I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

Separation of Church and state is about freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

The poor leftists have been groomed to believe it’s freedom from religion. Just like they were groomed to believe RvW made abortion a constitutional right.


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Stop making excuses for the invasion of a peaceful country, retards.

Stop making excuses for the mass murdering of women and children. Putin's troops are raping kids. Putin's troops are torturing and killing civilians.

Stop. Making. Excuses. You fucking, fucking, fucking assholes.

Ukraine wasn't peaceful, in fact, Eastern Ukrainians were sniping at Russians and Russia for years.

Ukraine is also host to large numbers of neo-Nazi's that we are now supplying weapons o but once condemned not all that long ago.

Plus, all the bio labs in Ukraine.
Ukraine wasn't peaceful, in fact, Eastern Ukrainians were sniping at Russians and Russia for years.

Ukraine is also host to large numbers of neo-Nazi's that we are now supplying weapons o but once condemned not all that long ago.

Plus, all the bio labs in Ukraine.

Biolabs? That's literal Russian propaganda.

I don't know why conservative are so receptive of Russian disinfo, or so eager to take Russia's side.

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...
It's pretty simple. If you support a corrupt government that bans opposition political parties, stifles free speech, tortures and murders POWs, assassinates the children of their critics, sanctions neo-nazi military units, and sells the weapons they beg others for, then wrapping yourself in a blue and yellow rag is for you. If you disapprove of any of those things, then supporting Ukraine would be hypocritical.
I studied as much as I could around the time of the invasion 1 year ago. There was no published evidence to support the accusations that Ukraine was overstepping in any way. Russia invaded a sovereign, free country without cause. For that reason, I support their defense. Plus the fact that every indication is that Putin intends to go further than Ukraine.

I do question where our equipment and money are going. I sincerely hope that someone is on the ground verifying that those armaments are being used for the intended purpose and are not winding up being sold on the black market back to Russia or another enemy. With all the money we have spent, and still hearing pleas for more equipment, something isn't adding up.

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...
Russia has usually been rated the most corrupt European nation with the Ukraine running it a close second. So picking a side has seemed a little silly to me though I can't condone Russia attacking civilians and devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so.

I am reasonably certain that had Trump been re-elected President in 2020, there would be no war in Europe or anywhere else right now. But that's another topic. . .

And once again I see the USA become the money bags--the last I heard we have sent more than $300 billion to the Ukraine for this war effort with no explanation of what that money is being used for, who has it, etc. And all of the EU combined so far has chipped in the last I heard, about $30 billion.

And it is setting up to be another endless war even as it is forcing Russia closer to China as its closest ally. And I cannot see how that's a good thing for anybody.

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...
I blame the whole entire thing on Biden for letting Afghanistan fall so quickly to the Taliban, encouraging Russia to invade Ukraine. However, now that the damage is done, we have to support Ukraine. Putin has turned into a Hitler and if he isn't stopped in his tracks, Putin will pick off one country at a time in the area until the Soviet Union is back in existence and then even more than that.
When we're warring it up....which is pretty much all the time, we're not supposed to be asking how much. That's just tacky, c'mon. Wrap yourself in the flag, murrica!

Comer is a great Congressman. He and others are demanding information on what all the taxpayers' money is being spent on vis a vis the Ukraine war.

But I'll bet the dimrats don't like that one bit..

What I don't like about helping Ukraine is the fact (OK, "alleged fact" ) that the president is compromised w/ that country. He has been accused of corruptly made money off shady business deals there. Newsmax and a few other news stations are talking about that but I doubt cnn says one word...

We know exactly what the money is being used for. To kill Russian invaders. Biden is not compromised. Enough of the fascist pro-Putin talking points. A accusation is not proof and not oner scintilla of evidence has been provided. You aree nothing but a treasonous traitor.
We and the EU instigated the overthrow of the democratically elected President of Ukraine in 2014. So much for "democracy".

Another right wing lie. He was legally impeached in a unanimous vote. Why don't you tell the truth for a change.
It's hard to believe anything the democrats tell me these days, and many of the repubs.

Can't believe the media either, they're all liars. And, the only thing we know about the Russia,Ukraine situation is what these liars are telling us.

I don't trust the narrative.

Another pro-Putin puppet. Maybe we need a new committee to investigate the pro-Putin puppets. How long have you been a communist?
lathe libs threw out democracy a long time ago in favor of money and power... They like feeling God-like, bossing conservatives around, forcing them to wear useless masks because of a fake epidemic

You Nazis are attacking voting rights, free speech rights, minorities and turning women into second citizens. You are the fascist pigs.
those are 10 patriotic americans who are tired of the dems destroying the world.

lol they're nearly the same fags who demanded the vote for the 'Fair Tax' scam so McCathy could get his gavel. They work for the World Bank and the IMF.

I thought you conspiritards were all over that globalist threat. Turns out you're working for them. lol
yeah a little late to the party.:auiqs.jpg:putin is not this generations hitler as the corporate controlled media paint him to be,that would be biden and zelensky,hitler and stalin.ukraine is funded by the dems and Putin just invaded because they broke a decades old agreement to stay away from the border of russia. what the media is not reporting is evil NATO is getting their asses kicked by russia.:yes_text12:

This comes from a American Nazi who is trying to turn this country into Nazi Germany. Russian units have been annihilated. You think that Russia is winning? You need to see a doctor.
damn are you dense,that is zelensky who is funded by the dems who want to rule the world.Putin is fighting back for the corrupt government of ukraine breaking their decade long agreement to stay out of the bordr of russia,you listen way too much to the corporate controlled media.

You are the one who is just plain stupid. You right wing fascists want to control the world. Putin is the one who is corrupt. You listen to Russian propaganda too much. It has softened your brain.

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