I have a question for those who hate creationism

How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

I don't hate creationism, people can believe what they want to believe, there is no law against it. Scientifically they can theorize on a big bang, but not provide hard enough evidence to satisfy those who won't believe it anyway.

Let's face it, and be honest about it, there is no evidence I could provide that would make you believe anything but creationism. Your mind is made up and there is no changing it. That is the problem with debates like this one. All the facts in the world will not change the mind of someone who believes in a creator that cannot be proven exists.

The problem comes in when creationists want creationism taught in public schools. The church is the place to teach religion based creationism. The home is the place to teach religion based creationism. Public schools are not the place to teach religion based creationism.
Where did God come from? What is on the other side of the Universe (or, how high is up)? Frankly, why should we care?

Would you P_P change your behavior if today we learned God does not exist? Does your behavior reflect your fear of hell, or desire for heaven? Would you surrender to hedonism if there were no God? Covet your neighbors property or spouse? Do you only obey the law for fear of the consequences?

If God exists, whose side is S/He on?
How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

Glad to educate you. In the first place the question of how the universe started is totally seperate from the creation question. I believe at least one line of Genesis is true, "let there be light"(The Big Bang). Creation of life on earth, however, is a different story. That was accomplished by evolution utilizing the Laws of Chemistry and Physics laid down at the beginning. God created the universe, but used evolution to create life, IMO.
This is a good example of why I don't believe in creationism/intelligent design. If there are 64 possible mRNA codons and 20 amino acids, why do some AAs have 6 codons and some only one? Seems to me that an intelligently designed sysytem would have three for each AA and 2 each for stop and start.
How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

Glad to educate you. In the first place the question of how the universe started is totally seperate from the creation question. I believe at least one line of Genesis is true, "let there be light"(The Big Bang). Creation of life on earth, however, is a different story. That was accomplished by evolution utilizing the Laws of Chemistry and Physics laid down at the beginning. God created the universe, but used evolution to create life, IMO.

Well I think life evolved on earth and i've seen proof of life forms evolving so Im not getting into that part but im really curious as to where the big bang came from.

How does science prove that the big bang happened?
How does science prove how the situation that caused the big bang to happen came to be?
Where did God come from? What is on the other side of the Universe (or, how high is up)? Frankly, why should we care?

Would you P_P change your behavior if today we learned God does not exist? Does your behavior reflect your fear of hell, or desire for heaven? Would you surrender to hedonism if there were no God? Covet your neighbors property or spouse? Do you only obey the law for fear of the consequences?

If God exists, whose side is S/He on?

I dont know the answers to your questions.

I do know you totally ignored what I was asking in the first post.

If you want to post here please dont try and change the subject.

Now I'll be nice and try and give some response to the various questions you asked even though you did not do the same for my simple question.

I dont know where "God" originated from and I dont believe in the concept of heaven and hell. I believe in Karma and a higher power than ourselves exisiting.

that should answer all your questions....now please try to adress mine or stay out of the thread, thanks.
Where did God come from? What is on the other side of the Universe (or, how high is up)? Frankly, why should we care?

Would you P_P change your behavior if today we learned God does not exist? Does your behavior reflect your fear of hell, or desire for heaven? Would you surrender to hedonism if there were no God? Covet your neighbors property or spouse? Do you only obey the law for fear of the consequences?

If God exists, whose side is S/He on?

I dont know the answers to your questions.

I do know you totally ignored what I was asking in the first post.

If you want to post here please dont try and change the subject.

Now I'll be nice and try and give some response to the various questions you asked even though you did not do the same for my simple question.

I dont know where "God" originated from and I dont believe in the concept of heaven and hell. I believe in Karma and a higher power than ourselves exisiting.

that should answer all your questions....now please try to adress mine or stay out of the thread, thanks.

I apologize if you feel my response was a red herring, it was not meant to be. I simply pointed out my opinion and why I'm agnostic.

For your reading pleasure:

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

Einstein touches on your question in many of these quotes.
How did the universe come into being?

Opine and Educate me please.

Glad to educate you. In the first place the question of how the universe started is totally seperate from the creation question. I believe at least one line of Genesis is true, "let there be light"(The Big Bang). Creation of life on earth, however, is a different story. That was accomplished by evolution utilizing the Laws of Chemistry and Physics laid down at the beginning. God created the universe, but used evolution to create life, IMO.

Well I think life evolved on earth and i've seen proof of life forms evolving so Im not getting into that part but im really curious as to where the big bang came from.

How does science prove that the big bang happened?
How does science prove how the situation that caused the big bang to happen came to be?
Let's start with your first question since there is no point in answering the second if you don't believe there was a Big Bang in the first place.

WMAP Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Model is a broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe. It postulates that 12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was only a few millimeters across. It has since expanded from this hot dense state into the vast and much cooler cosmos we currently inhabit. We can see remnants of this hot dense matter as the now very cold cosmic microwave background radiation which still pervades the universe and is visible to microwave detectors as a uniform glow across the entire sky.

Scientists discover possible cosmic defect, remnant from Big Bang

Scientists from the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA) and the University of Cambridge may have discovered an example of a cosmic defect, a remnant from the Big Bang called a texture. If confirmed, their discovery, reported today in Science, will provide dramatic new insight into how the universe evolved following the Big Bang.

Textures are defects in the structure of the vacuum left over from the hot early universe. Professor Neil Turok of Cambridge's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics first showed how textures form in the 1990s, highlighting that some would survive from the Big Bang and should be visible in today's universe. Textures can be observed by the hot and cold spots they create in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) which fills the universe and was released in the Big Bang 14 billion years ago.

The Big Bang theory proposes that the cosmos began in a very high density, high temperature state, cooling as it expands. In the early hot universe, physicists believe that the different types of elementary particle (particles such as a quark from which larger particles are created) behaved identically. As the universe cooled, the vacuum changed and the symmetry between the particles was broken, in a phase transition analogous to the freezing of water. During this kind of phase transition, quarks become distinct from electrons and neutrinos, for example.

Just as misalignments in the crystalline structure of ice lead to defects, misalignments in the symmetry-breaking pattern form cosmic defects. Textures, such as the one which may have been discovered, are one type of defect.
How does someone hate creationism?

Just my judgement of many peoples reactions to the idea of creationism on this forum. They do seem to hate the idea and sometimes even those that believe it.

Would you like to participate by trying to discuss the subject matter of the topic?
Where did God come from? What is on the other side of the Universe (or, how high is up)? Frankly, why should we care?

Would you P_P change your behavior if today we learned God does not exist? Does your behavior reflect your fear of hell, or desire for heaven? Would you surrender to hedonism if there were no God? Covet your neighbors property or spouse? Do you only obey the law for fear of the consequences?

If God exists, whose side is S/He on?

I dont know the answers to your questions.

I do know you totally ignored what I was asking in the first post.

If you want to post here please dont try and change the subject.

Now I'll be nice and try and give some response to the various questions you asked even though you did not do the same for my simple question.

I dont know where "God" originated from and I dont believe in the concept of heaven and hell. I believe in Karma and a higher power than ourselves exisiting.

that should answer all your questions....now please try to adress mine or stay out of the thread, thanks.

I apologize if you feel my response was a red herring, it was not meant to be. I simply pointed out my opinion and why I'm agnostic.

For your reading pleasure:

Collected Quotes from Albert Einstein

Einstein touches on your question in many of these quotes.

Ugh, c'mon man those quotes can be used for many things and aren't specific about the big bang.
Glad to educate you. In the first place the question of how the universe started is totally seperate from the creation question. I believe at least one line of Genesis is true, "let there be light"(The Big Bang). Creation of life on earth, however, is a different story. That was accomplished by evolution utilizing the Laws of Chemistry and Physics laid down at the beginning. God created the universe, but used evolution to create life, IMO.

Well I think life evolved on earth and i've seen proof of life forms evolving so Im not getting into that part but im really curious as to where the big bang came from.

How does science prove that the big bang happened?
How does science prove how the situation that caused the big bang to happen came to be?
Let's start with your first question since there is no point in answering the second if you don't believe there was a Big Bang in the first place.

WMAP Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Model is a broadly accepted theory for the origin and evolution of our universe. It postulates that 12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion of the universe we can see today was only a few millimeters across. It has since expanded from this hot dense state into the vast and much cooler cosmos we currently inhabit. We can see remnants of this hot dense matter as the now very cold cosmic microwave background radiation which still pervades the universe and is visible to microwave detectors as a uniform glow across the entire sky.

Scientists discover possible cosmic defect, remnant from Big Bang

Scientists from the Institute of Physics of Cantabria (IFCA) and the University of Cambridge may have discovered an example of a cosmic defect, a remnant from the Big Bang called a texture. If confirmed, their discovery, reported today in Science, will provide dramatic new insight into how the universe evolved following the Big Bang.

Textures are defects in the structure of the vacuum left over from the hot early universe. Professor Neil Turok of Cambridge's Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics first showed how textures form in the 1990s, highlighting that some would survive from the Big Bang and should be visible in today's universe. Textures can be observed by the hot and cold spots they create in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) which fills the universe and was released in the Big Bang 14 billion years ago.

The Big Bang theory proposes that the cosmos began in a very high density, high temperature state, cooling as it expands. In the early hot universe, physicists believe that the different types of elementary particle (particles such as a quark from which larger particles are created) behaved identically. As the universe cooled, the vacuum changed and the symmetry between the particles was broken, in a phase transition analogous to the freezing of water. During this kind of phase transition, quarks become distinct from electrons and neutrinos, for example.

Just as misalignments in the crystalline structure of ice lead to defects, misalignments in the symmetry-breaking pattern form cosmic defects. Textures, such as the one which may have been discovered, are one type of defect.

Ok so the theory is based off of faith that the universe once existed in a specific state...that state being very dense and hot.

My issue is im not sure how we know this. how are scientists backing up the idea that the universe was once super hot and super dense then exploded and evolved into what we have today from the explosion?

I see theories and assumptions on how it happened that remind me of many creationist religious peoples assumptions and theories that a god exists and created everything.

This annoys me, its like the bible thumpers and the big bangers are very similar in mindset. They both exhibit faith in something neither can prove and they both try to "Bash" the other as being ignorant or wrong.

I just want to know how the big bang actually happened with solid, scientific evidence.

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