I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

Not only did we not have four years of no new wars, but the war in Syria ended, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran all stopped saber rattling, we were winding down the war in Afghanistan in a way that the more democratic Afghan government would have been left in place because the Taliban feared and respected Trump. Also three Arab nations made peace with and established trade relations with Israel and our allies were paying more and more of their fair share for their own defense instead of us paying almost all.

As I have said before, the closest thing to world peace I have experienced in my now very long life.

And we did not have a situation in which Russia sees it necessary to ally with China because the free world is against it. A Russia/China union would be the worst threat the world has seen for a very long time.
yupper. well put.

but like i said, stuid is, stupid does. most of the electorate are either on the payroll or mentally ill. take your pick.

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