I Have A Question For Republicans

Government pushed it to the brink of collapse by forcing sub prime loans from banks and they providing endless free money to fund it
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Because he rode off with the unicorn and left no pixy dust behind.

Come back if you decide to stop telling fantasy tales.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
You know why that's such ridiculous bullshit? Because after Bill left office and George became president they has super majorities enough to used reconciliation three times, Republicans were able to enact all their disastrous policies and look at what happened. You would have to be a total tard to believe things were great under Bush.

Republicans try to take credit for what Clinton did the very same exact way they try to take credit for taking down Bin Laden. After all their failure, what else do they have besides credit snatching. They are the worst of credit snatchers and only the same people people who are birthers and who vote for Trump would think their policies work. They can't run on a single GOP policy. Because every single policy ended in disaster. All they have left is a vain attempt to take credit for what Democrats did.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

What do you have Alzheimer's?

Clinton handed Bush a mini recession.

And Bush turned it into a maxi recession.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

there was no surplus, the balanced budget was set up by Newt and bubba reluctantly agreed. then 9/11 happened. the debt was 10.6 T when obozo took over, it will be over 21 T when he leaves, he will have added more debt than all previous presidents combined. If you want to talk about debt creation, lets talk about Obama's debt.
You know why that's such ridiculous bullshit? Because after Bill left office and George became president they has super majorities enough to used reconciliation three times, Republicans were able to enact all their disastrous policies and look at what happened. You would have to be a total tard to believe things were great under Bush.

Republicans try to take credit for what Clinton did the very same exact way they try to take credit for taking down Bin Laden. After all their failure, what else do they have besides credit snatching. They are the worst of credit snatchers and only the same people people who are birthers and who vote for Trump would think their policies work. They can't run on a single GOP policy. Because every single policy ended in disaster. All they have left is a vain attempt to take credit for what Democrats did.


W never had a "supermajority," you're full of shit
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

What do you have Alzheimer's?

Clinton handed Bush a mini recession.

And Bush turned it into a maxi recession.

Oh go sniff candycorns maxi pad, adults are talking here

You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

That's like a rapist telling his victim she must be happy to have had sex after they were done. That comment is a very special kind of stupid.

For the record - no. Not at all. I'm never happy that the federal government illegally and unconstitutionally meddles in the economy - causing every problem we have ever experienced all while spending trillions of tax payer dollars that they are not even remotely permitted to spend. What other stupid comments do you have for us?
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.
I assumed your understanding of the tax code, c-corps, employer match tax, etc. would have made your question invalid as he has not paid "zero" in taxes.

Well, hold the presses.....YOU have then actually seen his tax returns....Amazing....

I am going by the ONLY tax returns he submitted for licensure to the NJ Gaming Commission...and at that time, yes, he showed that his liabilities were more than his assets....and all that from someone who boasts that he is the greatest salesman to ever inhabit the planet....Go figure.

Trump is an idiot. And a fraud. But the sad part is - he's still a billion times more successful than Hilldabeast and a trillion times more honest (how freaking sad is that). Hilldabeast put up with her husbands endless fidelities and then character assassinated each of the women - all so she could ride 'ole Slick Willy's coattails all the way to the White House. Where she subsequently stole items upon leaving (and claiming that the Clinton's were "broke"). Wow. Now there is someone who I really want sitting in the White House. Let's recap - shall we?

Has waged a 30+ year war on women
Pathological liar
Stole from the White House
Apparently can't handle a budget and blew through the Clinton wealth
Had to bargain with Barack Obama to land a job she was unqualified for
Obama continued those "tax slashes". If they were so terrible why did he continue them?

From what I've read, THAt was the "devil's bargain" with congress to get the auto industry bailout money.
Oh...you mean the highly illegal, completely unconstitutional auto industry bailout? Good to know that Barack Obama is not only willing to shake hands with the devil, but he's also willing to break the law. All so that he can stay in power and wealth. Meanwhile, you take your pitiful government table scraps like a good little obedient doggy and beg for more.
I assumed your understanding of the tax code, c-corps, employer match tax, etc. would have made your question invalid as he has not paid "zero" in taxes.

BTW, I will readily admit that Trump did pay some sales' taxes when he bought his jet and he probably paid some taxes when he purchases his hair spray.

Do you know who didn't pay taxes though? Dumbocrat John Kerry on his Yacht that he parked in Rhode Island after preaching to the people of Massachusetts about how everyone had to "pay their fair share" to save the state. Must be something to preach about the evils of being the 1% and not "paying your fair share" and then going out to buy a million dollar yacht which you park in other states to avoid taxes on.

Yep...you can always count on a Dumbocrat to be a despicable and disgraceful hypocrite. Kind of like how Barack Obama preaches about "being my brothers keeper" as he sites on tens of millions of dollars while members of his own family wallow in severe poverty.
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I assumed your understanding of the tax code, c-corps, employer match tax, etc. would have made your question invalid as he has not paid "zero" in taxes.

BTW, I will readily admit that Trump did pay some sales' taxes when he bought his jet and he probably paid some taxes when he purchases his hair spray.

Do you know who didn't pay taxes though? Dumbocrat John Kerry on his Yacht that he parked in Rhode Island after preaching to the people of Massachusetts about how everyone had to "pay their fair share" to save the state. Must be something to preach about the evils of being the 1% and not "paying your fair share" and then going out to but million dollar yachts which you park in other states to avoid taxes on.

Yep...you can always count on a Dumbocrat to be a despicable and disgraceful hypocrite. Kind of like how Barack Obama preaches about "being my brothers keeper" as he sites on tens of millions of dollars while members of his own family wallow in severe poverty.

If I were a democrat I'd tread lightly on anyone paying taxes.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K. What Bush did was stop the recession without a huge effect on the economy. Something that Obama should have taken note.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.

Unfortunately for your argument there is a recorded recession for 2008, it was way more than a mere market correction, a market correction would not bleed a hundred thousand jobs a month for a year. None of this would have happened unless Alan Greenspan was convinced that paying down the debt would cause the Federal Reserve to lose control over monetary policy, it is why he convinced George Bush to cut taxes to the wealthy to increase the debt.

Economists were definitely worried about the effect of paying off the debt there was even a secret report they circulated like drums beating the bush http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2011/10/20/LifeAfterDebt.pdf

How is that political asskicking doing today in Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma? don't get too comfortable, it was Governor Moonbeam of California that showed everyone how a successful economy is ran by raising taxes. raising wages, and creating safe working laws, California is once again the world's sixth most powerful economy.

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.
That recession doesn't even compare to the crash at the end of the Bush years.

Not even close.

Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.

Unfortunately for your argument there is a recorded recession for 2008, it was way more than a mere market correction, a market correction would not bleed a hundred thousand jobs a month for a year. None of this would have happened unless Alan Greenspan was convinced that paying down the debt would cause the Federal Reserve to lose control over monetary policy, it is why he convinced George Bush to cut taxes to the wealthy to increase the debt.

Economists were definitely worried about the effect of paying off the debt there was even a secret report they circulated like drums beating the bush http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2011/10/20/LifeAfterDebt.pdf

How is that political asskicking doing today in Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma? don't get too comfortable, it was Governor Moonbeam of California that showed everyone how a successful economy is ran by raising taxes. raising wages, and creating safe working laws, California is once again the world's sixth most powerful economy.

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

Except California has a nearly 400 billion dollar debt. Pesky I know
The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.
Got it, Bush was responsible for everything including the demise of the dinosaurs and the Chicago fire. we understand your illogical partisan rants.

Now, there was no recession in 2008. There was a market correction. Those happen periodically. When everyone was selling in 08, I bought. Now that the market has turned around very nicely I am enjoying profits of 200 and 300% on some stocks. So are other intelligent investors who understand the that the left wing bullshit about recession was just that, bullshit.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.

Unfortunately for your argument there is a recorded recession for 2008, it was way more than a mere market correction, a market correction would not bleed a hundred thousand jobs a month for a year. None of this would have happened unless Alan Greenspan was convinced that paying down the debt would cause the Federal Reserve to lose control over monetary policy, it is why he convinced George Bush to cut taxes to the wealthy to increase the debt.

Economists were definitely worried about the effect of paying off the debt there was even a secret report they circulated like drums beating the bush http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2011/10/20/LifeAfterDebt.pdf

How is that political asskicking doing today in Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma? don't get too comfortable, it was Governor Moonbeam of California that showed everyone how a successful economy is ran by raising taxes. raising wages, and creating safe working laws, California is once again the world's sixth most powerful economy.

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

Except California has a nearly 400 billion dollar debt. Pesky I know

Not pesky at all. California's debt is getting retired quickly and responsibly. Meanwhile California remains a financial juggernaut providing the GDP to make paying down a reality, not like Kansas, one step from bankruptcy because of Tea Party austerity.
Oh...you mean the highly illegal, completely unconstitutional auto industry bailout? Good to know that Barack Obama is not only willing to shake hands with the devil, but he's also willing to break the law. All so that he can stay in power and wealth. Meanwhile, you take your pitiful government table scraps like a good little obedient doggy and beg for more.

Moron, in this case the "devil" was the right wingers in congress......AND tell us how that "illegal auto industry bailout" worked out for our Treasury.....

(I hope you're OK, you seem dumber than usual....I'm worried about you Poodle,)
The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.

All the metrics say your argument is wrong. Michigan falls in the middle of the road in economic rankings, Ohio's weekly take home wage was below the national average, Wisconsin is in the middle also still not coming close to the promise Scott Walker made to bring 250,000 jobs by the end of his first term. Michigan is wallowing in the same ranking and is just treading water. Your argument is not persuasive at all.
The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.

All the metrics say your argument is wrong. Michigan falls in the middle of the road in economic rankings, Ohio's weekly take home wage was below the national average, Wisconsin is in the middle also still not coming close to the promise Scott Walker made to bring 250,000 jobs by the end of his first term. Michigan is wallowing in the same ranking and is just treading water. Your argument is not persuasive at all.
Typical libtard nonsense. Ohio's cost of living is considerably lower than California's - so their "take home wage" doesn't need to be inflated. A 1,200 sq ft home doesn't cost $780,000 like it does in California. In Ohio, you build a 4,000 sq ft home for $400,000. You're trying to compare apples to wrenches because the facts prove that the Dumbocrat ideology is a failed ideology.

Furthermore, the American people to elect these conservatives to raise wages. They elected them to prevent their states from going bankrupt because the tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats had spent states into collapse just like the Dumbocrats have done to the federal government with their $19 trillion debt. This is why a hard-core liberal state like Wisconsin finally accepted the fact that liberalism is a failed ideology and turned their state over to conservatives. Scott Walker built a $1 billion per year surplus. Their tax income so greatly exceeded their expenses that Walker cut both income tax and property tax. So the states liabilities are not only met in full, but the people have a lot more money in their pockets. It's they typical win-win of conservative policy:

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high
The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.

All the metrics say your argument is wrong. Michigan falls in the middle of the road in economic rankings, Ohio's weekly take home wage was below the national average, Wisconsin is in the middle also still not coming close to the promise Scott Walker made to bring 250,000 jobs by the end of his first term. Michigan is wallowing in the same ranking and is just treading water. Your argument is not persuasive at all.
Typical libtard nonsense. Ohio's cost of living is considerably lower than California's - so their "take home wage" doesn't need to be inflated. A 1,200 sq ft home doesn't cost $780,000 like it does in California. In Ohio, you build a 4,000 sq ft home for $400,000. You're trying to compare apples to wrenches because the facts prove that the Dumbocrat ideology is a failed ideology.

Furthermore, the American people to elect these conservatives to raise wages. They elected them to prevent their states from going bankrupt because the tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats had spent states into collapse just like the Dumbocrats have done to the federal government with their $19 trillion debt. This is why a hard-core liberal state like Wisconsin finally accepted the fact that liberalism is a failed ideology and turned their state over to conservatives. Scott Walker built a $1 billion per year surplus. Their tax income so greatly exceeded their expenses that Walker cut both income tax and property tax. So the states liabilities are not only met in full, but the people have a lot more money in their pockets. It's they typical win-win of conservative policy:

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high

You fail to recognize that $19 now $20 trillion debt is for interest and debt service on George Bush's tax cuts, Iraq War, and Medicare Part D all not paid for.

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