I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

Yes, that ^^^

plus this

yeh, that's what bugs me the most about sending huge sums of money over there

the compromised potato

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...
If you really wanna know more watch the Documentary Ukraine on Fire


Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...
Also watch this

If you like it there are 3 other parts
Originally posted by Skylar
Russia's goal is a fair swath of Eastern Europe, almost all NATO members.

In a roundabout, convoluted way you just admited that Russia is reacting to NATO's expansionism whose whole purpose is the military encirclement of Russia's western borders.

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...

I accuse you of clubbing baby seals.

There, you've been accused. :rolleyes-41:
In a roundabout, convoluted way you just admited that Russia is reacting to NATO's expansionism whose whole purpose is the military encirclement of Russia's western borders.

"Jose" my ass.

Cut the bullshit sock puppet, Russian invasion is DIRECTLY EXPANDING NATO and reinforcing it's core mission - giving countries security assurances against aggressive Russia.

If Russia wasn't constantly invading other countries NATO would die off as a pointless relic. DUH.
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Russia has usually been rated the most corrupt European nation with the Ukraine running it a close second. So picking a side has seemed a little silly to me though I can't condone Russia attacking civilians and devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so.

I am reasonably certain that had Trump been re-elected President in 2020, there would be no war in Europe or anywhere else right now. But that's another topic. . .

And once again I see the USA become the money bags--the last I heard we have sent more than $300 billion to the Ukraine for this war effort with no explanation of what that money is being used for, who has it, etc. And all of the EU combined so far has chipped in the last I heard, about $30 billion.

And it is setting up to be another endless war even as it is forcing Russia closer to China as its closest ally. And I cannot see how that's a good thing for anybody.
This is two or three pages too late, but Good assessment.

To go a little deeper, you need to understand why communist china is communist, which will lead you to why Russia and China are in alliance.

We did have four years of no new wars under trump. And I believe there are reasons most of the illiterate American population can not understand it in their current brain-washed, media-fatigued state.
This is two or three pages too late, but Good assessment.

To go a little deeper, you need to understand why communist china is communist, which will lead you to why Russia and China are in alliance.

We did have four years of no new wars under trump. And I believe there are reasons most of the illiterate American population can not understand it in their current brain-washed, media-fatigued state.
Not only did we not have four years of no new wars, but the war in Syria ended, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran all stopped saber rattling, we were winding down the war in Afghanistan in a way that the more democratic Afghan government would have been left in place because the Taliban feared and respected Trump. Also three Arab nations made peace with and established trade relations with Israel and our allies were paying more and more of their fair share for their own defense instead of us paying almost all.

As I have said before, the closest thing to world peace I have experienced in my now very long life.

And we did not have a situation in which Russia sees it necessary to ally with China because the free world is against it. A Russia/China union would be the worst threat the world has seen for a very long time.

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