I Have A Question For Republicans

LMAO! Only a liberal could post something that proves them wrong and them attempts to deny it. I highlighted it in blue genius. It's there for everyone to see. Canadians can only come to the U.S. for healthcare and have the costs covered by the government if it is some special procedure offered in Canada. Your own link said as much. No you're getting all upset over the realization that you were lying and I caught you in the lie.

A Canadian cannot come to the U.S. for open heart surgery unless they pay for it themselves because Canada offers open heart surgery. Sorry chief....you missed the fine print and now you're regretting that you just proved that you want the U.S. to move to a failed healthcare model. :eusa_dance:

Like I previously stated.....One CANNOT fix stupidity and ignorance on this forum.......Believe what you want, I really don't give a fuck........Let others review what you said about Canada NOT paying for health care deliveries in the U.S......AND, also look at what I posted......You don't like it and want to spin....Go at it...remain stupid. LOL
The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
Obama has repeatedly tried to cajole McConnell and Boehner to arrive at a compromise ...Even when Obama issued an EO on immigration reform, he almost begged republicans to pass their own version....but NOTHING got done because to govern alongside with Obama, constitutes an anathema for elected right wingers.....

Vintage liberal "logic" here folks. First of all, if a Democrat begs for an illegal/unconstitutional policy which promotes liberalism, conservative representatives should give it to them. :cuckoo:

Second, if they don't, it's because they are trying to bring down the president. Not because the proposed policy is bad for America. Not because it is 100% illegal / unconstitutional. Not because the constituents of that representative are dead-set against it. Nope. It's just because of some perceived "politics" by libtards.

God Almighty. One a very special form of stupidity. We have an existing immigration system and nothing about it needs to be "reformed". All we need to do is enforce the laws. Obama violated the U.S. Constitution when he did the exact opposite and directed the Executive Branch to not enforce the law (something that is a major violation of the law and should end with his immediate impeachment and subsequently should have him brought up on charges).

You drink the libtard Fool-Aid so fast, you can't even stop to figure out what is legal and what is not, why someone opposes something or why they don't, etc. You just read the libtard talking point and parrot them. Which makes you sound completely uneducated. You do realize posts like this one above is why you have zero credibility on this board, don't you?
Vintage liberal "logic" here folks. First of all, if a Democrat begs for an illegal/unconstitutional policy which promotes liberalism, conservative representatives should give it to them. :cuckoo:

Second, if they don't, it's because they are trying to bring down the president. Not because the proposed policy is bad for America. Not because it is 100% illegal / unconstitutional. Not because the constituents of that representative are dead-set against it. Nope. It's just because of some perceived "politics" by libtards.

IDIOT......Where IS the republican right wing congress proposal on immigration...Have you seen one???
Sure, come up with a right wing proposal and bear the brunt of losing not only the WH but congress ALSO... and THAT is why the chicken shit right wingers in congress (including the tea baggers) have NOT wanted to offer their own proposal on immigration (or anything else, for that matter) because its easier to bitch from the side lines rather than govern.
LMAO! Only a liberal could post something that proves them wrong and them attempts to deny it. I highlighted it in blue genius. It's there for everyone to see. Canadians can only come to the U.S. for healthcare and have the costs covered by the government if it is some special procedure NOT offered in Canada. Your own link said as much. No you're getting all upset over the realization that you were lying and I caught you in the lie.

A Canadian cannot come to the U.S. for open heart surgery unless they pay for it themselves because Canada offers open heart surgery. Sorry chief....you missed the fine print and now you're regretting that you just proved that you want the U.S. to move to a failed healthcare model. :eusa_dance:

Like I previously stated.....One CANNOT fix stupidity and ignorance on this forum.......Believe what you want, I really don't give a fuck........Let others review what you said about Canada NOT paying for health care deliveries in the U.S......AND, also look at what I posted......You don't like it and want to spin....Go at it...remain stupid. LOL

There is no spin. Even you can't deny it any more. And that's also why your body Juan isn't even attempting to jump in and defend you on this one. Again - directly from your link junior:

If a Canadian goes outside of the country to get services that are deemed medically necessary, not experimental, and are not available at home for whatever reason (e.g., shortage or absence of high tech medical equipment; a longer wait for service than is medically prudent; or lack of physician expertise), the provincial government where you live fully funds your care. Those patients who do come to the U.S. for care and pay out of pocket are those who perceive their care to be more urgent than it likely is.

So the first part (in blue) clearly indicates that Canada will only cover costs for something not available in Canada. The second part (in red) makes you look even dumber. If Canadians can willy-nilly come to the U.S. any time they want for their basic healthcare, why does the author in the very next sentence state "those patients who do come to the U.S. for care and pay out of pocket". Wait....what?!?! Why would they "pay out of pocket" if Canada covers the healthcare costs for them? Surely even a person of limited intellect such as you Nat can read such a simple paragraph and comprehend that Canada does not cover the healthcare costs for Canadians outside of the country unless it is something not offered in the country (in other words - unless it is a rare and extreme situation).

Again Nat...in your typical libtard rush - you failed to read the fine print and now you're embarrassed that you proved I was right and you were lying. :eusa_dance:

Debunking Canadian health care myths
Vintage liberal "logic" here folks. First of all, if a Democrat begs for an illegal/unconstitutional policy which promotes liberalism, conservative representatives should give it to them. :cuckoo:

Second, if they don't, it's because they are trying to bring down the president. Not because the proposed policy is bad for America. Not because it is 100% illegal / unconstitutional. Not because the constituents of that representative are dead-set against it. Nope. It's just because of some perceived "politics" by libtards.

IDIOT......Where IS the republican right wing congress proposal on immigration...Have you seen one???
Sure, come up with a right wing proposal and bear the brunt of losing not only the WH but congress ALSO... and THAT is why the chicken shit right wingers in congress (including the tea baggers) have NOT wanted to offer their own proposal on immigration (or anything else, for that matter) because its easier to bitch from the side lines rather than govern.

Again junior....in all of your anger and frustration - you make no sense. Why would conservatives construct a "proposal" for a problem that doesn't exist? We already have a legal immigration system on the books. The only problem we have is that Obama is violating the law and refusing to enforce it (quite the contrary - he has gone on national television informing the world he will not enforce it to send a signal to Mexicans that it is time to invade the U.S.).
The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
Speaking of "dumb"...Wisconsin has been a hard-core liberal state for many years now. After the Dumbocrats ran up enough debt to collapse them, they turned the state over to Scott Walker and by 2014 he had a $1 billion surplus in the annual budget. He then immediately reduced both state income taxes and property taxes. So to summarize, the people have a LOT more money in their pockets now and the state is now able to meet all of their liabilities, plus have some left over.

Good grief man, if you're going to give an example of conservatism "failing", you might not want to point to a liberal state that just recently turned to conservatism to bail it out with it ending in spectacular success! :lol:
The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
By the way chief....no two states have been more successful in the past decade or so than Texas and North Dakota. Two overwhelmingly conservative states. And the failure of liberalism has been so spectacular, previously Dumbocrat-controlled states such as Ohio and Wisconsin have turned their states over to conservatives.
Again junior....in all of your anger and frustration - you make no sense. Why would conservatives construct a "proposal" for a problem that doesn't exist? We already have a legal immigration system on the books. The only problem we have is that Obama is violating the law and refusing to enforce it

Sure moron.....We do NOT have a problem with immigration....so, by all means, let right wingers in congress sit with their thumbs up their asses and just bitch about that bad Obama.....BTW, have the courts found that Obama violated the law???? A simple Yes or No will suffice.
"Dr. Robert Roberts, University of Ottawa Heart Institute president, told CTV News Channel's Power Play that there are no wait times for cardiac surgery in Canada.

"Canada . . . gives superb (cardiac) care," he said. "Our statistics for complications in surgery are comprisable to the very best in the U.S."

"I don't think the answer is that there's a particular procedure that couldn't be done in Canada," Roberts said. "He's a private citizen, who certainly has the right to choose where he wants to get the procedure done."

...."She also said she did not know if Williams is personally paying for his medical expenses. The premier, a wealthy former lawyer and businessman, donates his premier's salary to charity.

"I would expect that he is eligible for all that the rest of us would be in terms of our own private insurance or government insurance and I'm sure if there's anything over and above that the premier will certainly take care of it himself," Dunderdale said." Williams' surgery 'never an option' in N.L: minister
[Where IS the republican right wing congress proposal on immigration...Have you seen one?

How can one not laugh hysterically at liberal insanity? "Why aren't conservatives providing Dumbocrats with the policies they want so that they can destroy the country"?!?

Uh...because conservatives aren't sent to Washington to assist Dumbocrats in destroying the U.S. And they don't waste their time creating legislation for issues that we already have existing legislation for... :cuckoo:
Dumbocrats ran up enough debt to collapse them, they turned the state over to Scott Walker and by 2014 he had a $1 billion surplus in the annual budget. He then immediately reduced both state income taxes and property taxes. So to summarize, the people have a LOT more money in their pockets now and the state is now able to meet all of their liabilities, plus have some left over.

When grilled by Jonathan Karl on ABC's "This Week" about why he had failed to meet his 2010 pledge to create 250,000 new jobs by almost half, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker changed the topic. "Look we fixed the budget from $3.6 billion in a hole to surpluses," he assured America. According to Walker, Wisconsin is in the black, unemployment is down, and all is well.

But talk to the folks struggling to address the state’s staggering budget deficit and you get a different story.

"Maybe if Governor Walker was actually in the state he was elected to represent, he would know that this budget and this state is a mess. Cutting UW System by $250 million, taking hundreds of millions of dollars from our public schools and auctioning our state parks off to the highest bidder does not equal a surplus...

- See more at: There Is No Budget Surplus in Wisconsin
The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
By the way chief....no two states have been more successful in the past decade or so than Texas and North Dakota. Two overwhelmingly conservative states. And the failure of liberalism has been so spectacular, previously Dumbocrat-controlled states such as Ohio and Wisconsin have turned their states over to conservatives.

North Dakota hasn't been doing so well of late it seems the glut of oil is taking a toll and Texas is the leader of low wages, no insurance, and the lowest number of graduating seniors in the U.S.
Again junior....in all of your anger and frustration - you make no sense. Why would conservatives construct a "proposal" for a problem that doesn't exist? We already have a legal immigration system on the books. The only problem we have is that Obama is violating the law and refusing to enforce it

Sure moron.....We do NOT have a problem with immigration....so, by all means, let right wingers in congress sit with their thumbs up their asses and just bitch about that bad Obama.....BTW, have the courts found that Obama violated the law???? A simple Yes or No will suffice.
Did the courts find that OJ Simpson violated the law? A simple Yes or No will suffice. :lmao:
[Where IS the republican right wing congress proposal on immigration...Have you seen one?

How can one not laugh hysterically at liberal insanity? "Why aren't conservatives providing Dumbocrats with the policies they want so that they can destroy the country"?!?

Uh...because conservatives aren't sent to Washington to assist Dumbocrats in destroying the U.S. And they don't waste their time creating legislation for issues that we already have existing legislation for... :cuckoo:

Explaining the mystery of fast economic growth under Democratic presidents

Want A Better Economy? History Says Vote Democrat!

Study: Economy grows faster under Democratic presidents than Republicans

The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
By the way chief....no two states have been more successful in the past decade or so than Texas and North Dakota. Two overwhelmingly conservative states. And the failure of liberalism has been so spectacular, previously Dumbocrat-controlled states such as Ohio and Wisconsin have turned their states over to conservatives.

North Dakota hasn't been doing so well of late it seems the glut of oil is taking a toll and Texas is the leader of low wages, no insurance, and the lowest number of graduating seniors in the U.S.
And yes there is an abundance of jobs, wealth, and prosperity....all while Detroit filed for bankruptcy and the students sit in dilapidated buildings that cave in on them and violence is everywhere. I'll take Texas any day and so would every rational human in the world.
Did the courts find that OJ Simpson violated the law? A simple Yes or No will suffice. :lmao:

I'll take THAT deflection as your concession that you cannot answer WHY Obama has not have to have gone to court to defend his immigration EO.....Thanks.
Did the courts find that OJ Simpson violated the law? A simple Yes or No will suffice. :lmao:

I'll take THAT deflection as your concession that you cannot answer WHY Obama has not have to have gone to court to defend his immigration EO.....Thanks.

How exactly is that "deflection"? It's just proof that money and power affords someone the luxury of not being found guilty of anything. How could Obama possibly be found guilty of anything when he appointed Eric Holder (and his successor) as Attorney General of the Justice Department? Do you really think Holder or his successor are going to prosecute their own boss?!?! :cuckoo:

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