I Have A Question For Republicans

I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
No, not everyone deserves a trophy but everyone who works hard should not have to choose between food and medical care either.

You sound like a retiree (crotchety and senile) who has yours and don't give a fuck if anybody else gets theirs. Pathetic.

yes, I am retired, but neither crotchety or senile. I worked for everything I have, and worked damn hard and long hours and many weeks with no weekends. I paid the maximum into social security every year that I worked. I put 20% or more in a 401K every year, and some years that meant foregoing vacations and new cars, etc. But it has paid off. I earned my retirement.

No one in the USA today has to choose between food and medical care--------that is just left wing bullshit. No one in the USA is refused medical care today, and no one was refused medical care before obozocare. NO ONE, even those here illegally.

If you want a better standard of living stop bitching and get your ass to work. Find a second job, get some training, impress your boss. Take responsibility for your life and stop crying to momma government.
You're an idiot. People are refused medical care all the time. Going to the emergency room is NOT medical care. It's a last resort.

Republicans to Block Legislative Fix to Health-Care Law
You're an idiot. People are refused medical care all the time. Going to the emergency room is NOT medical care. It's a last resort.

Actually...you are the idiot. No one is denied anything. People like you to choose to spend your money on iPhones, internet, and drugs. Take that money and put it towards a good health insurance policy and you would have great healthcare. It's a choice. Liberals just choose badly because they have the mental capacity of small children. Then they want to blame society for their choices.
what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

That's Dim propaganda. Trump's employees love him and love working for him.
If you remember, Clinton also left a recession. A dot-com collapse and Y2K.
If you remember the Republicans controlled Congress, the same excuse the Right uses to absolve Bush II of all blame for his Great Recession!!!!!!!
The Republicans in the House balanced the Budget when clinton didn't even bother to try........

When Bush came into office the economy was in a recession...
While the Republicans controlled the House and Senate.
my post and your question:

Money controls everything. anyone who denies that is a fool.

You sounded religious in the previous post. What would Jesus think about that?"

Jesus would think that I was being truthful about our society as it is today. He would not condone the love and power of money, nor do I.

Our society is degrading and will continue to degrade unless we return to God and his teachings. I am not advocating a state religion, just the opposite. People of all religions should practice the teachings and guidelines of right and wrong in accordance with their religion. I think even atheists have some idea of what is right and what is wrong.
I'm not an atheist but I have found greater moral integrity among their ranks than I have with most religious people. I would hope that anyone who sees the direction that unbridled capitalism is taking us would rail against it in any way they can.

what you call unbridled capitalism made this country the most successful in the history of the world. Yes, there are winners and losers. That's life, deal with it. Everyone does not deserve a trophy.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.
No, not everyone deserves a trophy but everyone who works hard should not have to choose between food and medical care either.

You sound like a retiree (crotchety and senile) who has yours and don't give a fuck if anybody else gets theirs. Pathetic.

Feel free to write them a check. People are entitled to whatever they can get by trading voluntarily with their fellow humans on the free market. Anything beyond that is theft.
The national debt rose under Bill Clinton ever year he was in office just as it has with those before him and since him so the idea that he could have left surpluses to eliminate the national debt by 2012 while at the same time having it increase during his Presidency is more than a little silly.
And by the same token the GOP National Debt never rose less than $420 billion under Bush II even though the Right claims it only rose $168 billion in fiscal 2007.
When I talk about infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Well, what I mean is
2005 levels for infrastructure. We're currently at the lowest level in the last 70 years.
Science? Maybe 30 billion more. Would be nice for America to build some of the big telescopes again and have our own fusion experiments on our own land instead of fucking france.
R&d, public investment use to make up 70% of all said investment...We're lucky to get half that now.
education??? The poor get next to shit and we do very little to correct the problems within the system.

That is what I really mean.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

That's Dim propaganda. Trump's employees love him and love working for him.
I find that very hard to believe. Anyone who forces people around him to refer to him as "Mr. Trump" cannot be pleasant to work for. I'm willing to bet almost everyone around him hates him to their core. Hell - he's the Republican nominee for president and he can't even refrain from firing his campaign manager during the most crucial stretch. That speaks volumes.

The guys is an asshole. Anyone who doesn't recognize that is simply lying to themselves.
When I talk about infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Well, what I mean is
2005 levels for infrastructure. We're currently at the lowest level in the last 70 years.
Science? Maybe 30 billion more. Would be nice for America to build some of the big telescopes again and have our own fusion experiments on our own land instead of fucking france.
R&d, public investment use to make up 70% of all said investment...We're lucky to get half that now.
education??? The poor get next to shit and we do very little to correct the problems within the system.

That is what I really mean.
I'd be happy to fund that if you take it out of the welfare budget.
The difference between winning and losing as you call it is too stark. Yes there need to be a reward for 'winning' but it's becoming all or nothing. That starkness will intensify further unless there's either a willful change of course or a violent revolution.

EDIT: I would further contend that the most lucrative endeavors have little or no positive effect on society.

^^^^this folks is the liberal mind in action. Everyone deserves a trophy, all profits should be shared with society equally, no one should ever lose or come in second.

this clown, like most liberals, is jealous of successful people and wants the government to find ways to punish them for their success--------------unless of course the successful person is a fellow liberal like the Clintons, Whoopi, Oprah, Beyoncé, Sarandon, Clooney, etc. Because they spout liberal propaganda they get to keep their wealth.

Once again, the liberals on this board prove that liberalism is a mental disease that prevents logical rational thinking.

You don't punish people for their success

But you do expect them to contribute to society. You do expect them to treat their workers fairly.

There was a time they did it voluntarily, when they stop, you have to force them

more liberal bullshit. Does Bill Gates contribute to society? Does Oprah?

Do the taxes that the rich pay contribute to society? Does creating jobs contribute to society?

WTF more do you want business to do? Forego all profit and just break even? How long would they be creating new jobs if they did that?

You libs have no idea how business or the American economy works. You live in fantasy land.

Want to see how socialism really works? look at Venezuela.

I couldn't care less if business makes huge profits, but if they do, there's no reason to gouge their employees! I've been lucky in the past to work for companies that were very generous with benefits, bonuses, contributing to pensions, and treating employees to outings to celebrate holidays and milestones! Then I hear about Trump who's supposedly a billionaire and he cheats people at every level and opportunity! Hopefully there will be a reckoning with such a sleaze-ball! :argue:

That's Dim propaganda. Trump's employees love him and love working for him.

You sound like Trump himself! He's such a pathetic and juvenile soul, I wouldn't doubt it! Maybe the ones he actually pays! :anj_stfu: :argue: :ahole-1: :9:
When I talk about infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Well, what I mean is 2005 levels for infrastructure. We're currently at the lowest level in the last 70 years. Science? Maybe 30 billion more. Would be nice for America to build some of the big telescopes again and have our own fusion experiments on our own land instead of fucking france.

Listen to the special interest tool begging for money because he chose a useless major in college.

Here is the bottom line junior: it is illegal for the federal government to fund science. Listening to you drone on about this annoying topic over and over and over because you're desperate to have dollars thrown at you has become nauseating for all of us on USMB. You want money for your science studies - then convince people in the private sector that it's worth them throwing their hard-earned money at you.

R&d, public investment use to make up 70% of all said investment...We're lucky to get half that now.
Do you know how much "public investment" there should be? 0%. That's right junior - 0%. Even 0.0001% would be illegal. We have laws in this country and you don't get to violate them simply because you can't convince the private sector that you're worth a damn.
The poor get next to shit and we do very little to correct the problems within the system.
That speaks volumes about how lazy and how greedy you are. The poor would get everything they need if you would donate your own money to them and if you'd get up off your ass and do fund raisers for them. You make yourself look really bad when you talk about how you've left the poor out in the cold to starve.
When I talk about infrastructure, science, r&d and education. Well, what I mean is
2005 levels for infrastructure. We're currently at the lowest level in the last 70 years.
Science? Maybe 30 billion more. Would be nice for America to build some of the big telescopes again and have our own fusion experiments on our own land instead of fucking france.
R&d, public investment use to make up 70% of all said investment...We're lucky to get half that now.
education??? The poor get next to shit and we do very little to correct the problems within the system.

That is what I really mean.
I'd be happy to fund that if you take it out of the welfare budget.
Both should disappear. There would be no poor if it weren't for the greedy and lazy liberals like Matthew the science dork.
You sound like Trump himself! He's such a pathetic and juvenile soul...

In all fairness though - who is more pathetic and immature than Hitlery Clinton? What kind of un-American sociopath steals from the White House once their husbands final term has ended? I mean...seriously....who does that?!?

What kind of sociopath is obsessed with being president? One who is desperate for power, fame, and wealth (though admittedly - Trump is exactly the same on this one). Hitlery is old and suffering from serious health problems (she keeps getting dizzy, experiencing coughing fits, etc.) and she just had her first grandchild. Any normal human at that age and with those problems would simply retire and enjoy whatever years they have left with family (average age a woman live to in the U.S. is 74 - Hitlery is 68 - that means statistically she has a whopping 6 years left).

And lets not forget the best part about her - she is a pathological liar. "I landed under sniper fire as first lady". "All 4 of my grandparents came here as immigrants". "We left the White House not only broke, but in debt". "I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary" (except that he became famous after being the first to climb Mount Everest when she was already 6 years old).

I mean - this broad is such a sociopath - she lies about shit that it doesn't even make sense to lie about. One could understand why she would like about her voting record in the Senate or something else political - but why the frick would any idiot lie about "landing under sniper fire" or who they were named after?!?! Even if those claims were true, they aren't even helpful to her political aspirations. It's not like someone will vote for you because you "landed under sniper fire". It just goes to show the depths of her pathological lying. It knows no bounds.
The Republicans in the House balanced the Budget when clinton didn't even bother to try........

When Bush came into office the economy was in a recession...
While the Republicans controlled the House and Senate.

Intesting, and the great recession? Both houses were DEMOCRAT so I guess they are even bigger FUs.. But in the case of the Clinton recession Bush's actions worked, Obama's not so much.
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

A strong feeling that hit me when GW Bush announced his plan to invade Iraq was that he was out to undo the 2 most criticized things about his father's administration. First item was his dad's backpedaling on his pledge, "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then the often heard criticism by those that felt he shouldn't have ended the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein left in power. That has been my impression on the matter, never seen it addressed anyplace so it is simply an impression.
You sound like Trump himself! He's such a pathetic and juvenile soul...

In all fairness though - who is more pathetic and immature than Hitlery Clinton? What kind of un-American sociopath steals from the White House once their husbands final term has ended? I mean...seriously....who does that?!?

What kind of sociopath is obsessed with being president? One who is desperate for power, fame, and wealth (though admittedly - Trump is exactly the same on this one). Hitlery is old and suffering from serious health problems (she keeps getting dizzy, experiencing coughing fits, etc.) and she just had her first grandchild. Any normal human at that age and with those problems would simply retire and enjoy whatever years they have left with family (average age a woman live to in the U.S. is 74 - Hitlery is 68 - that means statistically she has a whopping 6 years left).

And lets not forget the best part about her - she is a pathological liar. "I landed under sniper fire as first lady". "All 4 of my grandparents came here as immigrants". "We left the White House not only broke, but in debt". "I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary" (except that he became famous after being the first to climb Mount Everest when she was already 6 years old).

I mean - this broad is such a sociopath - she lies about shit that it doesn't even make sense to lie about. One could understand why she would like about her voting record in the Senate or something else political - but why the frick would any idiot lie about "landing under sniper fire" or who they were named after?!?! Even if those claims were true, they aren't even helpful to her political aspirations. It's not like someone will vote for you because you "landed under sniper fire". It just goes to show the depths of her pathological lying. It knows no bounds.

When called upon her sniper fire lie she used the following as an excuse. First sleep depredation, and then she stated that she says a lot of things read her book she said something else. Do we really need a president that suffers sleep depredation for a whole year?
When Bill Clinton left a balanced budget with surpluses in line to completely eliminate the national debt by 2012, why did George W. Bush slash tax rates for the rich and double the debt from $5.7 trillion to nearly $12 trillion?

A strong feeling that hit me when GW Bush announced his plan to invade Iraq was that he was out to undo the 2 most criticized things about his father's administration. First item was his dad's backpedaling on his pledge, "Read my lips, no new taxes" and then the often heard criticism by those that felt he shouldn't have ended the Gulf War with Saddam Hussein left in power. That has been my impression on the matter, never seen it addressed anyplace so it is simply an impression.

I've always thought Republicans wanted to bankrupt the country thinking we'd have to slash or eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, and other Nat'l social programs created by the Dems! :banana: :banghead:
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