I Have A Question For Republicans

an annual net surplus for one year did not eliminate the national debt. So, no, he did not leave a surplus.


Why is the CBO wrong?

they are not wrong. there were budget surpluses in those years, but the national debt increased in each of those years. So Clinton did not "leave a surplus".

Were not talking about the national debt and never have when measuring a surplus. Thats you again throwing in extra conditions never applied before to claim something is different than what it is. Its just like the Unemployment rate. NOW you guys like to throw in other things (people who stopped looking) as a way to say it isnt right.

You change the rules and think that everyone else is supposed to play under them

:lmao: OMG, what an imbecile

You don't know what a surplus means, classic

No, the CBO doesnt! HAR HAR! Isnt that hilarious!! Some numbskull on the interwebs knows better than they do and as proof you use cute smilies!

Hiding from the question. You said the surplus and national debt are completely different. Explain the difference

an annual net surplus for one year did not eliminate the national debt. So, no, he did not leave a surplus.


Why is the CBO wrong?

Date Dollar Amount
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86
09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 3,665,303,351,697.03

They weren't wrong so much as they lied. They declared surpluses while every year Clinton was in office the national debt went up

National Debt and the Surplus are 2 different things. Thats why everytime I ask if there was a surplus the first thing you say is "NATIONAL DEBT". :badgrin:

This should be good. Explain the difference

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson
an annual net surplus for one year did not eliminate the national debt. So, no, he did not leave a surplus.


Why is the CBO wrong?

Date Dollar Amount
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86
09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43
09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62
09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34
09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73
09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39
09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32
09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38
09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521.66
09/30/1991 3,665,303,351,697.03

They weren't wrong so much as they lied. They declared surpluses while every year Clinton was in office the national debt went up

National Debt and the Surplus are 2 different things. Thats why everytime I ask if there was a surplus the first thing you say is "NATIONAL DEBT". :badgrin:

This should be good. Explain the difference

The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton

Other readers have noted a USA Today story stating that, under an alternative type of accounting, the final four years of the Clinton administration taken together would have shown a deficit. This is based on an annual document called the "Financial Report of the U.S. Government," which reports what the governments books would look like if kept on an accrual basis like those of most corporations, rather than the cash basis that the government has always used. The principal difference is that under accrual accounting the government would book immediately the costs of promises made to pay future benefits to government workers and Social Security and Medicare beneficiaries. But even under accrual accounting, the annual reports showed surpluses of $69.2 billion in fiscal 1998, $76.9 billion in fiscal 1999, and $46 billion for fiscal year 2000. So even if the government had been using that form of accounting the deficit would have been erased for those three years.

Brooks Jackson

This is classic, you don't understand what you just posted. That says that accrual deficits would have been worse. It doesn't address the point that while you claim we had cash accounting surpluses every year, the national debt went up.

And if you understood what you're talking about, you could explain it instead of cutting and pasting. So, what's the difference between a surplus and the national debt?

It's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

If it's positive, you have a surplus, if it's negative, you have a deficit. Every year Clinton was President, it was negative because the national debt went up. He never ran a surplus
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit


You just agreed with me ...

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Income - expenditures for the year is the difference in the national debt. When you deficit spend by $500 billion, government has to borrow $500 billion. You're a k-k-kook, what a k-k-klown. That's classic
How dare businesses write off their expenses. Shouldn't be allowed, I feel you

So, if I manage to have a pretty good business profit one year, I can buy myself a Lear Jet and simply state that my business expense was more than my profit so screw you, tax man. Love capitalism.

Can you? Depends whether that's a legitimate expense for the business you're in or not
I've never seen a business that couldn't justify a boondoggle one way or another.
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit


You just agreed with me ...

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

How dare businesses write off their expenses. Shouldn't be allowed, I feel you

So, if I manage to have a pretty good business profit one year, I can buy myself a Lear Jet and simply state that my business expense was more than my profit so screw you, tax man. Love capitalism.

Can you? Depends whether that's a legitimate expense for the business you're in or not
I've never seen a business that couldn't justify a boondoggle one way or another.

Sweeping statement. Here and there, sure. But it's not just the government who cares if you waste money, it's the owners/investors
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit


You just agreed with me ...

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures


So, since every year the national debt went up, government's total expenditures were greater than its total income and there was never a "surplus"
Thank you! Once again my Progressive good friends are AFRAID to post the truth and FACTS.

Who might be surprised? Still a chance for you, what is the RATE of blacks and whites on welfare, food stamps, and other forms of welfare? Come on, no guts, no glory!
Can we include all the big businesses on welfare that pay no taxes and get millions of dollars in grants etc etc ??

Other than solar companies, what big businesses get millions of dollars in grants?

Please share with us specifically who pays corporate taxes?
Do your own DD Just because the rich get handouts differently from the poor doesn't mean they're not on the dole too

How do the rich get handouts when they are paying the bulk of tax revenue?
Ask romney with his paying 10%-12 and that's just what he showed ,,, or trump who probably pays ZERO
Since Romney only showed one return, I suspect ZERO is what he normally pays as well.
Other than solar companies, what big businesses get millions of dollars in grants?

Please share with us specifically who pays corporate taxes?
Do your own DD Just because the rich get handouts differently from the poor doesn't mean they're not on the dole too

How do the rich get handouts when they are paying the bulk of tax revenue?
Ask romney with his paying 10%-12 and that's just what he showed ,,, or trump who probably pays ZERO

Your issue is with the tax code (written mostly be democrats) not with rich people who fully comply with all of our tax laws.

What % did the Clintons pay? How about Kerry and his Heinz heir wife? How about Pelosi and her very rich husband? All rich and all in compliance with the tax code and all paying a lower % than you and me.

Put your bitching where it belongs, on the congress that wrote the tax code to benefit their rich friends.
Clintons been showing their taxes for many years Dump is a lying sack of crap

Ok, then tell us what % of their income they pay to federal income taxes. Then tell us about the Clinton foundation and how much of the money it takes in is used for "salaries and expenses" i.e legal bribes.
Can we include all the big businesses on welfare that pay no taxes and get millions of dollars in grants etc etc ??

Other than solar companies, what big businesses get millions of dollars in grants?

Please share with us specifically who pays corporate taxes?
Do your own DD Just because the rich get handouts differently from the poor doesn't mean they're not on the dole too

How do the rich get handouts when they are paying the bulk of tax revenue?
Ask romney with his paying 10%-12 and that's just what he showed ,,, or trump who probably pays ZERO
Since Romney only showed one return, I suspect ZERO is what he normally pays as well.

Did he comply with the US tax code? yes or no.

Your issue is not with rich people, its with the tax code which was written mostly by democrats.
How dare businesses write off their expenses. Shouldn't be allowed, I feel you

So, if I manage to have a pretty good business profit one year, I can buy myself a Lear Jet and simply state that my business expense was more than my profit so screw you, tax man. Love capitalism.

Can you? Depends whether that's a legitimate expense for the business you're in or not
I've never seen a business that couldn't justify a boondoggle one way or another.

Sweeping statement. Here and there, sure. But it's not just the government who cares if you waste money, it's the owners/investors
Owners and investors know just above 0 about how things get done in a corporation. They get their gut-feel investment information from the CEO who obviously makes the future look as bright as possible.
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit


You just agreed with me ...

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures


So, since every year the national debt went up, government's total expenditures were greater than its total income and there was never a "surplus"

You should send your resume to the CBO
Other than solar companies, what big businesses get millions of dollars in grants?

Please share with us specifically who pays corporate taxes?
Do your own DD Just because the rich get handouts differently from the poor doesn't mean they're not on the dole too

How do the rich get handouts when they are paying the bulk of tax revenue?
Ask romney with his paying 10%-12 and that's just what he showed ,,, or trump who probably pays ZERO
Since Romney only showed one return, I suspect ZERO is what he normally pays as well.

Did he comply with the US tax code? yes or no.

Your issue is not with rich people, its with the tax code which was written mostly by democrats.
Is it actually legal for companies and individuals to park money in offshore tax shelters? That's one thing that Romney did. I can't imagine that's actually legal but then again, tax laws are pretty screwy.
If you know the answers to most...or ANY of these questions, you would never had made the statement you made.

The question WAS and IS.....Can a Trump bitch about the U.S. having the highest tax rate for businesses and STILL pay ZERO in taxes???
How dare businesses write off their expenses. Shouldn't be allowed, I feel you

So, if I manage to have a pretty good business profit one year, I can buy myself a Lear Jet and simply state that my business expense was more than my profit so screw you, tax man. Love capitalism.

Can you? Depends whether that's a legitimate expense for the business you're in or not
I've never seen a business that couldn't justify a boondoggle one way or another.

Sweeping statement. Here and there, sure. But it's not just the government who cares if you waste money, it's the owners/investors
Owners and investors know just above 0 about how things get done in a corporation. They get their gut-feel investment information from the CEO who obviously makes the future look as bright as possible.

Bull crap, that's just your communist swill. I do this for a living, you're full of shit
I'm not pretending to be a tax expert but what I do know is how to look up information and recognize when people are lying.

You say
t's a simple calculation.

A surplus/deficit is

National debt in year n minus National debt in year n+1

Experts say:

Budget surplus is a phenomena that is opposite of budget deficit. It is an important tool of fiscal policy. A government runs a budget surplus when the economy is under inflationary pressure. A budget surplus means either an increase in income through increase in taxes or decrease in government expenditures or both. This decreases aggregate demand, brings down price level and cools off the economy.

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures

Budget Surplus | Definition | Formula | Example

Not one independent body is claiming there was no surplus. That news only comes from Reality haters like yourself who like to replace words with other words. I say Surplus you deficit


You just agreed with me ...

Budget Surplus = Government's Total Income − Government's Total Expenditures


So, since every year the national debt went up, government's total expenditures were greater than its total income and there was never a "surplus"

You should send your resume to the CBO

Why? They are a political organization not an economic one. Which his why they lie to you.

So think about it. If your Income exceeds your expenditures, how can the national debt go up? k-k-kan you esplain that, k-k-klown?

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