I Have A Question For Republicans

What Obama and the Democrats have done to this nation has brought us down a far way from what we used to be.

See, the above is when I am FORCED to question right wingers' latent racism.....
Why has Obama (and democrats) brought "us down" from our "greatness?????

They gave us the ACA (which was a republican idea in the first place when they were against Hillary-care)

They gave us a bailout which is not a hell of a lot different than what Bush did

They gave us a return of most of our troops...saving lives and a couple of billions per week of borrowed money and follwed a plan initiated and signed by Bush.

So, given the above, right wingers label Obama the WORST president ever......and that is why I also question right wingers' latent racism.
That's a remarkable statement. There was no free market under Maria Antoinette. There was a dictatorship. The same thing that liberals essentially call for here in the U.S. Your proving that the U.S. should unilaterally reject the very policies that you advocate for.

Ignorance of history......France had a wealthy class which operated what we could call a "free market", manufacturing, trading with other nations and abusing workers with low pay...If this does NOT sound familiar to you, I can't mitigate your ignorance.
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:

The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore. Starting with Ronald Reagan, we forgot how to balance the budget, we forgot the most elementary function of bookkeeping, balancing basic numbers. That simple error made it more difficult for succeeding presidents to do their job. Sure we survive we even thrive, but that basic error has put us dangerously at risk and the stupidity of conservative economic policy does nothing to resolve it.

Your front runner for the Republican nominee hasn't the foggiest idea when it comes to tax policy. His original plan was laughed at by the financial community so I suspect when he rolls out his new program it will be more responsible but what do you figure he will do for balancing the budget? In my estimation, very little. He faces too much pressure to keep defense spending high and he can't backtrack to far on his wall, so at a minimum, it should be good entertainment to watch.
Wake up, the auto bailout was to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to democrats. It had nothing to do with tax cuts or saving the car companies. The car companies would have been much better off if they had gone through a structured bankruptcy rather than be bailed out with taxpayer funds-----------------------but breaking up those companies could have ended the UAW, that's what it was all about.

A VERY biased assessment....and perhaps even you know it.....If you wanted to hand over car manufacturing to Japan and South Korea and kill the industry for the US altogether (as we did with steel, etc.) Indeed, following your assessment would have accomplished the eradication of the US as auto manufacturers.....
Canadian Premier's Heart Surgery Plans Raise Questions About Health Care | Fox News

Of course, FOX (seldom) News put a biased spin on the Premier's surgery.....I already stated that we have the BEST doctors here and not in Canada.....and the Premier, knowing full well that he could afford the trip and have the surgery done by the best, of course he chose to come down here.....In other words for those foreigners who either are rich and can afford it, or for those foreigners whose universal health care reimburses our health system....YES, the U.S. has the best health care accessible and preferable to those who can afford it.
Canadian Premier's Heart Surgery Plans Raise Questions About Health Care | Fox News

Of course, FOX (seldom) News put a biased spin on the Premier's surgery.....I already stated that we have the BEST doctors here and not in Canada.....and the Premier, knowing full well that he could afford the trip and have the surgery done by the best, of course he chose to come down here.....In other words for those foreigners who either are rich and can afford it, or for those foreigners whose universal health care reimburses our health system....YES, the U.S. has the best health care accessible and preferable to those who can afford it.

I wasn't claiming you lied about that. In fact, I agreed with your post. What you were lying about was that Canada covers healthcare costs for their citizens who come here for healthcare. That simply isn't true. At all. If it were even remotely true, 98% of all Canadians would be coming to the U.S. They have complained vocally about the wait in Canada for basic healthcare. It does not cover their costs outside of Canada (short of emergency care for those traveling abroad of course).
Wake up, the auto bailout was to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to democrats. It had nothing to do with tax cuts or saving the car companies. The car companies would have been much better off if they had gone through a structured bankruptcy rather than be bailed out with taxpayer funds-----------------------but breaking up those companies could have ended the UAW, that's what it was all about.

A VERY biased assessment....and perhaps even you know it.....If you wanted to hand over car manufacturing to Japan and South Korea and kill the industry for the US altogether (as we did with steel, etc.) Indeed, following your assessment would have accomplished the eradication of the US as auto manufacturers.....

And ask yourself why we lost the steel industry to other nations? Because of the insane costs to manufacture it here. And why is that? Because of Dumbocrat policy to tax and regulate businesses to death.

You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
What you were lying about was that Canada covers healthcare costs for their citizens who come here for healthcare. That simply isn't true.

Myth: Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.
Most patients who come from Canada to the U.S. for health care are those whose costs are covered by the Canadian governments. If a Canadian goes outside of the country to get services that are deemed medically necessary, not experimental, and are not available at home for whatever reason (e.g., shortage or absence of high tech medical equipment; a longer wait for service than is medically prudent; or lack of physician expertise), the provincial government where you live fully funds your care. Those patients who do come to the U.S. for care and pay out of pocket are those who perceive their care to be more urgent than it likely is.

Debunking Canadian health care myths – The Denver Post
Myth: Canadians are paying out of pocket to come to the U.S. for medical care.
Most patients who come from Canada to the U.S. for health care are those whose costs are covered by the Canadian governments. If a Canadian goes outside of the country to get services that are deemed medically necessary, not experimental, and are not available at home for whatever reason (e.g., shortage or absence of high tech medical equipment; a longer wait for service than is medically prudent; or lack of physician expertise), the provincial government where you live fully funds your care. Those patients who do come to the U.S. for care and pay out of pocket are those who perceive their care to be more urgent than it likely is.

Debunking Canadian health care myths – The Denver Post

Wow....so you're openly admitting that you're trying to stretch the truth. Read you post again. And now read what I've highlighted in blue.

It is not covered to come to the U.S. unless it simply isn't available in Canada. Your own post and your own link says as much.
And ask yourself why we lost the steel industry to other nations? Because of the insane costs to manufacture it here. And why is that? Because of Dumbocrat policy to tax and regulate businesses to death.

Stupid response...as expected.....

I am debunking your assertion that bailing out the U.S. auto industry was a waste of money and that the industry would have recouped all on its own....I instead pointed out that such is what happened to the steel industry when laissez faire attitudes (i.e., the market will just take care of itself) destroy American industries.

BTW, our tax rate on businesses may be the highest ON PAPER...but we all know that virtually NO ONE pays that rate given the thousands of loop holes......If you don't agree, ask Trump.
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Wow....so you're openly admitting that you're trying to stretch the truth. Read you post again. And now read what I've highlighted in blue.

It is not covered to come to the U.S. unless it simply isn't available in Canada. Your own post and your own link says as much.

NO............its your reading comprehension that sucks......

The statement above DOES say that the Canadian system will not reimburse a Canadian for a nose job....But try disputing that the Canadian system does not reimburse Canadians who seek treatment in the U.S. (which was your original moronic assertion.)
Wake up, the auto bailout was to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to democrats. It had nothing to do with tax cuts or saving the car companies. The car companies would have been much better off if they had gone through a structured bankruptcy rather than be bailed out with taxpayer funds-----------------------but breaking up those companies could have ended the UAW, that's what it was all about.

A VERY biased assessment....and perhaps even you know it.....If you wanted to hand over car manufacturing to Japan and South Korea and kill the industry for the US altogether (as we did with steel, etc.) Indeed, following your assessment would have accomplished the eradication of the US as auto manufacturers.....

And ask yourself why we lost the steel industry to other nations? Because of the insane costs to manufacture it here. And why is that? Because of Dumbocrat policy to tax and regulate businesses to death.

You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.

We lost the steel industry because of the rise of the Japanese car industry. It doesn't take a brainiac to see transporting product 10,000 miles is not a winner. The American industry was also caught off guard by the emergence of new mills and America was importing steel by the late 1950's. Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

The U.S. steel industry suffered from a lack of foresight and planning. The labor unions certainly contributed to their downfall and the resistance to change hurt the entire industry. All of those things were a result of complacency and lack of vision, a problem that America suffers from in many areas.
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries.

Which supports the assertion that right wingers' debunking global warming and the need for alternative sources of energy (which even China is advancing) shows that right wingers are just STUPID.
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries.

Which supports the assertion that right wingers' debunking global warming and the need for alternative sources of energy (which even China is advancing) shows that right wingers are just STUPID.

I won't call them stupid, I do think they are stubborn. The Koch brothers stand to lose millions even billions by the loss of their industry, so I can understand their reasoning to debate (dishonestly) for their survival. At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.
I won't call them stupid, I do think they are stubborn. The Koch brothers stand to lose millions even billions by the loss of their industry, so I can understand their reasoning to debate (dishonestly) for their survival. At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.

Although I agree with you almost 100%......I insist that to be stubborn in the stark face of reality, makes one stupid.
I won't call them stupid, I do think they are stubborn. The Koch brothers stand to lose millions even billions by the loss of their industry, so I can understand their reasoning to debate (dishonestly) for their survival. At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.

Although I agree with you almost 100%......I insist that to be stubborn in the stark face of reality, makes one stupid.

Using negative words justs makes it more difficult to reach an agreement in principle. I understand that sometimes you have to and becomes unavoidable sometimes but people enjoy being respected and I have found that discussion can go much further without derision.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Using negative words justs makes it more difficult to reach an agreement in principle. I understand that sometimes you have to and becomes unavoidable sometimes but people enjoy being respected and I have found that discussion can go much further without derision.

I yield to your more sagacious assessment...But, one of the few things I concur fully with my right wing fellow citizens, is that sometime to be "politically correct" is a fool's errand. Obama has repeatedly tried to cajole McConnell and Boehner to arrive at a compromise ...Even when Obama issued an EO on immigration reform, he almost begged republicans to pass their own version....but NOTHING got done because to govern alongside with Obama, constitutes an anathema for elected right wingers.....

So, please forgive me for being harsh...In my long life I have found bruises on my face from extending that proverbial "olive branch".
Using negative words justs makes it more difficult to reach an agreement in principle. I understand that sometimes you have to and becomes unavoidable sometimes but people enjoy being respected and I have found that discussion can go much further without derision.

I yield to your more sagacious assessment...But, one of the few things I concur fully with my right wing fellow citizens, is that sometime to be "politically correct" is a fool's errand. Obama has repeatedly tried to cajole McConnell and Boehner to arrive at a compromise ...Even when Obama issued an EO on immigration reform, he almost begged republicans to pass their own version....but NOTHING got done because to govern alongside with Obama, constitutes an anathema for elected right wingers.....

So, please forgive me for being harsh...In my long life I have found bruises on my face from extending that proverbial "olive branch".

Like my mother and father always told me sometimes you just have to be the bigger person, but if you have to knock them out make sure it's a good one.

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