I Have A Question For Republicans

Wow....so you're openly admitting that you're trying to stretch the truth. Read you post again. And now read what I've highlighted in blue.

It is not covered to come to the U.S. unless it simply isn't available in Canada. Your own post and your own link says as much.

NO............its your reading comprehension that sucks......

The statement above DOES say that the Canadian system will not reimburse a Canadian for a nose job....But try disputing that the Canadian system does not reimburse Canadians who seek treatment in the U.S. (which was your original moronic assertion.)
Who said anything about a "nose job"? Your own link clearly states that it will not cover anything outside of Canda unless it is an absolute medical necessity (i.e. it's not offered in Canada). Sorry brother - it's there for everyone to see and it proves you had no clue what you were talking about and that I was right.

So once again - it is a failed model that you libtards want to revert to. The real question is - why don't liberals want healthcare to cost exponentially more, not less (other than the obvious answer of they are incredibly stupid of course)?

Frankly, I want to see healthcare costs skyrocket. There is a reason that a Lamborghini costs a billion times what a stupid little Ford hybrid costs. Quality. Would you rather have a high performance 12-cylinder engine or a no performance 4-cyclinder electric engine? Would you rather have fine Italian leather interior or Detroit manufactured synthetic fibers?

When it comes to my health - I want the best of the best of the best. The highest, most advanced care imaginable. Cost be damned. Only an idiot libtard would rather have Ford hybrid healthcare. Liberals are so shallow and frivolous that they want cheap-ass "universal" healthcare so they can spend their money on material nonsense like cell phone, shoes, and drugs & alcohol. Frankly, I can't think of anything I'd rather spend my money on than my healthcare. But then again, unlike liberals, I understand what really matters in life.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.
We lost the steel industry because of the rise of the Japanese car industry. It doesn't take a brainiac to see transporting product 10,000 miles is not a winner.

And yet that's what we do consistently right now. We import steel from tens of thousands of miles away. :cuckoo:

You're theory simply doesn't hold up. We lost everything because liberal tax and spend and regulate and spend and devaste and spend policy has forced jobs overseas to nations who aren't as hostile towards business. It's just an indisputable fact.
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At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.

That is the first accurate things you've said! Like how Al Gore flies around the world in a private jet (the single largest cause of emissions) to tell be about how selfish it is to have a "carbon footprint". Or like how John Kerry told the people of Massachusetts how the "evil 1%" needed to "pay their fair share in taxes" to save the state. And then he went out and purchased a nearly-$1 million yacht and parked it in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes on it.

As a life-long Democrat, you should be an expert in spitting hypocrisy.
Who said anything about a "nose job"? Your own link clearly states that it will not cover anything outside of Canda unless it is an absolute medical necessity (i.e. it's not offered in Canada). Sorry brother - it's there for everyone to see and it proves you had no clue what you were talking about and that I was right.

I CANNOT overcome either your stupidity or ignorance or delusion.......Now you want to "debate" what is an "absolute medical necessity...."

Look in your ignorance YOU stated that Canada does NOT pay her citizens for health care in the U.S.....The link proves YOU WRONG....Live with it, Poodle.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.

You're deflecting, I asked the question first.
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

You have it partially right and mostly wrong. It was "poor management" - but you failed to mention poor management by Democrats in Congress. They pissed on the U.S. Constitution for their own selfish greed - a sick hunger for power and a deep thirst for money.

But you are correct on the other part - the non-union, lower wage jobs forced the steel industry overseas. I've been saying that for 10 pages now and you've been arguing, yet your own words prove what you refuse to accept.
At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.

That is the first accurate things you've said! Like how Al Gore flies around the world in a private jet (the single largest cause of emissions) to tell be about how selfish it is to have a "carbon footprint". Or like how John Kerry told the people of Massachusetts how the "evil 1%" needed to "pay their fair share in taxes" to save the state. And then he went out and purchased a nearly-$1 million yacht and parked it in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes on it.

As a life-long Democrat, you should be an expert in spitting hypocrisy.

More deflection. You just want to change the dialog to something other than the actual subject. If you want to deride hypocrisy that's fine but it doesn't belong on the same thread.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.

You're deflecting, I asked the question first.
I'm not "deflecting" at all. Your question is built on a false premise (it's like asking "why do you beat your wife" - I'm not beating my wife so the question is nonsensical). My question brings your question back from a false premise - which is why you want no part of it. I can't say I blame you under the circumstances. You have an agenda to push a failed ideology. I wouldn't want any part of my question either if that was my agenda.
At some point reality is going to kick us in the head and even Donald Trump is using the global warming argument to erect a seawall on his Irish golf course. You can't do that for too long before you start to look like a hypocrite.

That is the first accurate things you've said! Like how Al Gore flies around the world in a private jet (the single largest cause of emissions) to tell be about how selfish it is to have a "carbon footprint". Or like how John Kerry told the people of Massachusetts how the "evil 1%" needed to "pay their fair share in taxes" to save the state. And then he went out and purchased a nearly-$1 million yacht and parked it in Rhode Island to avoid paying taxes on it.

As a life-long Democrat, you should be an expert in spitting hypocrisy.

More deflection. You just want to change the dialog to something other than the actual subject. If you want to deride hypocrisy that's fine but it doesn't belong on the same thread.
So the guy who brings up hypocrisy says that this thread is no place for hypocrisy?!? :cuckoo:

(Psst....I highlighted your own words for you above chief. You're looking insane in your last few posts and rapidly losing all credibility in the process).
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

You have it partially right and mostly wrong. It was "poor management" - but you failed to mention poor management by Democrats in Congress. They pissed on the U.S. Constitution for their own selfish greed - a sick hunger for power and a deep thirst for money.

But you are correct on the other part - the non-union, lower wage jobs forced the steel industry overseas. I've been saying that for 10 pages now and you've been arguing, yet your own words prove what you refuse to accept.

Unions certainly had a part but they hardly were the single thing that caused the ruination of an industry. Technology and business advancement took the steel industry and we were ill equipped to compete.We kept making Cadillacs when the Japanese produced a low mileage vehicle with all the extras that car companies charged as standard equipment. The ate us for lunch.
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

You have it partially right and mostly wrong. It was "poor management" - but you failed to mention poor management by Democrats in Congress. They pissed on the U.S. Constitution for their own selfish greed - a sick hunger for power and a deep thirst for money.

But you are correct on the other part - the non-union, lower wage jobs forced the steel industry overseas. I've been saying that for 10 pages now and you've been arguing, yet your own words prove what you refuse to accept.

Unions certainly had a part but they hardly were the single thing that caused the ruination of an industry. Technology and business advancement took the steel industry and we were ill equipped to compete.We kept making Cadillacs when the Japanese produced a low mileage vehicle with all the extras that car companies charged as standard equipment. The ate us for lunch.

Look, Juan....always remember the old adage about wrestling with pigs.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.

You're deflecting, I asked the question first.
I'm not "deflecting" at all. Your question is built on a false premise (it's like asking "why do you beat your wife" - I'm not beating my wife so the question is nonsensical). My question brings your question back from a false premise - which is why you want no part of it. I can't say I blame you under the circumstances. You have an agenda to push a failed ideology. I wouldn't want any part of my question either if that was my agenda.

Deflecting, you're not even trying to answer. The U.S. is number 5 in the standard of living, there must be a country that proves conservative economic policy works.
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

You have it partially right and mostly wrong. It was "poor management" - but you failed to mention poor management by Democrats in Congress. They pissed on the U.S. Constitution for their own selfish greed - a sick hunger for power and a deep thirst for money.

But you are correct on the other part - the non-union, lower wage jobs forced the steel industry overseas. I've been saying that for 10 pages now and you've been arguing, yet your own words prove what you refuse to accept.

Unions certainly had a part but they hardly were the single thing that caused the ruination of an industry. Technology and business advancement took the steel industry and we were ill equipped to compete.We kept making Cadillacs when the Japanese produced a low mileage vehicle with all the extras that car companies charged as standard equipment. The ate us for lunch.

Look, Juan....always remember the old adage about wrestling with pigs.

True. But he's wasting our day with deflection. All he has to do is answer a very simple question.
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.

You're deflecting, I asked the question first.
I'm not "deflecting" at all. Your question is built on a false premise (it's like asking "why do you beat your wife" - I'm not beating my wife so the question is nonsensical). My question brings your question back from a false premise - which is why you want no part of it. I can't say I blame you under the circumstances. You have an agenda to push a failed ideology. I wouldn't want any part of my question either if that was my agenda.

Deflecting, you're not even trying to answer. The U.S. is number 5 in the standard of living, there must be a country that proves conservative economic policy works.
Still running from your false premise. Like I said - I don't blame you. I would too. You know my question makes your question null & void. Which is why you want no part of it. :eusa_dance:
Our problems were largely based on poor management, and by the 1970's technology was more advanced in other countries. Excess global capacity created a dead zone for steel companies in the U.S. and when technology made production cheaper all of those high wage jobs hit the road.

You have it partially right and mostly wrong. It was "poor management" - but you failed to mention poor management by Democrats in Congress. They pissed on the U.S. Constitution for their own selfish greed - a sick hunger for power and a deep thirst for money.

But you are correct on the other part - the non-union, lower wage jobs forced the steel industry overseas. I've been saying that for 10 pages now and you've been arguing, yet your own words prove what you refuse to accept.

Unions certainly had a part but they hardly were the single thing that caused the ruination of an industry. Technology and business advancement took the steel industry and we were ill equipped to compete.We kept making Cadillacs when the Japanese produced a low mileage vehicle with all the extras that car companies charged as standard equipment. The ate us for lunch.

Look, Juan....always remember the old adage about wrestling with pigs.

True. But he's wasting our day with deflection. All he has to do is answer a very simple question.
Irony. The person who refuses to answer a very simply question is complaining that others won't answer a very simply question. Like I said....as a life-long Democrat....you should be an expert at hypocrisy. :eusa_dance:
Who said anything about a "nose job"? Your own link clearly states that it will not cover anything outside of Canda unless it is an absolute medical necessity (i.e. it's not offered in Canada). Sorry brother - it's there for everyone to see and it proves you had no clue what you were talking about and that I was right.

I CANNOT overcome either your stupidity or ignorance or delusion.......Now you want to "debate" what is an "absolute medical necessity...."

Look in your ignorance YOU stated that Canada does NOT pay her citizens for health care in the U.S.....The link proves YOU WRONG....Live with it, Poodle.

LMAO! Only a liberal could post something that proves them wrong and them attempts to deny it. I highlighted it in blue genius. It's there for everyone to see. Canadians can only come to the U.S. for healthcare and have the costs covered by the government if it is some special procedure offered in Canada. Your own link said as much. No you're getting all upset over the realization that you were lying and I caught you in the lie.

A Canadian cannot come to the U.S. for open heart surgery unless they pay for it themselves because Canada offers open heart surgery. Sorry chief....you missed the fine print and now you're regretting that you just proved that you want the U.S. to move to a failed healthcare model. :eusa_dance:
The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.
BTW, our tax rate on businesses may be the highest ON PAPER...but we all know that virtually NO ONE pays that rate given the thousands of loop holes......If you don't agree, ask Trump.

Which is vintage liberal "logic" at its finest. Do you know what a system like that does? It opens up the entire system for massive fraud. If you simplify the tax code - say a 10% tax rate with no tax deductions permitted - you eliminate nearly every possible form of fraud. At the same time, you attract businesses and jobs to the U.S. instead of running them out.

You're letting your ideology trump reality and that is sad. If you would just accept that fundamental truth above, the U.S. would prosper. Instead, you've been trained to believe that the exact policies which collapsed Detroit are the keys to "success". :eusa_eh:

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