I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

Ukraine wasn't peaceful, in fact, Eastern Ukrainians were sniping at Russians and Russia for years.

Ukraine is also host to large numbers of neo-Nazi's that we are now supplying weapons o but once condemned not all that long ago.

Plus, all the bio labs in Ukraine.

You are a real pro-Putin puppet. Not one thing you said is true.
It's pretty simple. If you support a corrupt government that bans opposition political parties, stifles free speech, tortures and murders POWs, assassinates the children of their critics, sanctions neo-nazi military units, and sells the weapons they beg others for, then wrapping yourself in a blue and yellow rag is for you. If you disapprove of any of those things, then supporting Ukraine would be hypocritical.

You are describing Russia. You are the hypocrite.
You are describing Russia. You are the hypocrite.
Nonsense. Ukraine has done all of that, which means we paid for it. Of course only an ignorant rube or liar would pretend otherwise. You don't see me saying we should send our money and weapons to Russia, so unlike you, I'm not a hypocrite. Neither side deserves our support, money, or weapons as neither sides actions represent American values.
Your rhetoric betrays you. It was Trump who signed a surrender document and HR McMaster has called it a surrender document. He was a Trump Administration official. Trump withdrew troops at a rapid pace even as the Taliban was violating the agreement. The stage for Afghanistan to fall was set up during the Trump Administration. When Biden took office, he had to send more troops because there were not enough to handle the evacuation. Those are facts. In addition, McMaster, Esper and even Kudlow have acknowledged that Trump shares the blame. They all worked for Trump.

Those people on the right do not give a damn about corruption. They are using that as a political weapon to satisfy the rubes. Many of these people are praising Putin and painting him as a victim. Trump gave Russia unimpeded access by withdrawing from Syria. When Putin mercenaries attacked US troops, Trump did nothing.
Afghanistan had nothing to do with Trump. It doesn't matter what kind of an agreement Trump signed or even that he also wanted us to get out (not so badly as Biden did though). Biden changed many things he didn't like from the Trump era when he became president. Trying to claim Trump this and Trump that regarding Afghanistan is dishonest. Biden didn't have to do one thing in Afghanistan because of Trump. The fact remains, Biden got us out so quickly the Taliban took over, signaling Putin he could invade Ukraine. You can try to spin it all you want but the facts are the facts.
I suppose Thomas Jefferson was a leftist. He called for strict separation of church and state. The Constitution clearly states that a right does not have to be enumerated to be a right. Roe vs Wade was a small government decision. What passage in the Bible bans abortions.

Your grooming precludes you from understanding the constitution and the bill of rights. Your post is gibberish born of feelings.
I wonder why He seems to be MIA ?

But who am I to question Him? (just a dumbass human but I find myself often questioning everything... probably one of my greatest flaws, at least vis a vis God)


I wonder why people that don't believe in God think he's MIA? :rolleyes:
You have no clue what you are talking about. Thomas Jefferson made it clear that the phrase means that there should be strict separation of church and state. You do not get bto impose your religious beliefs on others. We have a bunch of right wing Nazis on our courts who have allowed Christians to impose their beliefs on otherrs.

So, the left wing idiots aren't imposing their beliefs on others eh?

I don't trust anyone who wants to impose their religious beliefs on others at the point of a gun. You are a enemy of this country. I suggest you read the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Oh right, at the point of a gun.

We and the EU instigated the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014. So much for "democracy".

Yes, that ^^^

plus this

The only evil in this country is with right wing Christian nationalists. Jesus said to love your fellow man. He did not say anything about transgenders or gays. He did not give us the power to judge people and impose your will at the point of a gun. That is reserved for God. Yet you seek to give that power to yourself. That is evil.

Mark 10:6 Context​

3And he answered and said unto them, What did Moses command you? 4And they said, Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. 5And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. 6But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. 7For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; 8And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. 9What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Who's Imposing their will at the point of a gun over their beliefs?

Afghanistan had nothing to do with Trump. It doesn't matter what kind of an agreement Trump signed or even that he also wanted us to get out (not so badly as Biden did though). Biden changed many things he didn't like from the Trump era when he became president. Trying to claim Trump this and Trump that regarding Afghanistan is dishonest. Biden didn't have to do one thing in Afghanistan because of Trump. The fact remains, Biden got us out so quickly the Taliban took over, signaling Putin he could invade Ukraine. You can try to spin it all you want but the facts are the facts.
yeh, as per usual the libs' policies end in death... to anyone but themselves of course
Where did that happen, that that woman was arrested for not wearing a mask?

ok, I see it here

Galvaston, TX (spelling?)

wow... Abbott's territory.. Where's he at????
<26% of americans are supportive of our involvement in thiis NOT OUR BUSINESS war in Ukraine.

The issue isn't really Ukraine. The issue is Poland. Ukraine is a way to get Poland.

And Poland is absolutely our business, being a full NATO member. Russia's goal is a fair swath of Eastern Europe, almost all NATO members. If Russia attacks any of them, its a war between NATO and Russia. A conventional one.

The problem is.....Russia is wildly incompetent at conventional military conflicts. Far more than we had ever anticipated. NATO had been preparing for an experienced, well equipped, well lead force of Russians using modern battle tactics. What Russia has fielded is so wildly incompetent, so poorly equipped, so poorly lead and so horrid in its logistical support as to call into question Russia's status as even a regional power. Let alone a world power.

NATO would so easily dismantle the Russian military machine as to make any conventional war untenetable for Russia. Which leaves unconventional war. Nukes.

We keep the conflict in Ukraine as way of keeping Russia from attacking NATO countries and as a way to keep the conflict conventional. Which is why Europe and the US are investing so heavily in conventional arms for Ukraine.

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