I Have A Question For Republicans

You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Like I told Mark, Texas is still 3/4 of a trillion dollars behind California in GDP. They have a very long way to go before they even become close, California broke the 5% unemployed mark and continue to improve every month. I'm glad Texas does well that means Obama's economic plans are working.
You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

Like I told Mark, Texas is still 3/4 of a trillion dollars behind California in GDP. They have a very long way to go before they even become close, California broke the 5% unemployed mark and continue to improve every month. I'm glad Texas does well that means Obama's economic plans are working.
Texas is doing well IN SPITE of The Blamer's policies.
Yep, it will happen, but folks have been predicting it for decades, and so far nobody has been right.

During our last depression, the government had the resources to help the people. If the next depression is caused by government insolvency, do you have any idea what will happen to the American people?

Do you really want to take that chance?

We have had 13 major recessions/depressions since our nation began, so predicting for decades is no big deal.


Government insolvency? You mean like Greece? We are a long way from that. Despite all our troubles, the US economy is still the gold standard, and thus the greenback is still the reserve currency. Which means the government can borrow as much money as they want from the federal reserve. Yes, rates will go up, but US T - Bills will be the safest bet for a long time.

Are we that far removed from the Great Depression that you believe it won't happen here? History is littered with states that believed the same thing you do, with catastrophic results.

In the 1960's, it would have been impossible to imagine the credit rating for our nation being downgraded. And now its happening.

Wake up!!


what the hell are talking about? Believe the same thing I do? You mean that the greenback is the reserve currency, and therefore we are a long way from government insolvency like Greece? I have no doubt we can have a depression, it's just silly to think our government insolvency will cause the next US economic depression.

If we have a depression, who will believe in the stability of the US dollar?

Many countries are already moving away from the greenback as the reserve currency. Foreign nations closely monitored the monetary policy of the United States in order to ensure that the value of their reserves is not adversely affected by inflation.

During Obamas 8 year term, our debt will have roughly doubled. How long do you think that others will still view the US dollar as "good as gold"?


First, US has the largest economy, so if we have a depression, Europe and Asia will suffer just as much. Japan has been in and out of recession it seems since the 90's and they have been printing money; the EU is also printing money and trying to save the weaker economies in the PIGS. Chinese growth has slowed dramatically and they have their own bubbles to deal with.

Which countries are moving away from the US dollar? Oil is traded in dollars- Why is oil priced/traded in U.S. dollars? - Quora.

So what currency is going to replace the greenback? Like I said, buy some gold!
I will not paint all Democrats the same, just as I would not paint all Republicans with the same brush. It is the true believer that slows progress and keeps the parties from negotiating like they once did. America is great because our ancestors weren't afraid to talk and negotiate, and hammer out compromises. These days it is something that will get you removed from the building, and labeled a traitor. It isn't the Democrats afraid to come to the table and frankly that is something you're going to have to come to terms with.

Why would Democrats be afraid to come to the table? They have been winning for years. They have welfare, social security, food stamps, Obamacare, abortion, gay marriage, and on and on and on.

You know why they got all those things? Because conservatives negotiated with them. For decades. Tell me, what have conservatives got in return? Where did the left EVER say, "enough is enough"?


Conservatives have learned that it is impossible to negotiate with the left. They keep getting what they want, and we keep getting the shaft.

And finally, when a non PC guy like Trump tells the truth, the left has protests against him, and he's not even president yet.

If I were a lefty, I'd be damn happy I got away with this as long as they did.


When did Republicans get anything in return? Holy shit, have you not noticed to what extent the corporations control everything these days? Climb out of your bunker every once in a while. You might be surprised by what you see.

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.
You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?

If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.
You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
60 companies doesn't sound like many to me but whatever.
Why would Democrats be afraid to come to the table? They have been winning for years. They have welfare, social security, food stamps, Obamacare, abortion, gay marriage, and on and on and on.

You know why they got all those things? Because conservatives negotiated with them. For decades. Tell me, what have conservatives got in return? Where did the left EVER say, "enough is enough"?


Conservatives have learned that it is impossible to negotiate with the left. They keep getting what they want, and we keep getting the shaft.

And finally, when a non PC guy like Trump tells the truth, the left has protests against him, and he's not even president yet.

If I were a lefty, I'd be damn happy I got away with this as long as they did.


When did Republicans get anything in return? Holy shit, have you not noticed to what extent the corporations control everything these days? Climb out of your bunker every once in a while. You might be surprised by what you see.

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.
You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?

If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
60 companies doesn't sound like many to me but whatever.

depends on how many employees they have, doesn't it?
When did Republicans get anything in return? Holy shit, have you not noticed to what extent the corporations control everything these days? Climb out of your bunker every once in a while. You might be surprised by what you see.

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.
You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?

If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.
You didn't source your claim so I have no way to know what date that was published. That said, California is back on an economic roll, higher taxes, higher wages, and a fully integrated system of business regulation have allowed California to remain the sixth most dynamic business engine in the world. The debt is being retired and unemployment has hit a new low. Life is good in the Golden state.

If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
60 companies doesn't sound like many to me but whatever.

depends on how many employees they have, doesn't it?
Yes it does but if there was a monster in the bunch I think it would have been mentioned. Did they fail to mention that Google left or something?
Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.
You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?

If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
If life is so good in the "Golden State", why are people and corporations leaving?
What people and corporations are leaving? The people who leave, leave because they can't afford housing - they're not the rich. The corporations that leave are the ones that rely on low skill, low wage labor for which we will never be able to compete with third world countries.

Why business is leaving California for Texas
By Yahoo FinanceJuly 2, 2014 2:06 PM


Exodus from California

While CKE isn’t abandoning the Golden State entirely just yet - its base of operation remains in California - others are. Texas Governor Rick Perry has had some success luring businesses to his state with lower taxes and more lax regulation.

In April of this year, Toyota delivered the state of California a pink slip, announcing it would move its U.S. headquarters to Dallas, Texas. Occidental Petroleum Corporation made a similar switcheroo, departing Los Angeles for the energy-friendly base of Houston.

When asked about rumors that CKE may move its corporate headquarters from Anaheim, California to more “business-friendly” states, Puzder said he had no intention of moving from the Golden State. But his two other corporate offices in St. Louis, Missouri and Santa Barbara, California could consolidate as soon as 2017 for “business-friendly purposes."

Read more: Why business is leaving California for Texas


Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California
Posted on 01. June, 2015


Farmer Brothers, a fixture in California for over 100 years, is just another of a long list of firms that, fed up with California’s high taxes and anti-business environment, have left for less costly states. Other recent refugees include Chevron, Nestle, Sony, Charles Schwab, Occidental Petroleum, Toyota, Campbell Soup, Nissan and Comcast, all of which have moved all or a significant portion of their work force out of state.


Read more: Tax Hikes Loom for 2016 Ballot – Companies Leaving California | AOA Magazine


60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
By Michael Reagan
Friday, 04 Apr 2014 04:55 PM

Perry didn’t return with any more coonskins to tack on the wall of his Austin office from this trip, but it’s not for lack of trying. According to Jeff Miller, executive director of Americans for Economic Freedom, there are 60 firms from California that have pulled up stakes and moved their operation to the Lone Star State.


And you don’t have to take my word for it. The numbers back me up. As I wrote earlier, in January, Texas added 30,000 new jobs, while in February California lost 31,000 jobs. And that’s not all. Frank points out individual taxes are so much higher in California that when people move to Texas “most get a 10 percent pay raise — due to the lack of an income tax. The companies get a 10 percent rise in profits, due to lack of state corporate tax. It is win-win in Texas and lose-lose in California.”


Breaking News at Newsmax.com 60 Companies Have Left Calif. for Texas
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
60 companies doesn't sound like many to me but whatever.

depends on how many employees they have, doesn't it?
Yes it does but if there was a monster in the bunch I think it would have been mentioned. Did they fail to mention that Google left or something?

the article says 30,000 jobs. Not a large number but it may signal a trend.
You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?

If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.
If that is directed at me, I would need to know why you think that? The reality of history is crystal clear. Acknowledging religion in America is simply the truth.

It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
It was directed at Redfish.

and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.
Last edited:
I still get PO'd thinking about Reagan and his diatribe about "welfare queens" and the like! He was so full of s#!t!

Your ignorance is astounding. Here is extreme left-wing site Slate.com with an article penned by hard-core liberal Josh Levin about the "welfare queen" herself - Linda Taylor. The premise of the article? That the truth was every bit as bad as Reagan had reported about the "welfare queen" - and in some cases - even worse.

Four decades later, Reagan’s soliloquies on welfare fraud are often remembered as shameless demagoguery. Many accounts report that Reagan coined the term “welfare queen,” and that this woman in Chicago was a fictional character. In 2007, the New York Times’ Paul Krugman wrote that “the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen [was] a gross exaggeration of a minor case of welfare fraud.” MSNBC’s Chris Matthews says the whole thing is racist malarkey—a coded reference to black indolence and criminality designed to appeal to working-class whites.

Though Reagan was known to stretch the truth, he did not invent that woman in Chicago. Her name was Linda Taylor, and it was the Chicago Tribune, not the GOP politician, who dubbed her the “welfare queen.” It was the Tribune, too, that lavished attention on Taylor’s jewelry, furs, and Cadillac—all of which were real.

The Real Story of Linda Taylor, America’s Original Welfare Queen

She had used three Social Security cards, 21 names, 31 addresses, and 25 phone numbers while “tooling around” Chicago in three different luxury cars—a Cadillac, a Lincoln, and a Chevy station wagon. She had used as many as 80 different names and received at least $150,000.

Liberals Are Trying Hard to Tarnish Reagan's Legacy

Bottom line - Ronald Reagan was 100% honest and accurate. And as usual, that pisses off ignorant liberals who prefer liberal propaganda over reality. How embarrassing for you.
and answered.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

Ha! And he thanks you for providing him an 'out'. I wish I could say that he's the first religious person I've met that keeps their hypocracy neatly compartmentalized but he's not.

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

There is a word for this kind of absurd ideology - it is called communism. And it has been a spectacular failure all over the world because it incentives people not to work and produce. With nobody working and producing, society quickly collapses. Just ask the former Soviet Union.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

Really? Name one. It's is because of the lucrative endeavor by Bill Gates that your even able to post that absurd claim.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them
my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

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