I Have A Question For Republicans

You must be thankful that the government saved the economy from collapsing then.

the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.

Unfortunately for your argument there is a recorded recession for 2008, it was way more than a mere market correction, a market correction would not bleed a hundred thousand jobs a month for a year. None of this would have happened unless Alan Greenspan was convinced that paying down the debt would cause the Federal Reserve to lose control over monetary policy, it is why he convinced George Bush to cut taxes to the wealthy to increase the debt.

Economists were definitely worried about the effect of paying off the debt there was even a secret report they circulated like drums beating the bush http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2011/10/20/LifeAfterDebt.pdf

How is that political asskicking doing today in Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma? don't get too comfortable, it was Governor Moonbeam of California that showed everyone how a successful economy is ran by raising taxes. raising wages, and creating safe working laws, California is once again the world's sixth most powerful economy.

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

Except California has a nearly 400 billion dollar debt. Pesky I know

Not pesky at all. California's debt is getting retired quickly and responsibly. Meanwhile California remains a financial juggernaut providing the GDP to make paying down a reality, not like Kansas, one step from bankruptcy because of Tea Party austerity.

According to Huffington, the states with the worst debt problems are California, New York, Texas, New Jersey, and Illinois. Kansas doesn't make their top 10.

Oh...you mean the highly illegal, completely unconstitutional auto industry bailout? Good to know that Barack Obama is not only willing to shake hands with the devil, but he's also willing to break the law. All so that he can stay in power and wealth. Meanwhile, you take your pitiful government table scraps like a good little obedient doggy and beg for more.

Moron, in this case the "devil" was the right wingers in congress......AND tell us how that "illegal auto industry bailout" worked out for our Treasury.....

(I hope you're OK, you seem dumber than usual....I'm worried about you Poodle,)

You do know that the US lost billions on the auto bailout? Please, tell me its not time to school you again?

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

I always get a kick out of the liberal false bravado. They always try to talk themselves into winning elections. Unfortunately for them, there words to decide elections.

As far as the rest of your nonsense - it's very difficult to create jobs under Barack Obama's unconstitutional marxist anti-jobs regulations. The "infrastructure" (as libtards love to say because they feel "smart" saying that word :lol:) is just fine, thank you. I drove on roads every day. I drink water every day. I use electricity every day. Libtards love the term "infrastructure" because they Dumbocrat talking point about the economy is "infrastructure". They can't figure out something else to claim they will do to improve the economy since they raise taxes and devastate businesses with costly, crushing regulations.

The citizens are thrilled across the country that conservatives states (like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, John Kasich in Ohio, and Rick Snyder of Michigan) have corrected devastating state deficits created by tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats. They are thrilled that some of those states have implemented income-tax-free states. They are thrilled that some of the states have passed "Right to Work" laws that prevent the sick coercive unions from forcing them into unions against their will. They are thrilled that many states have defunded Planned Parenthood - causing many to close all across conservative states.

We could go on all day about the failures of Dumbocrat policies and the resounding success of conservative policy but this is actually getting boring at this point. It's so obvious it's like debating whether air and water exists. They are so self-evident that it gets to be absurd posting about it.

All the metrics say your argument is wrong. Michigan falls in the middle of the road in economic rankings, Ohio's weekly take home wage was below the national average, Wisconsin is in the middle also still not coming close to the promise Scott Walker made to bring 250,000 jobs by the end of his first term. Michigan is wallowing in the same ranking and is just treading water. Your argument is not persuasive at all.
Typical libtard nonsense. Ohio's cost of living is considerably lower than California's - so their "take home wage" doesn't need to be inflated. A 1,200 sq ft home doesn't cost $780,000 like it does in California. In Ohio, you build a 4,000 sq ft home for $400,000. You're trying to compare apples to wrenches because the facts prove that the Dumbocrat ideology is a failed ideology.

Furthermore, the American people to elect these conservatives to raise wages. They elected them to prevent their states from going bankrupt because the tax and spend and spend and spend Dumbocrats had spent states into collapse just like the Dumbocrats have done to the federal government with their $19 trillion debt. This is why a hard-core liberal state like Wisconsin finally accepted the fact that liberalism is a failed ideology and turned their state over to conservatives. Scott Walker built a $1 billion per year surplus. Their tax income so greatly exceeded their expenses that Walker cut both income tax and property tax. So the states liabilities are not only met in full, but the people have a lot more money in their pockets. It's they typical win-win of conservative policy:

Despite $1 billion surplus, group says Scott Walker raising state deficit while borrowing is at record high

You fail to recognize that $19 now $20 trillion debt is for interest and debt service on George Bush's tax cuts, Iraq War, and Medicare Part D all not paid for.

Obama care isn't "paid for" either. Matter of fact, I can't think of a single government program enacted in the past 70+ years that has been fully funded.

Whats your point?

Hahahhahaha, if they wrote the numbers from demands then why aren't the numbers better under every president? Ole conspiracy angle huh?

Congress sets the parameters of EVERY CBO report. Its why the CBO stated that Obamacare would be fully funded because Congress required them to use "doc fix" as part of the calculations while understanding that "doc fix" would never be passed into law.

Really? Maybe you should watch the news more often. Canada's PM rushed across the border and down to Florida for life-saving heart surgery because universal healthcare blows. Happens every single day. A Canadian comes down here for life saving healthcare. And yet Dumbocrats across the U.S. want us to mimic that failed system.

Stupid response......for two reasons:

First there is no denying that we have the best (and most expensive) health delivery system for those who can AFFORD it......Because we pay doctors some very good salaries, we also "steal" good foreign doctors who come here to make a fortune.

Second, the Canadian system allows for Canadians to receive health services within the U.S. BECAUSE THE TAB IS PICKED UP BY THE CANADIAN HEALTH SYSTEM.
Not true at all. Stop spreading misinformation....

Canadian Premier's Heart Surgery Plans Raise Questions About Health Care | Fox News

In 2008, the city of Pittsburgh had more MRI machines than the nation of Canada.

Who said anything about a "nose job"? Your own link clearly states that it will not cover anything outside of Canda unless it is an absolute medical necessity (i.e. it's not offered in Canada). Sorry brother - it's there for everyone to see and it proves you had no clue what you were talking about and that I was right.

I CANNOT overcome either your stupidity or ignorance or delusion.......Now you want to "debate" what is an "absolute medical necessity...."

Look in your ignorance YOU stated that Canada does NOT pay her citizens for health care in the U.S.....The link proves YOU WRONG....Live with it, Poodle.

I have a question. If a Canadian can come to the US because his wait time in Canada is too long for an "absolute medical necessity", where will we Americans go when we adapt the Canadian system?

To Mexico?

Still waiting for Rottweiler to answer the question: "Out of 195 countries in the world name one country with a conservative economic policy that has a thriving middle class"

We're looking for countries with lower spending, lower taxes, lower regulations than the United States and with a thriving middle class.
Still waiting for you to answer. I said I would answer that when you would answer my question. You haven't. Because you can't.

You're deflecting, I asked the question first.
I'm not "deflecting" at all. Your question is built on a false premise (it's like asking "why do you beat your wife" - I'm not beating my wife so the question is nonsensical). My question brings your question back from a false premise - which is why you want no part of it. I can't say I blame you under the circumstances. You have an agenda to push a failed ideology. I wouldn't want any part of my question either if that was my agenda.

Deflecting, you're not even trying to answer. The U.S. is number 5 in the standard of living, there must be a country that proves conservative economic policy works.

In which countries do liberal policies work? I would say that the majority of the countries on earth have went the way of "liberal policy". And every one is now suffering from debt. We have the PIIGS(Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) Japan(which is bankrupt yet nobody will "pull the plug') because of what it will do to the world economy, etc...

The problem with your statement is that America isn't so great anymore.

Exactly. Once the rise of the cancer known as liberalism began in the early 1900's, the decline of America began. You continue to prove that everything I've been saying is correct. We need to return to the principles that this country was founded on in 1776. There was no social security. There was no Medicare or Medicaid. There was no Obamacare. Those are all Dumbocrat socialist policies that have drastically dragged down the U.S.

LOL, That's possibly the dumbest statement I have seen since I started reading forums on the Internet in 1992. We have seen what conservative economic policy has done to states like Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma, they wallow in debt and inconvenience, they suffer from the grandest stupidity. Conservatives have brought nothing to our national predicament except the loss of money, jobs, security and promise.

I live in Wisconsin. I am 61 and have never lived anywhere else. Personally, I am not seeing what you are describing.

Dumbocrats ran up enough debt to collapse them, they turned the state over to Scott Walker and by 2014 he had a $1 billion surplus in the annual budget. He then immediately reduced both state income taxes and property taxes. So to summarize, the people have a LOT more money in their pockets now and the state is now able to meet all of their liabilities, plus have some left over.

When grilled by Jonathan Karl on ABC's "This Week" about why he had failed to meet his 2010 pledge to create 250,000 new jobs by almost half, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker changed the topic. "Look we fixed the budget from $3.6 billion in a hole to surpluses," he assured America. According to Walker, Wisconsin is in the black, unemployment is down, and all is well.

But talk to the folks struggling to address the state’s staggering budget deficit and you get a different story.

"Maybe if Governor Walker was actually in the state he was elected to represent, he would know that this budget and this state is a mess. Cutting UW System by $250 million, taking hundreds of millions of dollars from our public schools and auctioning our state parks off to the highest bidder does not equal a surplus...

- See more at: There Is No Budget Surplus in Wisconsin

Dude. Please stop with the links to what are basically Democratic party websites. If you have a point to make, find an unbiased site.

Its like using the KKK when we discuss blacks...

And for the record - I've posted all over this message board how much I hate Donald Trump. He suffers from narcissistic personality disorder and as such, he doesn't even give a damn about his own children, much less the people of America. But the difference between you and I is that I recognize that reality while you don't.

Given the above, then, I are either NOT voting this Nov. or voting for the libertarian party, correct?

I'll tell you what friends - lets just go ahead and end this silly little debate right now. We have indisputable proof that the liberal ideology is a failed ideology and that Democrat policy creates failure in that image. Just one word to end this thing: Detroit.

This city had over 60 years of pure Democrat rule. A Democrat-controlled city council and a Democrat mayor. Not only that, but the city was home to liberals #1 love: unions. And not just any union - but the most powerful union in U.S. history - the UAW. The city was, in short, the ultimate liberal utopia.

The result of that liberal utopia? Famine, poverty, misery. The city is like a third-world country which has filed for bankruptcy. Buildings are completely dilapidated. Education is atrocious. Drugs and prostitution are rampant.

And before anyone even attempts the absurd claim that somehow conservative policy at the state or federal level were somehow to blame, how do you account for other cities flourishing under those same exact policies? You can't. At all. Detroit is just another in a long line of the indisputable proof that liberal policy ends in extreme poverty (U.S.S.R., Cuba, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Vietnam, etc.). Game over.


Before you go here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class?
Before I do (and I can, and I will), here is a question. Out of 195 countries on the earth, can you name any country that is even remotely as remarkable as the United States? How many Cubans board a boat and risk death to make it to Russia? How many Koreans wait in line to become a citizen of Iran? Don't make shit up - name one other nation that people actually do risk their life to make it to.

You can always count liberals to lower the bar. "Let's be more like the nation's beneath us" is the battle cry of the buffoon.

And incidentally- it also illustrates how the modern-day liberal can't finish a sentence without contradicting themselves. They tell us (and I quote) "we are the wealthiest nation in the world and thus we must take care of less fortunate among us with endless free shit and with universal healthcare" and then in the same breath they tell us that we need to be more socialist like the nation's not as wealthy us. Uh....what?!? So in the mind of the liberal we need to get rid of the conservative policy that has made us the world's economic superpower and we need to be more like countries that aren't as successful as us. :cuckoo:
So what was that country that has a conservative economic policy with a vibrant middle class? It's not the US.
I'm waiting for a liberal to first name for me a country that is even remotely as remarkable as the U.S. Another country this people will literally die for to get to.
European refugees seem to like France, Germany and the UK. The big draw for the US is that we're surrounded by suffering. I don't see Canadians rushing across the border.

Why would they? They are Americas attic...

Also how many Mexicans by pass the U.S. and sneak into Canada?

How exactly is that "deflection"? It's just proof that money and power affords someone the luxury of not being found guilty of anything. How could Obama possibly be found guilty of anything when he appointed Eric Holder (and his successor) as Attorney General of the Justice Department? Do you really think Holder or his successor are going to prosecute their own boss?!?! :cuckoo:

MORON....It is not up to the DOJ to bring suit against the president...as with the ACA, IT IS UP TO CONGRESS, if it so wishes, to bring suit in federal court.

Ummm. Nope, its the states. 26 of them in fact.

Rottweiler, I've listened to your staccato like repeat of conservative drivel yet you still haven't answered the question I posed almost 12 hours ago. That tells me that if you were to accidentally swallow a laxative we can all safely bet that in a very short period of time you will simply disappear.

All one has to do to prove you completely wrong is look at the last 80 years years of economic history. It's very simple to see what party leads and what party follows and obstructs. All you do is recycle demonstrable falsehoods and attempt to run them by us as fact. Your narrow minded opinion refuses to be subjected to thought and analysis. You treat the opposition as some sort of mindless lunatics and try to bully people into submission to your own version of stupidity. A famous man once said we may be entitled to our own opinion but we are not entitled to our own version of the facts. It is worthwhile to lay down your sword and explore the facts, you actually might learn something.

I agree with you. The Democrats have had their way for at least 60 years, possibly more. However, as with any "free lunch" I feel that our time at the trough is almost over.

That is the problem with liberalism. As it snowballs, the debt escalates and crumbles the country. Its allure is that we can live well while saddling our children with our debt.

Until we can't anymore. Ask Greece what our future looks like.

All the spin in the world will never negate the fact that Bush and republican majority congress/senate cut taxes while increasing spending like crazy. They also hid Iraq/Afghanistan war debt off the books, and Obama put it back on like a responsible person would. These are facts.

Feel free to criticize Obama all you want about his handling of the debt but the fact remains your supposed fiscally responsible republicans during the Bush era were just as bad or worse. In fact that's why the tea party started, to stop the irresponsible spending in your own party.

Just admit Bush and the republicans back then sucked ass, you have changed, and move on.
All the spin in the world will never negate the fact that Bush and republican majority congress/senate cut taxes while increasing spending like crazy. They also hid Iraq/Afghanistan war debt off the books, and Obama put it back on like a responsible person would. These are facts.

Feel free to criticize Obama all you want about his handling of the debt but the fact remains your supposed fiscally responsible republicans during the Bush era were just as bad or worse. In fact that's why the tea party started, to stop the irresponsible spending in your own party.

Just admit Bush and the republicans back then sucked ass, you have changed, and move on.
What are you talking about? The Republican's still "suck ass". That's why we're seeing true conservatives work on real reform with the Tea Party and the Constitution Party. The sad part is the left isn't doing the same with their side of the aisle. How great would it be to see liberals pushing for a new party that shoves out communists, socialists, and marxists and insists on representatives of integrity?

Thanks to GOP, Washington’s Summer Spending Spree Has Started
They also hid Iraq/Afghanistan war debt off the books, and Obama put it back on like a responsible person would. These are facts.

If that is true - I applaud and salute Obama in a big way. However, do you have anything of substance to back up that claim?
the economy was never going to collapse. you are brainwashed with liberal bullshit.

It absolutely would have had the American people not given Barack Obama one of the biggest political ass-kickings in American history. They turned their cities, counties, and states over to conservatives (especially Tea Party conservatives) in record numbers. They all turn the House over to the Republicans. They later turned the Senate over to Republicans. It sure as hell wasn't because Obama and the Dumbocrats were doing a bang up job.

Unfortunately for your argument there is a recorded recession for 2008, it was way more than a mere market correction, a market correction would not bleed a hundred thousand jobs a month for a year. None of this would have happened unless Alan Greenspan was convinced that paying down the debt would cause the Federal Reserve to lose control over monetary policy, it is why he convinced George Bush to cut taxes to the wealthy to increase the debt.

Economists were definitely worried about the effect of paying off the debt there was even a secret report they circulated like drums beating the bush http://media.npr.org/assets/img/2011/10/20/LifeAfterDebt.pdf

How is that political asskicking doing today in Kansas, Wisconsin and Oklahoma? don't get too comfortable, it was Governor Moonbeam of California that showed everyone how a successful economy is ran by raising taxes. raising wages, and creating safe working laws, California is once again the world's sixth most powerful economy.

The Republican revolution was a grand failure, they didn't create jobs, didn't correct the infrastructure, made no improvements that citizens could point to, I expect in 2018 you will eat your word and the people will rush to the polls to throw the bums out.

Except California has a nearly 400 billion dollar debt. Pesky I know

Not pesky at all. California's debt is getting retired quickly and responsibly. Meanwhile California remains a financial juggernaut providing the GDP to make paying down a reality, not like Kansas, one step from bankruptcy because of Tea Party austerity.

According to Huffington, the states with the worst debt problems are California, New York, Texas, New Jersey, and Illinois. Kansas doesn't make their top 10.


You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

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