I have a question

I am not upset about you looking for any truth or any answers. If you were looking for the truth you wouldn't even care at all what the color of his skin was because the truthful answer is that no one can possibly know for sure..

Google Asian or African images of Jesus and see for yourself that your claim that everyone accepts that Jesus was white is a false premise.

You reducing the conversation about Jesus to a racist position indistinguishable from racist position of the KKK, except for your own personal skin color preference, is complete bullshit. It is not a search for truth or answers but a thinly veiled attempt to replace white racism with black racism. That's what is upsetting.

You want answers about distortions of the truth about Jesus. Study Judaism, learn what the disagreement between Jesus and the religious authorities of his community was in the first place and then compared it to the bullshit the Romans put in the mouth of Jesus......

The truth ain't hard to find and impossible to conceal.

Please post where I claimed everyone thought Jesus was white. If you cant do that dont lie. Its a sin. Comparing me asking questions to being racist pretty much smacks of your internal fear that I have disturbed your image of Jesus with the fact that he was at least mixed. Please dont assume you have the authority to tell me what to study. Only I have that power. I dont care what disagreement Jesus had. I already know that stuff. I am looking for what ethnicity he was.

lol.... why would I give a shit if Jesus was of mixed ethnicity. I am.

if all you are looking for is his ethnicity then accept what has been well known about Jesus since he walked the earth. He was Jewish.

Now I do understand that that is like saying he was Puerto Rican which means he could have been of any color as light as can be or as dark as possible.

If that is disturbing to you I really don't care.

keep on looking......keep the faith, maybe there is a dreadlock of Jesus being hidden in the basement of the Vatican...

Not a lot of Nordic types in the Middle East, home skillet.
Actually it never was. You are confused. Black people cant come from white people. On the other hand white people can come from black people.

Hate to break it to you brother, but Santa Claus is white also.

I know. However the saint he is named after and where the story comes from is Black.

Who cares what color he is. It is only a suit.

Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.
Actually it never was. You are confused. Black people cant come from white people. On the other hand white people can come from black people.

Hate to break it to you brother, but Santa Claus is white also.

I know. However the saint he is named after and where the story comes from is Black.

From wiki: Saint Nicholas (15 March 270 – 6 December 343),also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. So not black. Sorry.

Hate to give you more bad news, the tooth fairy is white also.
Hate to break it to you brother, but Santa Claus is white also.

I know. However the saint he is named after and where the story comes from is Black.

From wiki: Saint Nicholas (15 March 270 – 6 December 343),also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. So not black. Sorry.

Hate to give you more bad news, the tooth fairy is white also.

told ya - don't get involved in justifications of somebody's complexes of inferiority.

Please post where I claimed everyone thought Jesus was white. If you cant do that dont lie. Its a sin. Comparing me asking questions to being racist pretty much smacks of your internal fear that I have disturbed your image of Jesus with the fact that he was at least mixed. Please dont assume you have the authority to tell me what to study. Only I have that power. I dont care what disagreement Jesus had. I already know that stuff. I am looking for what ethnicity he was.

lol.... why would I give a shit if Jesus was of mixed ethnicity. I am.

if all you are looking for is his ethnicity then accept what has been well known about Jesus since he walked the earth. He was Jewish.

Now I do understand that that is like saying he was Puerto Rican which means he could have been of any color as light as can be or as dark as possible.

If that is disturbing to you I really don't care.

keep on looking......keep the faith, maybe there is a dreadlock of Jesus being hidden in the basement of the Vatican...

Not a lot of Nordic types in the Middle East, home skillet.

But then like now there were Nordic types in the Jewish community that had returned from all corners of the earth after the first temple was destroyed, not to mention Greek and roman influences and Slavic people where the name slave comes from who were all part of the home skillet.

Still I think it irrelevant if Jesus was light or dark skinned and insane to worship a man whatever his ethnic background was.

Ooops, there I go again shamelessly having a thought......

lol.... why would I give a shit if Jesus was of mixed ethnicity. I am.

if all you are looking for is his ethnicity then accept what has been well known about Jesus since he walked the earth. He was Jewish.

Now I do understand that that is like saying he was Puerto Rican which means he could have been of any color as light as can be or as dark as possible.

If that is disturbing to you I really don't care.

keep on looking......keep the faith, maybe there is a dreadlock of Jesus being hidden in the basement of the Vatican...

Not a lot of Nordic types in the Middle East, home skillet.

But then like now there were Nordic types in the Jewish community that had returned from all corners of the earth after the first temple was destroyed, not to mention Greek and roman influences and Slavic people where the name slave comes from who were all part of the home skillet.

Still I think it irrelevant if Jesus was light or dark skinned and insane to worship a man whatever his ethnic background was.

Ooops, there I go again shamelessly having a thought......


Oh, that wasn't a thought, that was a mental fart. Have a few more thoughts, and you should be able to tell the difference.

One hopes.
Hate to break it to you brother, but Santa Claus is white also.

I know. However the saint he is named after and where the story comes from is Black.

Who cares what color he is. It is only a suit.

Acts 17:26 From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

Evidently at least 3 people including you care what color he is. Otherwise you would not have commented on it.
Hate to break it to you brother, but Santa Claus is white also.

I know. However the saint he is named after and where the story comes from is Black.

From wiki: Saint Nicholas (15 March 270 – 6 December 343),also called Nikolaos of Myra, was a historic 4th-century saint and Greek Bishop of Myra. So not black. Sorry.

Hate to give you more bad news, the tooth fairy is white also.

Sorry Wiki is wrong.

Santa Claus was an European Moor ? By Oguejiofo Annu ? Rasta Livewire
"There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain."
Not only He, but about 10,000 others that returned with Him hung around for 40 days, and were seen by many. 517 are mentioned in the Bible, not just a few.

He was in His glorified body when He returned. And He was recognized.

What about the Star of David? What did the Magi know that Herod didn't?
He was in His glorified body when He returned. And He was recognized.
After they found the empty tomb, the Gospels indicate that Jesus made a series of appearances to the disciples. He was not immediately recognizable, according to Luke.[8]:p.277 Sanders concludes that although he could appear and disappear, he was not a ghost. Writing that Luke was very insistent about that, Sanders points out that "the risen Lord could be touched, and he could eat".[Lk. 24:39-43] He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, but she did not recognize him. The first two disciples to whom he appeared walked and talked with him for quite a while without knowing who he was. (The Road to Emmaus appearance)[Lk. 24:13-32] When he appeared to the disciples in the upper room, Thomas did not recognize him and wouldn't believe until he was invited to put his finger into the holes in Jesus' hands and side.[Jn. 20:24-29]

Resurrection of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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He was in His glorified body when He returned. And He was recognized.
After they found the empty tomb, the Gospels indicate that Jesus made a series of appearances to the disciples. He was not immediately recognizable, according to Luke.[8]:p.277 Sanders concludes that although he could appear and disappear, he was not a ghost. Writing that Luke was very insistent about that, Sanders points out that "the risen Lord could be touched, and he could eat".[Lk. 24:39-43] He first appeared to Mary Magdalene, but she did not recognize him. The first two disciples to whom he appeared walked and talked with him for quite a while without knowing who he was. (The Road to Emmaus appearance)[Lk. 24:13-32] When he appeared to the disciples in the upper room, Thomas did not recognize him and wouldn't believe until he was invited to put his finger into the holes in Jesus' hands and side.[Jn. 20:24-29]

Resurrection of Jesus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I think Irish Ram is explaining it from the book of Acts and not the gospels.

Christ returned in the same body He left in. But a change had occurred to that body between the time He was last seen and His return. No one had ever seen a glorified body before. He looked unique.

When He first appeared to the disciples Thomas wasn't there. Thomas didn't believe the disciples when they told Him Christ had risen from the dead. It had nothing to do with recognition of Christ. Thomas recognized Jesus as soon as Thomas saw Him, and called Him, Lord, and God, and was admonished for his lack of faith.

Jesus appeared to over 500 in Galilee. And Paul was quick to point out in case anyone questioned the appearance, that most of those who saw Jesus were still alive at the time of Paul's writing. They would have been quick to denounce Paul had it not been true.

Two of the Temple priests that had died, and also came back with Christ went home to see their families. That is where the Pharisees found them, removed them to the Temple, interrogated both separately and were told the same thing. The man they had killed was indeed the Messiah.
I have their testimonies if you'd like to read what they had to say.

In a glorified body you can eat if you like or not. In fact you could eat an orange from the inside out. Christ cooked fish for breakfast.
Sanders was right about the ghost part. Christ will retain His mortal, glorified body forever which is why God made sure not one of Jesus' bones were broken.

Some times Wikipedia falls short.
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