I Have A Question For Republicans

The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.
By the way chief....no two states have been more successful in the past decade or so than Texas and North Dakota. Two overwhelmingly conservative states. And the failure of liberalism has been so spectacular, previously Dumbocrat-controlled states such as Ohio and Wisconsin have turned their states over to conservatives.

North Dakota hasn't been doing so well of late it seems the glut of oil is taking a toll and Texas is the leader of low wages, no insurance, and the lowest number of graduating seniors in the U.S.
And yes there is an abundance of jobs, wealth, and prosperity....all while Detroit filed for bankruptcy and the students sit in dilapidated buildings that cave in on them and violence is everywhere. I'll take Texas any day and so would every rational human in the world.

Not lately there isn't. I'm also grateful that Michigan has a Republican Governor who can't take his finger out of his ass long enough to give his brain some oxygen.
And yes there is an abundance of jobs, wealth, and prosperity....all while Detroit filed for bankruptcy and the students sit in dilapidated buildings that cave in on them and violence is everywhere. I'll take Texas any day and so would every rational human in the world.

Oil prices may be reaching the bottom of the barrel – but for the state that was at the epicenter of the shale-oil boom in the past few years, North Dakota has ridden out this year’s bust. So far.

Mining layoffs hit the self-styled “legendary” state, with about 10,000 total jobs lost over the past 12 months ending in October, but the total unemployment rate in North Dakota is 2.8%, far below the 5% average nationwide.

But if oil prices remain at the current six-year low of around $35 a barrel, 2016 could bring some pain. Low oil prices led Moody’s Analytics to forecast that North Dakota “will underperform the nation for the next several years [and] will flirt with recession through early 2016.”

North Dakota's oil-heavy economy is hanging on, but for how long?
How exactly is that "deflection"? It's just proof that money and power affords someone the luxury of not being found guilty of anything. How could Obama possibly be found guilty of anything when he appointed Eric Holder (and his successor) as Attorney General of the Justice Department? Do you really think Holder or his successor are going to prosecute their own boss?!?! :cuckoo:

MORON....It is not up to the DOJ to bring suit against the president...as with the ACA, IT IS UP TO CONGRESS, if it so wishes, to bring suit in federal court.
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
How exactly is that "deflection"? It's just proof that money and power affords someone the luxury of not being found guilty of anything. How could Obama possibly be found guilty of anything when he appointed Eric Holder (and his successor) as Attorney General of the Justice Department? Do you really think Holder or his successor are going to prosecute their own boss?!?! :cuckoo:

MORON....It is not up to the DOJ to bring suit against the president...as with the ACA, IT IS UP TO CONGRESS, if it so wishes, to bring suit in federal court.

OMG.....LMAO!!! Dude....the ACA wasn't "charges against the President". It was challenging the Constitutionality of the bill - Obamacare. That's why that went before the Supreme Court. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Charges of criminal actions are not the responsibility of Congress (the legislative branch). That would be the Department of Justice you buffoon. You don't even understand how your own government works. You are so unqualified to even be here discussing any of this. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
MORON....It is not up to the DOJ to bring suit against the president...as with the ACA, IT IS UP TO CONGRESS, if it so wishes, to bring suit in federal court.

I seriously can't stop laughing at this. You're completely unaware of your own structure of government and you've clearly never read the U.S. Constitution. Because the Constitutionality of the Obamacare bill was properly challenged, you interpreted that to mean that Congress is responsible for bringing criminal charges against the United States President.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Holy crap is that hilarious (in a very tragic kind of way). I can see why you vote Dumbocrat. God Bless you son. You are really going to need it in life.
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
Well now you're just making me laugh. They have to put up nets at the Chinese factories to keep their slaves from killing themselves. A worthless piece of shit like you would probably have been executed on your first week.

I'm really curious to hear how you seem to arrived at the conclusion that you are well informed or intelligent. Tell me what you've ever done besides post insanity (apparently 12 hours a day) on this forum. Inquiring minds want to know.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product.

Well, being a Dumbocrat, I wouldn't expect you to understand any of this so I am going to take the time to explain it for you. First - the labor costs are not small. They are massive. With the unions pervasive in the steel industry, you had higher than normal wages. But that is but a portion of the labor costs. Then you have outrageous healthcare benefit costs for the workers. On top of that, you had outrageous pensions costs for the workers. On top of that, you had outrageous vacation and limitation of duties (which limits productivity of the company). Roll all of that up together and the labor costs were massive. Dumbocrats can't think beyond the end of their nose and comprehend that the salary is but a portion of the overall compensatory labor costs.

But even that doesn't scratch the surface. Because after the labor costs you then had the outrageous U.S. corporate taxes. And then after that, you had the outrageous regulatory costs.
You guys simply haven't accepted the reality yet that businesses are no different from a consumer. They will go wherever they can get the best deal. If you think Apple wanted to spend the hundreds of billions of dollars to travel all the way to China, build facilities, recruit and train workers, all under an unstable communist regime, you are beyond help. Nobody wants to do that. Every single corporation in the entire world would prefer to have their operations here in the U.S. where there is a stable government. But sadly, Dumbocrat marxist policy forces all of these operations overseas.
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
Well now you're just making me laugh. They have to put up nets at the Chinese factories to keep their slaves from killing themselves. A worthless piece of shit like you would probably have been executed on your first week.

I'm really curious to hear how you seem to arrived at the conclusion that you are well informed or intelligent. Tell me what you've ever done besides post insanity (apparently 12 hours a day) on this forum. Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah genius....because it's an oppressive communist nation. It's a hopelessness that leads to high suicide rates. And a dumb ass like you wants to bring that here to the U.S.! If I didn't laugh about your stupidity, I would cry... :lol:
Are you fricken serious? To get slave labor that works under an oppressive government for 25 cents an hour, Apple would have established a colony in space if they had to.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
Well now you're just making me laugh. They have to put up nets at the Chinese factories to keep their slaves from killing themselves. A worthless piece of shit like you would probably have been executed on your first week.

I'm really curious to hear how you seem to arrived at the conclusion that you are well informed or intelligent. Tell me what you've ever done besides post insanity (apparently 12 hours a day) on this forum. Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah genius....because it's an oppressive communist nation. It's a hopelessness that leads to high suicide rates. And a dumb ass like you wants to bring that here to the U.S.! If I didn't laugh about your stupidity, I would cry... :lol:
Nice dodge. So genius, what HAVE you ever done?
OMG.....LMAO!!! Dude....the ACA wasn't "charges against the President". It was challenging the Constitutionality of the bill - Obamacare. That's why that went before the Supreme Court. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Charges of criminal actions are not the responsibility of Congress (the legislative branch). That would be the Department of Justice you buffoon. You don't even understand how your own government works. You are so unqualified to even be here discussing any of this. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Speaking of God....you are truly a MORON.....

Challenges to the ACA were brought by republicans mostly in red states and the challenges were backed by the GOP both in congress and in state legislatures. The GOP LOST

My point you dimwit is that if Congress wants to challenge the president EO on immigration they have REFUSED to do so because their scared of being voted out.

You eternal IDIOT, the DOJ brings federal suit mostly when a state enacts something unconstitutional. Of course the Obama DOJ didn't bring suit against Obama.

You are more stupid than usual flopping like a flounder trying to nitpick trying to survive your immense stupidity.
I seriously can't stop laughing at this. You're completely unaware of your own structure of government and you've clearly never read the U.S. Constitution. Because the Constitutionality of the Obamacare bill was properly challenged, you interpreted that to mean that Congress is responsible for bringing criminal charges against the United States President.

Listen fuckhead, there are slightly more intelligent right wingers to debate since you're just plainly stupid... First of all I NEVER stated "criminal charges" that you go out of your own behind.

Here, for you to put in that half brain of yours since CONGRESS CAN opt to sue the president....

When the U.S. House of Representatives voted 225-201 to authorize Speaker of the House John Boehner to sue President Barack Obama, it marked the first time in American history that a chamber of Congress has approved a lawsuit against the president.
Exactly!!! My god dude....it's called reading comprehension. You just agreed with what I said while believing I said something else. :bang3:

Apple does not want to be in China. But they will go there (and did) or will go to space if they can get a deal that saves them trillions of dollars over decades. Liberals are the biggest scumbag hypocrites. As a consumer, you shop for the best deal. You're not going to pay $1,500 for the exact same HD tv at Target if you can get at Walmart for $800. You know you're not. Well, it's the same thing for Apple. They are going to pay insane U.S. wages, insane U.S. taxes, and insane U.S. regulations when they can save trillions of dollars by doing it all in China. If you give Apple the exact same deal here that they had in China, they would never have moved their operations overseas. Nobody wants to be under the unstable, communist regime of China. But they have no choice when Dumbocrats make it unsustainable to keep operations here in the U.S.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
Well now you're just making me laugh. They have to put up nets at the Chinese factories to keep their slaves from killing themselves. A worthless piece of shit like you would probably have been executed on your first week.

I'm really curious to hear how you seem to arrived at the conclusion that you are well informed or intelligent. Tell me what you've ever done besides post insanity (apparently 12 hours a day) on this forum. Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah genius....because it's an oppressive communist nation. It's a hopelessness that leads to high suicide rates. And a dumb ass like you wants to bring that here to the U.S.! If I didn't laugh about your stupidity, I would cry... :lol:
Nice dodge. So genius, what HAVE you ever done?
Me? I've consistently voted for candidates that will uphold the U.S. Constitution. That's what we all should be doing. Not voting for Democrat candidates who promise to violate the Constitution and redistribute wealth.
OMG.....LMAO!!! Dude....the ACA wasn't "charges against the President". It was challenging the Constitutionality of the bill - Obamacare. That's why that went before the Supreme Court. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Charges of criminal actions are not the responsibility of Congress (the legislative branch). That would be the Department of Justice you buffoon. You don't even understand how your own government works. You are so unqualified to even be here discussing any of this. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Speaking of God....you are truly a MORON.....

Challenges to the ACA were brought by republicans mostly in red states and the challenges were backed by the GOP both in congress and in state legislatures. The GOP LOST

My point you dimwit is that if Congress wants to challenge the president EO on immigration they have REFUSED to do so because their scared of being voted out.

You eternal IDIOT, the DOJ brings federal suit mostly when a state enacts something unconstitutional. Of course the Obama DOJ didn't bring suit against Obama.

You are more stupid than usual flopping like a flounder trying to nitpick trying to survive your immense stupidity.

Nice try.....but just like the Canadian healthcare you are trying to backpedal now. You actually thought that if Obama engaged in illegal activity it was Congress who was supposed to bring charges. It's the DoJ genius. And of course they aren't going to bring their own boss up on charges (I'm sure many of the employees would like to but the Attorney General appointed by the President sure as hell isn't going to do that).

By the way - what was your point about typing "the GOP lost" in all caps, as if it had some meaning to it? Obamacare is 100% unconstitutional. Just like OJ Simpson 100% committed a double-homicide. There are quite a few reasons for the judicial system failing the American people. It doesn't make reality any less real.
I seriously can't stop laughing at this. You're completely unaware of your own structure of government and you've clearly never read the U.S. Constitution. Because the Constitutionality of the Obamacare bill was properly challenged, you interpreted that to mean that Congress is responsible for bringing criminal charges against the United States President.

Listen fuckhead, there are slightly more intelligent right wingers to debate since you're just plainly stupid... First of all I NEVER stated "criminal charges" that you go out of your own behind.

Here, for you to put in that half brain of yours since CONGRESS CAN opt to sue the president....

When the U.S. House of Representatives voted 225-201 to authorize Speaker of the House John Boehner to sue President Barack Obama, it marked the first time in American history that a chamber of Congress has approved a lawsuit against the president.
We we're discussing criminal charges and you know it. Don't attempt to backpedal now.
The labor to put these things together is a small part of the price of the product. I'd be fine paying a little more if an American could keep their job. You are stupid bordering on insane if you think that American labor could possibly compete with the slaves in China no matter what the tax and regulation structure is here. You really want America to become that kind of oppressive shit hole?
Excuse me? It's Dumbocrats like you that want the U.S. to become oppressive. Oppression doesn't come from businesses or low wages you moron. They come from government control. You're the one voting for Dumbocrat government control 24x7. You don't even understand our system of government, the U.S. Constitution, politics, economics, are terms. The fact that you don't even understand what oppression means (and you think it means low wages) is as fall down hilarious as it is tragic. Go back to school for the love of God. You're so uneducated it is downright frightening.
Well now you're just making me laugh. They have to put up nets at the Chinese factories to keep their slaves from killing themselves. A worthless piece of shit like you would probably have been executed on your first week.

I'm really curious to hear how you seem to arrived at the conclusion that you are well informed or intelligent. Tell me what you've ever done besides post insanity (apparently 12 hours a day) on this forum. Inquiring minds want to know.
Yeah genius....because it's an oppressive communist nation. It's a hopelessness that leads to high suicide rates. And a dumb ass like you wants to bring that here to the U.S.! If I didn't laugh about your stupidity, I would cry... :lol:
Nice dodge. So genius, what HAVE you ever done?
Me? I've consistently voted for candidates that will uphold the U.S. Constitution. That's what we all should be doing. Not voting for Democrat candidates who promise to violate the Constitution and redistribute wealth.
I was really looking for profession but I can see how that might be embarrassing.

I'm curious because you seem to be living in some sort of bizarro ultra-right wing world in which everything you see or hear is further proof that the wealthy must be appeased at all cost before anyone else is given the tiniest crumb. Your story could form the basis for a cautionary tale.
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I was really looking for profession but I can see how that might be embarrassing.

I'm curious because you seem to be living in some sort of bizarro ultra-right wing world in which everything you see or hear is further proof that the wealthy must be appeased at all cost before anyone else is given the tiniest crumb. Your story could form the basis for a cautionary tale.

That summarizes the mindset of the liberal. The belief that things are given instead of earned. It is so irrational. Nobody gives the wealthy anything They simply go out and earn it. Why do you guys insists like acting like victims and pretend that someone is holding you back?
I was really looking for profession but I can see how that might be embarrassing.

I'm curious because you seem to be living in some sort of bizarro ultra-right wing world in which everything you see or hear is further proof that the wealthy must be appeased at all cost before anyone else is given the tiniest crumb. Your story could form the basis for a cautionary tale.

That summarizes the mindset of the liberal. The belief that things are given instead of earned. It is so irrational. Nobody gives the wealthy anything They simply go out and earn it. Why do you guys insists like acting like victims and pretend that someone is holding you back?
And this pretty much summarizes the mindset of your ilk. You get so preoccupied with the details of casual conversation that the point is completely lost. It's like trying to show a dog the moon and he just keeps staring at your finger.
Nice dodge. So genius, what HAVE you ever done?
Me? I've consistently voted for candidates that will uphold the U.S. Constitution. That's what we all should be doing. Not voting for Democrat candidates who promise to violate the Constitution and redistribute wealth.
I was really looking for profession but I can see how that might be embarrassing.

Well most people would say "what do you do" as opposed to "what have you EVER done". But in terms of profession - I've worked most of my life in IT. Recently though I left that to start my own business. Why?

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