I Have A Question For Republicans

I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S.

Well, your ilk is running behind a clown who used the mantra, "Make America Great Again" implying that we are currently not all that "remarkable" ....
And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.
European refugees seem to like France, Germany and the UK. The big draw for the US is that we're surrounded by suffering. I don't see Canadians rushing across the border.
Really? Maybe you should watch the news more often. Canada's PM rushed across the border and down to Florida for life-saving heart surgery because universal healthcare blows. Happens every single day. A Canadian comes down here for life saving healthcare. And yet Dumbocrats across the U.S. want us to mimic that failed system.
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Do you even really know what happened? Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community ReInvestment Act which removed risk for banks. Why? Because in vintage socialism stupidity, the Democrats believed "everybody deserves a home". Uh...no. No they don't. Only those people who can afford a home deserve a home.

So what happened? The banks - without any risk - were incentivized to make risky loans to anyone for any reason (since the loans were backed by Freddie and Fannie). Now, people owned homes that can't afford them. Eventually, they started to default on those home loans. As more and more people started to default, the market became more and more saturated with homes that the banks were auctioning off to get out from under and recover some cash. This caused the housing market to plummet. Pretty soon, even people who could afford their homes were punished by plummeting housing prices causing them to lose all equity in their home.

This is what Democrat socialism does - punishes the masses so that everyone is "equal". It always ends the same: famine, povert, misery. Detroit.
I think it was Alan Greenspan who said he'd underestimated the greed of the market. A bit of an understatement. Wall Street need to be put in check and it ain't happening under either of our two major parties.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.

Let's review the "bait" above......A liberal is to name a country that is as "remarkable" as the US....and then quickly have right wingers repeatedly state...."...then why the fuck don't you move there...."

The typical retort expected from a 7 year old.
Really? Maybe you should watch the news more often. Canada's PM rushed across the border and down to Florida for life-saving heart surgery because universal healthcare blows. Happens every single day. A Canadian comes down here for life saving healthcare. And yet Dumbocrats across the U.S. want us to mimic that failed system.

Stupid response......for two reasons:

First there is no denying that we have the best (and most expensive) health delivery system for those who can AFFORD it......Because we pay doctors some very good salaries, we also "steal" good foreign doctors who come here to make a fortune.

Second, the Canadian system allows for Canadians to receive health services within the U.S. BECAUSE THE TAB IS PICKED UP BY THE CANADIAN HEALTH SYSTEM.
I think it was Alan Greenspan who said he'd underestimated the greed of the market. A bit of an understatement. Wall Street need to be put in check and it ain't happening under either of our two major parties.

True....ONLY Sanders has called for a return of a modern-day Glass-Steagal Act which was the BEST way to separate people's savings from the gambling greed of Wall Street bankers.
Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.
European refugees seem to like France, Germany and the UK. The big draw for the US is that we're surrounded by suffering. I don't see Canadians rushing across the border.
Really? Maybe you should watch the news more often. Canada's PM rushed across the border and down to Florida for life-saving heart surgery because universal healthcare blows. Happens every single day. A Canadian comes down here for life saving healthcare. And yet Dumbocrats across the U.S. want us to mimic that failed system.
Well, if our country excels at anything, it's catering to the rich. Do you have the money it takes to say screw it, whatever it costs I'll pay?
Do you even really know what happened? Bill Clinton signed the 1997 Community ReInvestment Act which removed risk for banks. Why? Because in vintage socialism stupidity, the Democrats believed "everybody deserves a home". Uh...no. No they don't. Only those people who can afford a home deserve a home.

Indeed, one of many of Clinton's mistakes.....By the way, the CRA was sponsored by, Sen. Phil Gramm (R, Texas), Rep. Jim Leach (R, Iowa), and Rep. Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R, Virginia).
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You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton policy continued and expanded by W. It was both parties
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Agreed, and the greedy motherfuckers in this case are the ones you voted for
Nonsense. Our entire problem is this immature liberal idealism that nobody should ever experience pain. Had the government left the free market to rise or fail on its own

I believe that some of Marie Antoinette's advisers gave her the same exact advice days before the French Revolution.
Lending establishments believed that the price of housing only went up and therefore stopped performing even cursory checks on whether or not a borrower could afford payments. That's when the shit hit the fan.

You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Agreed, and the greedy motherfuckers in this case are the ones you voted for
Who do you think I voted for? Hint: I didn't vote for anyone on Wall Street.
Yep, and funded by both parties in congress, including Hillary Clinton.

.....which, in your biased mind, should take Cheney and Bush off the hook even though the orders to go to war were uttered by the GWB oval office.......

Do you EVER wonder why you and your ilk blame Obama for so much, but when it comes to Bush you INSIST on bringing congress into the blame game???

Bush called the shots, I have never said otherwise. But he did not do it alone. He had congressional authorization and funding. That's all I am trying to get through your thick head.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S.

Well, your ilk is running behind a clown who used the mantra, "Make America Great Again" implying that we are currently not all that "remarkable" ....

Well, as I've already stated, I think he's the worst of the worst. But that's not shocking considering he really is a liberal. He is on video talking about his love for Democrats and Democrat policy. He made huge finance contributions to Hilary Clinton and Harry Reid.

But that being said - there is some truth to his slogan. What Obama and the Democrats have done to this nation has brought us down a far way from what we used to be.
Obama continued those "tax slashes". If they were so terrible why did he continue them?

From what I've read, THAt was the "devil's bargain" with congress to get the auto industry bailout money.

Wake up, the auto bailout was to save the UAW and keep its money flowing to democrats. It had nothing to do with tax cuts or saving the car companies. The car companies would have been much better off if they had gone through a structured bankruptcy rather than be bailed out with taxpayer funds-----------------------but breaking up those companies could have ended the UAW, that's what it was all about.
Nonsense. Our entire problem is this immature liberal idealism that nobody should ever experience pain. Had the government left the free market to rise or fail on its own

I believe that some of Marie Antoinette's advisers gave her the same exact advice days before the French Revolution.

That's a remarkable statement. There was no free market under Maria Antoinette. There was a dictatorship. The same thing that liberals essentially call for here in the U.S. Your proving that the U.S. should unilaterally reject the very policies that you advocate for.
Really? Maybe you should watch the news more often. Canada's PM rushed across the border and down to Florida for life-saving heart surgery because universal healthcare blows. Happens every single day. A Canadian comes down here for life saving healthcare. And yet Dumbocrats across the U.S. want us to mimic that failed system.

Stupid response......for two reasons:

First there is no denying that we have the best (and most expensive) health delivery system for those who can AFFORD it......Because we pay doctors some very good salaries, we also "steal" good foreign doctors who come here to make a fortune.

Second, the Canadian system allows for Canadians to receive health services within the U.S. BECAUSE THE TAB IS PICKED UP BY THE CANADIAN HEALTH SYSTEM.
Not true at all. Stop spreading misinformation....

Canadian Premier's Heart Surgery Plans Raise Questions About Health Care | Fox News
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

I would think that if we did have a surplus then we could afford to cut taxes.
You don't know what you're talking about. It was a Clinton administration policy to build up the sub prime market and the Fed funded it. W kept doing it
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Agreed, and the greedy motherfuckers in this case are the ones you voted for
Who do you think I voted for? Hint: I didn't vote for anyone on Wall Street.

Gus Hall?
Don't take my word for it:

For the Last Time, Fannie and Freddie Didn't Cause the Housing Crisis

BTW, did you listen to the Giant Pool of Money?

I didn't say Fannie and Freddie caused it, what's your point?
My point is that when you give greedy mutherfuckers free reign to be greedy mutherfuckers, disaster soon follows.

Agreed, and the greedy motherfuckers in this case are the ones you voted for
Who do you think I voted for? Hint: I didn't vote for anyone on Wall Street.

Gus Hall?
You have a funny obsession. I had to look him up to know who you were talking about.
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