I Have A Question For Republicans

I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

They make an emense profit off of our society and are expected to contribute to it

Both Gates and Oprah pay significantly less than they would have paid thirty years ago
what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

an employment contract is a voluntary agreement. " I agree to pay you $X to do job Y for 40 hours a week" " I agree to do job Y for $X for 40 hours a week".

No one is being gouged. If you don't like what that employer is offering to pay, don't work for him. He has no obligation to pay you what YOU THINK YOU ARE WORTH.

Trump has thousands of employees and they all speak highly of him. He has more female executives than male. Who is being cheated?
what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

They make an emense profit off of our society and are expected to contribute to it

Both Gates and Oprah pay significantly less than they would have paid thirty years ago

The tax code was put in place by congress, congress has been controlled by democrats for most of the last 80 years, if you have a problem with tax rates, tell your democrat congressman or senator.

What do you consider an "emmense" (sic) profit? Which corporations are making such profit rates? As usual you don't know what you are talking about.
But you do expect them to contribute to society.

Really? First of all - who sets that expectation and where does it come from? I love how liberals arbitrarily declare power where no such power exists. Additionally, where is that expectation for yourself and all of your fellow liberal "welfare queens" who mooch off of society 24x7? Why do you have an equal expectation for all people instead of the successful people that you hate?

You do expect them to treat their workers fairly. There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

You know what I expect? Freedom. Liberty. If you don't like how I run my company or how I treat my people, you don't have to work here. Go find another job. I'd rather have people who are grateful to be here.

Second, where do you derive the power to force anybody to do anything?
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

an employment contract is a voluntary agreement. " I agree to pay you $X to do job Y for 40 hours a week" " I agree to do job Y for $X for 40 hours a week".

No one is being gouged. If you don't like what that employer is offering to pay, don't work for him. He has no obligation to pay you what YOU THINK YOU ARE WORTH.

Trump has thousands of employees and they all speak highly of him. He has more female executives than male. Who is being cheated?
Damn...you beat me to it RF! :lol:
^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

True. The left hasn't realized, after years of failed countries, that their policies take away incentive for everyone to succeed. The folks at the bottom get a free ride so they have no incentive to improve themselves. They have incentive to vote for those promising more, but that's about it. Tax payers have to lose more and more of their income to fund the free rides so they get tired of working hard and not getting ahead. Not only that, but rising costs and higher taxes are apt to push the middle class down to the level of poor. Those at the top often get a pass, depending on which side of the fence they are on. Look at Al Sharpton. Who has he helped with all the millions that sifted through his hands? Oh yea, he's one of the wealthy who gets out of paying millions in taxes and figures the little people can make up the difference. Libs have promised for decades that they'll go after the wealthy. They never do and they've had plenty of chances. Liberals love wealth as much, if not more so, than others. Hillary will take money from anyone, even the sleaziest of countries. Does anyone believe that the left wants to attack the wealthy? When will people realize that they need to have victims and a villain and if they ever seriously solved problems, they would have nothing to run on? Libs have run on the same platform forever and they need to keep class and race wars going or they will be irrelevant.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

an employment contract is a voluntary agreement. " I agree to pay you $X to do job Y for 40 hours a week" " I agree to do job Y for $X for 40 hours a week".

No one is being gouged. If you don't like what that employer is offering to pay, don't work for him. He has no obligation to pay you what YOU THINK YOU ARE WORTH.

Trump has thousands of employees and they all speak highly of him. He has more female executives than male. Who is being cheated?
Don't you find it comical in a tragic kind of way how entitled RW and his ilk feel? Everyone exists to serve them. Unbelievable arrogance. "I expect people to contribute to society". Really RW? And you get that expectation from where? Who made you dictator to place expectations on others? And why don't you place those same expectations on yourself and your fellow welfare queens?
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

an employment contract is a voluntary agreement. " I agree to pay you $X to do job Y for 40 hours a week" " I agree to do job Y for $X for 40 hours a week".

No one is being gouged. If you don't like what that employer is offering to pay, don't work for him. He has no obligation to pay you what YOU THINK YOU ARE WORTH.

Trump has thousands of employees and they all speak highly of him. He has more female executives than male. Who is being cheated?

Typical deflection and obfuscation! Plenty of people have said he doesn't pay up regardless of a contract! He's a cheat and a fraud! Why laud such despicable behavior? :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:
^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

an employment contract is a voluntary agreement. " I agree to pay you $X to do job Y for 40 hours a week" " I agree to do job Y for $X for 40 hours a week".

No one is being gouged. If you don't like what that employer is offering to pay, don't work for him. He has no obligation to pay you what YOU THINK YOU ARE WORTH.

Trump has thousands of employees and they all speak highly of him. He has more female executives than male. Who is being cheated?

Typical deflection and obfuscation! Plenty of people have said he doesn't pay up regardless of a contract! He's a cheat and a fraud! Why laud such despicable behavior? :anj_stfu: :argue: :9:

A few of those that he has beaten in business deals are crying sour grapes " Donald made a better deal than I did, so I'm going to cry in my beer and call him names".

No businessman can succeed like Trump has unless he lives up to deals he made and treats employees and business associates fairly and with respect. Requiring that people live up to contracts that they sign is neither cheating or fraud------its business.

This country would be much better off today if our government lived up to the contract that it swore allegiance to----the constitution.
Answered by whom - Rottweiller?

And I don't remember anyone addressing this one:

my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
No, not everyone deserves a trophy but everyone who works hard should not have to choose between food and medical care either.

You sound like a retiree (crotchety and senile) who has yours and don't give a fuck if anybody else gets theirs. Pathetic.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

There is a word for this kind of absurd ideology - it is called communism. And it has been a spectacular failure all over the world because it incentives people not to work and produce. With nobody working and producing, society quickly collapses. Just ask the former Soviet Union.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

Really? Name one. It's is because of the lucrative endeavor by Bill Gates that your even able to post that absurd claim.
And there's a name for the type of thinking that you exemplify. It's called binary thinking.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

There is a word for this kind of absurd ideology - it is called communism. And it has been a spectacular failure all over the world because it incentives people not to work and produce. With nobody working and producing, society quickly collapses. Just ask the former Soviet Union.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

Really? Name one. It's is because of the lucrative endeavor by Bill Gates that your even able to post that absurd claim.
Tell me the wonderful benefits to our nation and our society that have come from Wall Street trading or from the astronomical price gouging from health care companies.
my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
No, not everyone deserves a trophy but everyone who works hard should not have to choose between food and medical care either.

You sound like a retiree (crotchety and senile) who has yours and don't give a fuck if anybody else gets theirs. Pathetic.

yes, I am retired, but neither crotchety or senile. I worked for everything I have, and worked damn hard and long hours and many weeks with no weekends. I paid the maximum into social security every year that I worked. I put 20% or more in a 401K every year, and some years that meant foregoing vacations and new cars, etc. But it has paid off. I earned my retirement.

No one in the USA today has to choose between food and medical care--------that is just left wing bullshit. No one in the USA is refused medical care today, and no one was refused medical care before obozocare. NO ONE, even those here illegally.

If you want a better standard of living stop bitching and get your ass to work. Find a second job, get some training, impress your boss. Take responsibility for your life and stop crying to momma government.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

There is a word for this kind of absurd ideology - it is called communism. And it has been a spectacular failure all over the world because it incentives people not to work and produce. With nobody working and producing, society quickly collapses. Just ask the former Soviet Union.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

Really? Name one. It's is because of the lucrative endeavor by Bill Gates that your even able to post that absurd claim.
Tell me the wonderful benefits to our nation and our society that have come from Wall Street trading or from the astronomical price gouging from health care companies.

Ask Hillary. Wall street, insurance, and big pharma are her biggest contributors. She owes them if she wins-----------------think about that.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Your stupid fucking budget surplus was a myth. Nothing but a stupid bumper sticker slogan. Lock box or other wise. Either way 2000 went if dubya didn't spend it that puss cake Gore and his corrupt fellow democrats would have erased it with what ever action they took to respond to 911. Oh, and the country would have been better off had FDR's polio killed his useless ass before ww2 started. Fuck him. Would love to piss on his gipmy racist grave.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
No, not everyone deserves a trophy but everyone who works hard should not have to choose between food and medical care either.

You sound like a retiree (crotchety and senile) who has yours and don't give a fuck if anybody else gets theirs. Pathetic.

yes, I am retired, but neither crotchety or senile. I worked for everything I have, and worked damn hard and long hours and many weeks with no weekends. I paid the maximum into social security every year that I worked. I put 20% or more in a 401K every year, and some years that meant foregoing vacations and new cars, etc. But it has paid off. I earned my retirement.

No one in the USA today has to choose between food and medical care--------that is just left wing bullshit. No one in the USA is refused medical care today, and no one was refused medical care before obozocare. NO ONE, even those here illegally.

If you want a better standard of living stop bitching and get your ass to work. Find a second job, get some training, impress your boss. Take responsibility for your life and stop crying to momma government.
I'm one of a rapidly shrinking upper middle class who is doing just fine. However, if it were up to the upper management of the company I work for, my job would be in India now. Fortunately for me and the other engineers there, their efforts turned into a disaster and it became obvious that wasn't going to happen.

I can assure you that the young people who are now struggling in the workforce are an order of magnitude more capable than you in most ways but the ruthless turn that the corporate world has taken has made their long term success very tenuous.
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The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

There is a word for this kind of absurd ideology - it is called communism. And it has been a spectacular failure all over the world because it incentives people not to work and produce. With nobody working and producing, society quickly collapses. Just ask the former Soviet Union.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

Really? Name one. It's is because of the lucrative endeavor by Bill Gates that your even able to post that absurd claim.
Tell me the wonderful benefits to our nation and our society that have come from Wall Street trading or from the astronomical price gouging from health care companies.

Ask Hillary. Wall street, insurance, and big pharma are her biggest contributors. She owes them if she wins-----------------think about that.
No shit. That's why I don't support Hillary in spite of the fact that she's far preferable to Trump.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

Your stupid fucking budget surplus was a myth. Nothing but a stupid bumper sticker slogan. Lock box or other wise. Either way 2000 went if dubya didn't spend it that puss cake Gore and his corrupt fellow democrats would have erased it with what ever action they took to respond to 911. Oh, and the country would have been better off had FDR's polio killed his useless ass before ww2 started. Fuck him. Would love to piss on his gipmy racist grave.
Amen to that!!! FDR was one of the biggest dirt-bags in U.S. history.

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