I have a question for memorial day

It's pretty apparent you didn't comprehend my post nor read the attached link. I said that the new system Genesis that was implemented that goes back and gets the applicants entire medical history, as well as the extended times for processing is what the RECRUITERS say is causing the drop in recruiting.

Have you ever worked in recruiting? My last tour in the Navy was running a MEPS in Amarillo for the Navy. YES, medical information (or lack of it) can have a severe impact on whether or not a person gets in. And, yes, I can tell you that what was said in the article about recruiters telling their applicants to not disclose something minor is true, because in some instances, if it is disclosed, it requires additional paperwork from doctors that the applicant may or may not be able to get ahold of. Hell...........there's a poster on here who bragged about his son getting into the military because he didn't disclose that he had asthma (a disqualifying condition). His son kept his mouth shut (according to the poster), didn't tell anyone about his childhood asthma and was able to enlist and complete a full term. If his son HAD told, or if the new system Genesis had done a search and found out that he had asthma, he would have never been allowed to enlist. The medical requirements for applicants is pretty stringent.

And, according to the Military Times article, many recruiters out in the field hate the system because it manages to pull up everything that an applicant has ever seen a doctor for, not just what they disclose at the recruiting station or MEPS, EVERYTHING. And, most of those conditions will require additional certification by medical personnel to say that the applicant is qualified to enlist. If that information is delayed, they can't enlist until they are cleared. If the doctor cannot be reached or the information can't be obtained, the applicant cannot enlist.

Hell, I was stationed with an MM1 who actually didn't know that he had only one kidney, and didn't find out until he went through a physical that was required for a certain program. The doc told him that he'd been born with only one kidney, and the reason nobody detected it before was because he never had issues with it and it was only because of the physical and subsequent checks they did that they found out about it. Because he'd already been in for several years and was pretty damn good at his job and it never caused any problems, he was allowed to stay in. But, if that had been found out when he enlisted, he never would have been allowed in. There are many conditions like that which are automatic disqualifiers, and recruiters will often tell the applicants that since they haven't had a problem with it for the past several years to NOT tell medical when they see them at MEPS. Probably not the most ethical (or legal, because if it's found out a recruiter did that, they can face serious trouble) thing, but it happens.

Yes, I can believe that article when it says that the GENESIS system is causing a lot of recruiters to have a hard time getting applicants in the military.

And yes, having their enlistment date delayed because an applicant is waiting for a waiver to come through can be hard on the applicant, and there have been several times that someone has decided to go another route other than the military because they were tired of waiting for their waiver. I've seen one or two who quit their DEP after a month because they were tired of waiting and not really that motivated. It plays hell on a recruiter to keep a person motivated waiting for a waiver. I know, I've been the one who did the waiver applications.
You are simply confused if you think that some kind of paperwork or bureaucracy is the reason why there is a 30% decrease in recruitment.

Potatohead sent a strong message that Patriots need not apply but queers, trannies, affirmative action Negroes and unqualified women are welcome with open arms.

They are not even showing up at the recruitment center to go through the hogwash you mentioned.
You are simply confused if you think that some kind of paperwork or bureaucracy is the reason why there is a 30% decrease in recruitment.

Potatohead sent a strong message that Patriots need not apply but queers, trannies, affirmative action Negroes and unqualified women are welcome with open arms.

They are not even showing up at the recruitment center to go through the hogwash you mentioned.

It's the recruiters themselves who are bitching about the Genesis system and the fact that it catches medical info that requires waivers which they used to be able to gloss over that is causing the problem. I worked in recruiting for 2 1/2 years and can understand how this would cause a drop in getting applicants through the system.
It's the recruiters themselves who are bitching about the Genesis system and the fact that it catches medical info that requires waivers which they used to be able to gloss over that is causing the problem. I worked in recruiting for 2 1/2 years and can understand how this would cause a drop in getting applicants through the system.
People in the military bitch about everything.

The problem you have is that being a Moon Bat you won't take responsibility for the damage that Potatohead has done to recruitment. You are in denial like all Moon Bats. It ain't the system that is resulting in a 30% drop in recruitment.

Also being former Navy you have another problem with reality. As all us real veterans know the Navy is the service of choice for queers. The fact that Potatohead loves queers and trannies and he is doing everything possible to get them into the military and many potential recruits don't want to be a part of a filthy ass woke military so they are not joining. Having served in the mostly queer Navy you don't understand that.
People in the military bitch about everything.

The problem you have is that being a Moon Bat you won't take responsibility for the damage that Potatohead has done to recruitment. You are in denial like all Moon Bats. It ain't the system that is resulting in a 30% drop in recruitment.

Also being former Navy you have another problem with reality. As all us real veterans know the Navy is the service of choice for queers. The fact that Potatohead loves queers and trannies and he is doing everything possible to get them into the military and many potential recruits don't want to be a part of a filthy ass woke military so they are not joining. Having served in the mostly queer Navy you don't understand that.

Granted, people in the military DO bitch about everything, but when they bitch, they generally are bitching about things that are happening which are true.

You apparently are so blinded in your hatred of Biden that you won't accept the fact that Genesis has had a huge negative impact on recruiting, mainly because medical problems that used to be glossed over or hidden are now brought to the forefront and recruiters can no longer work around them.

As far as the Navy being "the choice for queers" as you so eloquently put it? Really? Tell that to a SEAL sometime. The most feared special forces in the US military come from the Navy in the form of SEALs.

And, what exactly do you mean by "real veterans"? My DD214, DD form 2 (Retired ID card), pension and VA ID card all say I'm a real veteran.

And, if you are saying all Navy personnel are "queers" and "not real veterans", then by proxy you are saying the same thing about Marines, as they are a part of the Navy.
Granted, people in the military DO bitch about everything, but when they bitch, they generally are bitching about things that are happening which are true.

You apparently are so blinded in your hatred of Biden that you won't accept the fact that Genesis has had a huge negative impact on recruiting, mainly because medical problems that used to be glossed over or hidden are now brought to the forefront and recruiters can no longer work around them.

As far as the Navy being "the choice for queers" as you so eloquently put it? Really? Tell that to a SEAL sometime. The most feared special forces in the US military come from the Navy in the form of SEALs.

And, what exactly do you mean by "real veterans"? My DD214, DD form 2 (Retired ID card), pension and VA ID card all say I'm a real veteran.

And, if you are saying all Navy personnel are "queers" and "not real veterans", then by proxy you are saying the same thing about Marines, as they are a part of the Navy.

The Navy has a handful of few real combat troops like the SEALs and pilots but the rest are paint chippers, mechanics, clerks, cooks and ship's laundry.

Just grow up. If you were a real veteran instead of a confused Moon Bat asshole you would recognize inter service bantering.
The Navy has a handful of few real combat troops like the SEALs and pilots but the rest are paint chippers, mechanics, clerks, cooks and ship's laundry.

Just grow up. If you were a real veteran instead of a confused Moon Bat asshole you would recognize inter service bantering.

Actually, the Navy has more than a "handful" of "real combat troops" (your opinion btw), and they are called Marines.

And, like I said, I'm a real veteran, even have credentials to prove it (DD214, and ID cards). Your opinion has zero bearing on my status as a veteran.

BTW................what branch did you serve in and for how long?
Granted, people in the military DO bitch about everything, but when they bitch, they generally are bitching about things that are happening which are true.

You apparently are so blinded in your hatred of Biden that you won't accept the fact that Genesis has had a huge negative impact on recruiting, mainly because medical problems that used to be glossed over or hidden are now brought to the forefront and recruiters can no longer work around them.

As far as the Navy being "the choice for queers" as you so eloquently put it? Really? Tell that to a SEAL sometime. The most feared special forces in the US military come from the Navy in the form of SEALs.

And, what exactly do you mean by "real veterans"? My DD214, DD form 2 (Retired ID card), pension and VA ID card all say I'm a real veteran.

And, if you are saying all Navy personnel are "queers" and "not real veterans", then by proxy you are saying the same thing about Marines, as they are a part of the Navy.

My younger son joined the Army after 911. He was a Cav Scout. He was a part of the invasion and the shit afterwards. He was even stopped lossed.

He got out after they allowed him to be discharged.

He maintained friendships with the guys he served in combat with. Some of them stayed in the Army as a career. They are senior NCOs now and getting ready for retirement.

They tell my son that the military is a shitshow nowadays. Morale is low and everybody is pissed off with all the woke inclusion bullshit that the Potatohead administration is forcing on them.

They tell my son that reenlistment is really low. The quality of the new recruits is poor. They see people getting promoted based on race and gender rather than qualifications. Many units are below staffing levels because there is minimal recruitment pipeline. 30% fewer enlistees and it is not because of some paperwork that idiot Moon Bats like you use as an excuse to cover up Potatohead;s failures.

Potatohead has really fucked up our once great military. Just what his Chinese buddies (that made his family rich rich) want him to do.

If you would pull your Moon Bat head out of your Libtard ass maybe you could see what a piece of shit this Potatohead asshole is and how he is destroying this country.
My younger son joined the Army after 911. He was a Cav Scout. He was a part of the invasion and the shit afterwards. He was even stopped lossed.

He got out after they allowed him to be discharged.

He maintained friendships with the guys he served in combat with. Some of them stayed in the Army as a career. They are senior NCOs now and getting ready for retirement.

They tell my son that the military is a shitshow nowadays. Morale is low and everybody is pissed off with all the woke inclusion bullshit that the Potatohead administration is forcing on them.

They tell my son that reenlistment is really low. The quality of the new recruits is poor. They see people getting promoted based on race and gender rather than qualifications. Many units are below staffing levels because there is minimal recruitment pipeline. 30% fewer enlistees and it is not because of some paperwork that idiot Moon Bats like you use as an excuse to cover up Potatohead;s failures.

Potatohead has really fucked up our once great military. Just what his Chinese buddies (that made his family rich rich) want him to do.

If you would pull your Moon Bat head out of your Libtard ass maybe you could see what a piece of shit this Potatohead asshole is and how he is destroying this country.

So...................you talk about your son's experiences and service while managing to avoid talking about your own. Way to dodge the question of what branch and how long did you serve. Especially when you seem to see fit to crap all over mine just because you disagree with my political views. Great, your son served and was forward deployed to a hostile zone. Me? I decided to join in '82 and managed to serve in 4 different conflict zones, starting with Beruit in '83, and ending with Kosovo in '99. I retired in 2002 after trying like hell to stop my paperwork because of 9/11, but unfortunately, my paperwork had already been in the pipeline for 8 months when I tried, and they were unable to pull it back so that I could reenlist to go back to sea.

Way to go Patriot! You perfectly exemplify Mark Twain's definition of patriot....................

"A person who can holler the loudest without knowing what they are hollering about".
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So...................you talk about your son's experiences and service while managing to avoid talking about your own. Way to dodge the question of what branch and how long did you serve. Especially when you seem to see fit to crap all over mine just because you disagree with my political views. Great, your son served and was forward deployed to a hostile zone. Me? I decided to join in '82 and managed to serve in 4 different conflict zones, starting with Beruit in '83, and ending with Kosovo in '99. I retired in 2002 after trying like hell to stop my paperwork because of 9/11, but unfortunately, my paperwork had already been in the pipeline for 8 months when I tried, and they were unable to pull it back so that I could reenlist to go back to sea.

Way to go Patriot! You perfectly exemplify Mark Twain's definition of patriot....................

"A person who can holler the loudest without knowing what they are hollering about".
I disagree with your "political views" because you are a fucking uneducated idiot Moon Bat.
I would agree, I would also add that if the Govt tried to institute rationing like we had to do during WWII most people would not support it or even going along with it even if it meant the difference between winning a war or losing.

We're you in a coma during covid?
I come from a family with a long line of military service, right up through my own generation. I attempted to join the US Army twice but was refused any combat MOS due to physical issues.

Honestly, I’m not sure if I would fight for this country st this point. It would very much depend on the enemy and the cause.

If the coup didn't move someone....
Today we recognize those who have given up their lives for this country. My question: Is this country still worth dyng for? Would the young people of today give up their pampered lives for this country? I think not. Comments?
What are you talking about? I haven’t heard of the military having any trouble filling its ranks. We have the strongest, best-trained military in the world. I think someone’s been listening to too much Russian, Chinese and MAGA propaganda!

Started WW1


Started the Korean war


Started the war in Vietnam


And Mr. Nobel Peace prize winner started a war in Libya


And don't forget Mr. Gulf war man.

What do they have in common? They were all democrats.

Yes, even "W".
Johnson didn't start the vietnam war you fucking idiot.

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