I Have A Question For Republicans

If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Don't forget that W. also took us to war without raising taxes and he signed an unfunded expansion of medicare.

W. liked to spend without paying for it.

The GOPs have been successful in convincing their base that business will suffer if you don't cut their taxes and give them loopholes. The GOP base also thinks that rich people will stop creating jobs if we raise their taxes back to 1990's levels.

So, the W. tax cuts have remained in place for the rich... where are the jobs???
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

Obama saved the Earth from spinning off its axis. True story.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
I assumed your understanding of the tax code, c-corps, employer match tax, etc. would have made your question invalid as he has not paid "zero" in taxes.

Well, hold the presses.....YOU have then actually seen his tax returns....Amazing....

I am going by the ONLY tax returns he submitted for licensure to the NJ Gaming Commission...and at that time, yes, he showed that his liabilities were more than his assets....and all that from someone who boasts that he is the greatest salesman to ever inhabit the planet....Go figure.
Yep, and funded by both parties in congress, including Hillary Clinton.

.....which, in your biased mind, should take Cheney and Bush off the hook even though the orders to go to war were uttered by the GWB oval office.......

Do you EVER wonder why you and your ilk blame Obama for so much, but when it comes to Bush you INSIST on bringing congress into the blame game???
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.
You apparently have no idea what a house of cards our economy has become. Whatever industries there are out there are dependent upon the continued delivery of materials from other industries which are in turn, dependent upon continued delivery of materials from other industries...

Let me guess, you've never produced an actual, physical commodity in your life.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money
Obama continued those "tax slashes". If they were so terrible why did he continue them?

From what I've read, THAt was the "devil's bargain" with congress to get the auto industry bailout money.
I assumed your understanding of the tax code, c-corps, employer match tax, etc. would have made your question invalid as he has not paid "zero" in taxes.

BTW, I will readily admit that Trump did pay some sales' taxes when he bought his jet and he probably paid some taxes when he purchases his hair spray.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.
Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

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