I have a solution for the debates.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.

I have a solution too. Dear Donald Trump, please proceed to beat the hell out of the next moderator with both your fists until they treat you with respect due and allow you time to answer back. What are they gonna do? Arrest the POTUS? I'm sure the new Praetorian Guard would object.
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.

I have a solution too. Dear Donald Trump, please proceed to beat the hell out of the next moderator with both your fists until they treat you with respect due and allow you time to answer back. What are they gonna do? Arrest the POTUS? I'm sure the new Praetorian Guard would object.
Oh, it’s only going to get worse with the next moderators.
I’m sure this format would be unfair to Crazy Joe because it would require him to remember WTF he is talking about for a whole two minutes.
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.
What needs to happen is these so called unbias mediators need to be pulled to the middle of the room and beat within an inch of their life.,tar and feathered taken outside and shot. Then take Joe out and do the same. Joe buys the votes of the stupid, His ad gives you a house, a job, a raise, and everything under to Sunh when to make this country he needs to give you useless pieces of dog lawn decor a bullet in the head as 6 feet under you can be as useless as you can be.
I dont like the mic being turned off at all.

Here is the thing many people are missing.

It was agreed upon before the debate that the moderator WOULD NOT FACT CHECK. The candidates would fact check themselves.

So it got off the rails because Biden was lying so fucking much and Trump was calling him out on his lies.

If Biden would stop lying, maybe it would go smoother.
Biden is a male Karen. Think about it.

Crying about Trump not following the rules to his liking and demanding something be done and playing the victim.

Karen Biden.
Turning off their mic is exactly what needs to be done.

Fact checking should be done on the spot by whoever as well.

Lies shouldn't be acceptable in our society.

That's how we've ended up in this mess we are w/this buffoon in Office.
I just watched Chris Wallace lie on FOX news...he said Trump was the first to interrupt....that is not true I went and watched it again...maybe people with an axe to grind like Chris shouldn't moderate debates....let some judged or private citizen do it....keep the media hacks away from the moderators chair.....
Turning off their mic is exactly what needs to be done.

Fact checking should be done on the spot by whoever as well.

Lies shouldn't be acceptable in our society.

That's how we've ended up in this mess we are w/this buffoon in Office.

Well, since you support lying, you're clearly part of the problem.

- Think
Well, since you support lying, you're clearly part of the problem.

- Think
You're a self-professed and proud Trump supporter, right?

I don't have a different standard between what Trump says and what Biden says like you do.

I care what they do, not what they say.

You owe me an admission you were wrong about Sweden not having a minimum wage
Watch the debate, Biden starts interrupting, then Wallace does it. But it is Trump's fault. :auiqs.jpg:
I just watched Chris Wallace lie on FOX news...he said Trump was the first to interrupt....that is not true I went and watched it again...maybe people with an axe to grind like Chris shouldn't moderate debates....let some judged or private citizen do it....keep the media hacks away from the moderators chair.....

Yep, several others went back and rewatched. Biden was the first to interrupt, then Wallace. Wallace is a tool.

And Wallace asked Trump the same nonsense about 'white supremacy' in a 2016 Republican debate. Duh!
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.

I have a solution too. Dear Donald Trump, please proceed to beat the hell out of the next moderator with both your fists until they treat you with respect due and allow you time to answer back. What are they gonna do? Arrest the POTUS? I'm sure the new Praetorian Guard would object.

Strict time limits should be enforced against both. This is traditional in a debate. When it's not your turn to speak, be quiet and don't indulge in any drama.
You can’t give the moderator the power to cut the mike of a candidate randomly. The next two are leftist hacks.

Here is what they need to do:

Ask one guy the question. He has 2 minutes to answer. The other guy’s mike is off for that two minutes.

Then give the other guy one minute to rebut. The other guys mike is off for that minute.

Then turn both mikes in for a minute and let them go after each other.

was, rinse, repeat.

I have a solution too. Dear Donald Trump, please proceed to beat the hell out of the next moderator with both your fists until they treat you with respect due and allow you time to answer back. What are they gonna do? Arrest the POTUS? I'm sure the new Praetorian Guard would object.
Oh, it’s only going to get worse with the next moderators.

It's a done deal.
The next two are leftist hacks.

Not a bad idea, Nos. The problem yesterday was that the moderator was an inept asshole. He not only wasn't conservative much less a Trump water-carrier in any way, the man simply had no skill in moderating a debate whatsoever and had a clear bias, if anything, against the president.

They should have two moderators for these debates, one who is a democrat who voted for Hillary/ will vote for Biden, and the other a republican voter for Trump.
Turning off their mic is exactly what needs to be done.

Fact checking should be done on the spot by whoever as well.

Lies shouldn't be acceptable in our society.

That's how we've ended up in this mess we are w/this buffoon in Office.
So you support the 33 lies Crazy Joe spewed being called out on the spot.

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