I Have A Question For Republicans

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.

All the metrics say your argument is wrong. Michigan falls in the middle of the road in economic rankings, Ohio's weekly take home wage was below the national average, Wisconsin is in the middle also still not coming close to the promise Scott Walker made to bring 250,000 jobs by the end of his first term. Michigan is wallowing in the same ranking and is just treading water. Your argument is not persuasive at all.
Typical libtard nonsense. Ohio's cost of living is considerably lower than California's - so their "take home wage" doesn't need to be inflated. A 1,200 sq ft home doesn't cost $780,000 like it does in California. In Ohio, you build a 4,000 sq ft home for $400,000. You're trying to compare apples to wrenches because the facts prove that the Dumbocrat ideology is a failed ideology.

Furthermore, the American people to elect these conservatives to raise wages. They elected them to prevent their states from going bankrupt because the tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats had spent states into collapse just like the Dumbocrats have done to the federal government with their $19 trillion debt. This is why a hard-core liberal state like Wisconsin finally accepted the fact that liberalism is a failed ideology and turned their state over to conservatives. Scott Walker built a $1 billion per year surplus. Their tax income so greatly exceeded their expenses that Walker cut both income tax and property tax. So the states liabilities are not only met in full, but the people have a lot more money in their pockets. It's they typical win-win of conservative policy:

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high

You fail to recognize that $19 now $20 trillion debt is for interest and debt service on George Bush's tax cuts, Iraq War, and Medicare Part D all not paid for.

Nice deflection. I wouldn't want to have to answer my previous post either about how Dumbocrats across the nation were collapsing states with unimaginable debt and how conservatives have now created incredible surpluses while cutting income and property taxes.

As far as your liberal talking point about the wars - it fails. Miserably. The "interest" is already accounted for genius. Everything Bush was responsible for (which was considerable) was accounted for in the $10 trillion debt when he left office. All Obama did in 7 years was add as nearly as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken all president combined to build up in 235 years.
Oh...you mean the highly illegal, completely unconstitutional auto industry bailout? Good to know that Barack Obama is not only willing to shake hands with the devil, but he's also willing to break the law. All so that he can stay in power and wealth. Meanwhile, you take your pitiful government table scraps like a good little obedient doggy and beg for more.

Moron, in this case the "devil" was the right wingers in congress......AND tell us how that "illegal auto industry bailout" worked out for our Treasury.....

(I hope you're OK, you seem dumber than usual....I'm worried about you Poodle,)
It didn't work out for our treasury. At all. But sadly, you're too uninformed and just too damn stupid to realize it or to even research it. Liberal George W. Bush and his cronies created TARP (the "Toxic Asset Relief Program"). The auto-industry (suffering from the ignorant libtard unions which make business unsustainable) were all to happy to reach into the pocket of the American tax payer and pulls out billions. Along comes Barack Obama who pretends to be "tough" on corporate America (while throwing trillions at them faster than he could count it) insisting that the money will be paid back. Once again the auto industry reaches into the back pocket of the American tax payer and pulls out billions. This time though, they simply take all of that TARP money floating around in their accounts and they "pay back" the Obama bailout money.

But in reality, nothing every got paid back. They took one round of tax payer money to pay off another round of tax payer money. And moron's like you go "yyyyyaaaaaeeeeeehhhhhh Obama. You do such good job Obama. We wove you"! Moron.

Furthermore, your "logic" is fall down hilarious. Assuming that the auto industry hadn't fleeced the American people and the Treasury made out like bandits with some unimaginable return on their money. That makes breaking the law ok? By that logic, the hundred of millions of dollars the mafia made were ok because it "stimulated" the economy when all of those gangsters purchased mansions, and $3,000 italian suits, and Mercedes Benz. Idiot.
Do you know who didn't pay taxes though? Dumbocrat John Kerry on his Yacht that he parked in Rhode Island

I had a feeling that you worked in the docks....and therefore you have first-hand knowledge , correct?
I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.

Do you know who didn't pay taxes though? Dumbocrat John Kerry on his Yacht that he parked in Rhode Island

I had a feeling that you worked in the docks....and therefore you have first-hand knowledge , correct?
Ahaha! Run little libtard, run! Make sure you avoid the realization that the people you worship and who you actually believe "care" about you or playing you for the mindless little fool that you are... :lmao:
I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Make sure you avoid the realization that the people you worship and who you actually believe "care" about you or playing you for the mindless little fool that you are

actually, I don't worship anybody or anything (except my immediate family).....But you're "correct"...folks like Trump really care about morons like you...So, post his picture over your bed, and have at it, Poodle.
Make sure you avoid the realization that the people you worship and who you actually believe "care" about you or playing you for the mindless little fool that you are

actually, I don't worship anybody or anything (except my immediate family).....But you're "correct"...folks like Trump really care about morons like you...So, post his picture over your bed, and have at it, Poodle.

Another mindless little libtard so thoroughly defeated and out of responses that he has to repeat what I said. Wow. Since I'm the one who recognizes that politicians don't give a damn about me (nor should they), I think it's safe to say I don't believe Trump does.

And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

"Given the above" are you an educator?
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

That's like a rapist telling his victim she must be happy to have had sex after they were done. That comment is a very special kind of stupid.

For the record - no. Not at all. I'm never happy that the federal government illegally and unconstitutionally meddles in the economy - causing every problem we have ever experienced all while spending trillions of tax payer dollars that they are not even remotely permitted to spend. What other stupid comments do you have for us?
I'm disgusted that Wall Street made it necessary and also that no body was sent to jail or bludgeoned to death. But anyone who has an inkling of how bad thing could have turned should be thankful that the government intervened.
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
Nope, it was a feeding frenzy. I refer all the people who've been duped to this radio show:

355: The Giant Pool of Money

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

That's like a rapist telling his victim she must be happy to have had sex after they were done. That comment is a very special kind of stupid.

For the record - no. Not at all. I'm never happy that the federal government illegally and unconstitutionally meddles in the economy - causing every problem we have ever experienced all while spending trillions of tax payer dollars that they are not even remotely permitted to spend. What other stupid comments do you have for us?
I'm disgusted that Wall Street made it necessary and also that no body was sent to jail or bludgeoned to death. But anyone who has an inkling of how bad thing could have turned should be thankful that the government intervened.
Nonsense. Our entire problem is this immature liberal idealism that nobody should ever experience pain. Had the government left the free market to rise or fail on its own then the American people not only would've learned a valuable lesson, but the awful companies that were poorly run would've gone out of business and the better companies would've become even stronger. It's extreme foolishness to prop up failure. It only results in additional future failure. Perpetual failure is what liberalism is handing us with all of this market intervention .
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.
You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

That's like a rapist telling his victim she must be happy to have had sex after they were done. That comment is a very special kind of stupid.

For the record - no. Not at all. I'm never happy that the federal government illegally and unconstitutionally meddles in the economy - causing every problem we have ever experienced all while spending trillions of tax payer dollars that they are not even remotely permitted to spend. What other stupid comments do you have for us?
I'm disgusted that Wall Street made it necessary and also that no body was sent to jail or bludgeoned to death. But anyone who has an inkling of how bad thing could have turned should be thankful that the government intervened.
Nonsense. Our entire problem is this immature liberal idealism that nobody should ever experience pain. Had the government left the free market to rise or fail on its own then the American people not only would've learned a valuable lesson, but the awful companies that were poorly run would've gone out of business and the better companies would've become even stronger. It's extreme foolishness to prop up failure. It only results in additional future failure. Perpetual failure is what liberalism is handing us with all of this market intervention .
Do you have any idea of how intertwined our economy has become? It would have taken years of Great Depression era suffering to begin to sort it out and then a much more socialist leader like FDR to finally get things moving again. Is that really what you would have wanted?
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.
European refugees seem to like France, Germany and the UK. The big draw for the US is that we're surrounded by suffering. I don't see Canadians rushing across the border.
Given the above" are you an educator?

Yes, I made a mistake in typing "I" instead of "you"......That is indeed a "mortal sin" among right wingers...a sin which allows them to avoid the original topic....Good going, and thank you for your valuable contribution to this forum.
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Do you even really know what happened? Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community ReInvestment Act which removed risk for banks. Why? Because in vintage socialism stupidity, the Democrats believed "everybody deserves a home". Uh...no. No they don't. Only those people who can afford a home deserve a home.

So what happened? The banks - without any risk - were incentivized to make risky loans to anyone for any reason (since the loans were backed by Freddie and Fannie). Now, people owned homes that can't afford them. Eventually, they started to default on those home loans. As more and more people started to default, the market became more and more saturated with homes that the banks were auctioning off to get out from under and recover some cash. This caused the housing market to plummet. Pretty soon, even people who could afford their homes were punished by plummeting housing prices causing them to lose all equity in their home.

This is what Democrat socialism does - punishes the masses so that everyone is "equal". It always ends the same: famine, povert, misery. Detroit.

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