I have a question for the whole forum


I are as qual fied to be Prezdent as Trump!
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.

Donald Trump clearly meets the eligibility requirements just like President Obama.

That doesn't mean that either is automatically 'qualified' to be President.
Obamas still not qualified to be potus....:lol:
Obama has been anything BUT a president. He has acted as an elected king.
It has become painfully obvious that Obama was in over his head. He did handle the job very well.
He was fair to mediocre at every aspect of the job.
The list of accomplishments reads like the Nielsen ratings for CNN.
Trump is not emotionally qualified or mature enough to be president, and he should expect to be reminded of that every step of the way.
....Narcissistic personality disorder has no place whatsoever in the military. Much less a commanding position in it.
Agreed. Add to this alcoholism and compulsive lying disorder are also disqualifying. So who did you think should have won?

"Alcoholism"? :dunno:

Bad as Rump is he's not known to drink alcohol at all. His problems are internally generated.
His brother died from it and that may be a reason he doesn't drink.

Now --- lines of coke before a debate, that's another matter. ::snort::
He does sniffle a lot
You would if you stood next to the stench he was standing next to!
Melania is not that bad...she just takes some getting used to
She did help trump detox from the stench that was hildabeast
"Alcoholism"? :dunno:

Bad as Rump is he's not known to drink alcohol at all. His problems are internally generated.
His brother died from it and that may be a reason he doesn't drink.

Now --- lines of coke before a debate, that's another matter. ::snort::
He does sniffle a lot
You would if you stood next to the stench he was standing next to!
Melania is not that bad...she just takes some getting used to

If I was a billionaire, I'd probably get used to having a few gold digging whores around myself.
I'd be kiss'n them and grabbing their pussies
We knew that
Trump is not emotionally qualified or mature enough to be president, and he should expect to be reminded of that every step of the way.
Nonetheless he's the President elect because neither the Democrats nor Republicans could come up with anyone better. ;)
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
And, not been convicted of treason...
Not yet
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
There really is,,none.....
Incorrect, there are three.
He said he already knew about the three, soo no need to reiterate
If I recall alcoholism is a unqualified attribute and the closest to that would have been hildabeast. I watched her face plant into an SUV. Laughed my ass off.
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
There really is,,none.....
Incorrect, there are three.
He said he already knew about the three, soo no need to reiterate
If I recall alcoholism is a unqualified attribute and the closest to that would have been hildabeast. I watched her face plant into an SUV. Laughed my ass off.
Yet you have no proof she even drink booze...
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.

Once the qualifications that listed in the Constitution are met, it is the people who determine what constitutes as to who is qualified.

It's as simple as that
This partisan was a republican all my life UNTIL 2 or 3 months after voting for GWB Have never voted repub since and will never again
The worst anti-smokers are often former smokers. Regardless of your voting history prior to 9/11, you've said nothing to dissuade me that you are not a far Left partisan now.
I am a left partisan now not trying to hide it, and am an anti smoker But what I do know is that repubs are bad for America..bad for children bad for the old bad for the kids going to college
I am a left partisan now not trying to hide it, and am an anti smoker But what I do know is that repubs are bad for America..bad for children bad for the old bad for the kids going to college
Of course you are. If you weren't you wouldn't hate those on the right as you do much less declare them as "bad for America..bad for children bad for the old bad for the kids going to college".

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