when every Navy person was required to attend Navy Rights and Responsibilities.
Thanks for your opinion Mouse Farts. Got any concrete evidence to present to support your opinion? Or is this just more flatulence oozing from a rodent's butt?

As far as understanding the Constitution and how the military works? I have a fairly passable understanding of it. Was a major part of the instruction I had to attend for one week out of every year when every Navy person was required to attend Navy Rights and Responsibilities.
The politburo thanks you.
We don't swear an oath to any individual in the WH, or for that matter, any individual at all. We swear our oath of enlistment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
Bingo!!! What civilians don't realize is that when we are no longer active duty, that oath is still pledged. It doesn't "go away". There is not one military officer telling us that we are now relieved of our duty.

(a) Enlistment Oath.—Each person enlisting in an armed force shall take the following oath:

“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Did you swear to defend the constitution? Did you? Do you not understand that this administration and entire hunks of the government finds the Constitution the musings of dead white guys? The Constitution gets in their way. It isn't even taught in schools anymore. It is mentioned, if at all, as protecting slavery and objectifying women. You are the same. The Constitution is the same. The government has become corrupt.

John Adams said "The Constitution is written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other." We are neither moral nor religious. If you want a country governed by the Constitution, go make one. This isn't it.
If that is your opinion, what are doing about it? Voting for the same people? Showing up at publicized meetings to voice your opinion? Starting a petition for change? Anything other than using your keyboard to put words and sentences together? Anything other than directing your anger/frustration at someone that served our country in the military? If YOU aren't willing to take action, other than sounding off on a forum on the internet, then you can expect to keep getting the same thing you've always gotten from government officials.
It's readily apparent to even the most casual observer that you've never served, nor do you appear to have even heard or read what military people swear to in their oath of enlistment.

Instead of calling you EvilCat Breath, I think I'm just gonna call you Mouse Farts.
The problem is our military isn’t fighting to protect the constitution. They’re fighting to enrich and empower a criminal oligarchy. This has been true for decades and both crime families are equally complicit.

Thats not tinfoil stuff. A digital currency is coming and every transaction will be accounted for.
If that is your opinion, what are doing about it? Voting for the same people? Showing up at publicized meetings to voice your opinion? Starting a petition for change? Anything other than using your keyboard to put words and sentences together? Anything other than directing your anger/frustration at someone that served our country in the military? If YOU aren't willing to take action, other than sounding off on a forum on the internet, then you can expect to keep getting the same thing you've always gotten from government officials.
You have absolutely no idea what I do.
We all need to learn from history, because the elites never change.

“Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

“But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

“There is one difference,” [Gilbert] pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

“Oh, that is all well and good, [replied Goering] but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Sadly most Americans never learn from history, allowing the elite to take them to war over and over again.
We all need to learn from history, because the elites never change.

“Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

“But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

“There is one difference,” [Gilbert] pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

“Oh, that is all well and good, [replied Goering] but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Sadly most Americans never learn from history, allowing the elite to take them to war over and over again.
Why not? Useful idiots are plentiful. Look at just here. Plenty of people willing to die for the corrupt politburo.
Today we recognize those who have given up their lives for this country. My question: Is this country still worth dyng for? Would the young people of today give up their pampered lives for this country? I think not. Comments?
That is a good question.

Since Potatohead stole the election a lot more people don't think so because military recruitment is way down.

I am a veteran and stepped up to the challenge a few decades ago but if I was younger I would not want to support this banana republic. A bloated oppressive country that is turning into a Socialist shithole.

Let these inner city welfare queens, queers and trannies defend it. That is who the Potatohead administration thinks will do a great job.
That is a good question.

Since Potatohead stole the election a lot more people don't think so because military recruitment is way down.

I am a veteran and stepped up to the challenge a few decades ago but if I was younger I would not want to support this banana republic. A bloated oppressive country that is turning into a Socialist shithole.

Let these inner city welfare queens, queers and trannies defend it. That is who the Potatohead administration thinks will do a great job.

Dunno if what you say is exactly true. According to Military Times, and the various recruiting personnel, one of the main hurdles to recruiting nowadays is a new system they implemented called "Genesis" that goes back and gets an applicants entire medical history, making it much harder for them to qualify applicants. In the extended wait caused by Genesis, applicants become disinterested or discouraged and opt out of their DEP program.

Dunno if what you say is exactly true. According to Military Times, and the various recruiting personnel, one of the main hurdles to recruiting nowadays is a new system they implemented called "Genesis" that goes back and gets an applicants entire medical history, making it much harder for them to qualify applicants. In the extended wait caused by Genesis, applicants become disinterested or discouraged and opt out of their DEP program.

I don't think a 30% decrease in recruitment is primarily caused by delays in the processing.

There are other factors at play.

Potatohead made it clear in January of 2021 that he didn't want patriotic White Boys being in the military.
I don't think a 30% decrease in recruitment is primarily caused by delays in the processing.

There are other factors at play.

Potatohead made it clear in January of 2021 that he didn't want patriotic White Boys being in the military.
Right, you have the Left continuing to demonize the military as they believe guns are evil, so Leftists don't want to join, and, as you say, you have potato head as the Commander in Chief, so no one on the right wants to join either.
Today we recognize those who have given up their lives for this country. My question: Is this country still worth dyng for? Would the young people of today give up their pampered lives for this country? I think not. Comments?
To answer that question all you need to do is look at Afghanistan.

Do you think it was worth all the lives of Americans who died there? What about Vietnam , Korea or any other undeclared wars and military actions .

The US has not been involved in a just war since WWII and has wasted the lives of its soldiers that it says are so important on bullshit political games and proxy wars when there was no real threat to the security and safety of the US
To answer that question all you need to do is look at Afghanistan.

Do you think it was worth all the lives of Americans who died there? What about Vietnam , Korea or any other undeclared wars and military actions .

The US has not been involved in a just war since WWII and has wasted the lives of its soldiers that it says are so important on bullshit political games and proxy wars when there was no real threat to the security and safety of the US

Started WW1


Started the Korean war


Started the war in Vietnam


And Mr. Nobel Peace prize winner started a war in Libya


And don't forget Mr. Gulf war man.

What do they have in common? They were all democrats.

Yes, even "W".
To answer that question all you need to do is look at Afghanistan.

Do you think it was worth all the lives of Americans who died there? What about Vietnam , Korea or any other undeclared wars and military actions .

The US has not been involved in a just war since WWII and has wasted the lives of its soldiers that it says are so important on bullshit political games and proxy wars when there was no real threat to the security and safety of the US
To think collectivist democrats, such as yourself, can create such a centralized all powerful government with no more checks and balances and then whine when you think it over steps it's authority is pretty humorous

Once you create Frankenstein, he will do what he wants and go where he wants as all you can do is cry about it.
I don't think a 30% decrease in recruitment is primarily caused by delays in the processing.

There are other factors at play.

Potatohead made it clear in January of 2021 that he didn't want patriotic White Boys being in the military.

It's pretty apparent you didn't comprehend my post nor read the attached link. I said that the new system Genesis that was implemented that goes back and gets the applicants entire medical history, as well as the extended times for processing is what the RECRUITERS say is causing the drop in recruiting.

Have you ever worked in recruiting? My last tour in the Navy was running a MEPS in Amarillo for the Navy. YES, medical information (or lack of it) can have a severe impact on whether or not a person gets in. And, yes, I can tell you that what was said in the article about recruiters telling their applicants to not disclose something minor is true, because in some instances, if it is disclosed, it requires additional paperwork from doctors that the applicant may or may not be able to get ahold of. Hell...........there's a poster on here who bragged about his son getting into the military because he didn't disclose that he had asthma (a disqualifying condition). His son kept his mouth shut (according to the poster), didn't tell anyone about his childhood asthma and was able to enlist and complete a full term. If his son HAD told, or if the new system Genesis had done a search and found out that he had asthma, he would have never been allowed to enlist. The medical requirements for applicants is pretty stringent.

And, according to the Military Times article, many recruiters out in the field hate the system because it manages to pull up everything that an applicant has ever seen a doctor for, not just what they disclose at the recruiting station or MEPS, EVERYTHING. And, most of those conditions will require additional certification by medical personnel to say that the applicant is qualified to enlist. If that information is delayed, they can't enlist until they are cleared. If the doctor cannot be reached or the information can't be obtained, the applicant cannot enlist.

Hell, I was stationed with an MM1 who actually didn't know that he had only one kidney, and didn't find out until he went through a physical that was required for a certain program. The doc told him that he'd been born with only one kidney, and the reason nobody detected it before was because he never had issues with it and it was only because of the physical and subsequent checks they did that they found out about it. Because he'd already been in for several years and was pretty damn good at his job and it never caused any problems, he was allowed to stay in. But, if that had been found out when he enlisted, he never would have been allowed in. There are many conditions like that which are automatic disqualifiers, and recruiters will often tell the applicants that since they haven't had a problem with it for the past several years to NOT tell medical when they see them at MEPS. Probably not the most ethical (or legal, because if it's found out a recruiter did that, they can face serious trouble) thing, but it happens.

Yes, I can believe that article when it says that the GENESIS system is causing a lot of recruiters to have a hard time getting applicants in the military.

And yes, having their enlistment date delayed because an applicant is waiting for a waiver to come through can be hard on the applicant, and there have been several times that someone has decided to go another route other than the military because they were tired of waiting for their waiver. I've seen one or two who quit their DEP after a month because they were tired of waiting and not really that motivated. It plays hell on a recruiter to keep a person motivated waiting for a waiver. I know, I've been the one who did the waiver applications.
To think collectivist democrats, such as yourself, can create such a centralized all powerful government with no more checks and balances and then whine when you think it over steps it's authority is pretty humorous

Once you create Frankenstein, he will do what he wants and go where he wants as all you can do is cry about it.
I'm not a democrat nor am I a "collectivist"

You , however, are a two dimensional thinker who cannot see that there are more than just 2 choices for every situation

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