I have mixed feelings about supporting Ukraine, seeking more information

I blame the whole entire thing on Biden for letting Afghanistan fall so quickly to the Taliban, encouraging Russia to invade Ukraine. However, now that the damage is done, we have to support Ukraine. Putin has turned into a Hitler and if he isn't stopped in his tracks, Putin will pick off one country at a time in the area until the Soviet Union is back in existence and then even more than that.

I'll bet you would blame Biden if your picnic was rained out. It was Trump who signed a surrender document and withdrew forces at a rapid rate while the Taliban violated the agreement they signed. Biden did not encourage Putin to do anything. Putin did that.
The New Right has been found guilty of every last thing they project onto their opponents.

Now they are backing Nazis who rape kids.

At this point, I would not be surprised to learn Donald Trump was born in Kenya.
why do you accept everything or most things about the dims except abortion?

If they can get THAT issue SO incredibly, egregiously WRONG, what makes you think they can get much of anything else right?

They can't.
thanks for this info.. which gets me more irate than before.. all that money from the taxpayers being spent on foreigners. I care about the Ukrainians but enough has been spent already.

And what about the town of East Palestine that the president (so called) hasn't visited yet? Why is he spending money on foreigners and withholding it from Americans?

This is not going to go well 4 the dims in future presidential debates... (but we already saw this kind of thing and see it every day at the southern border so we aren't terribly shocked)

You are nothing but a Russian pig. We should give Ukraine the most lethal weapons that we have.

Do you ever read the news? The EPA has taken over the clean-up which means that taxpayer dollars are being used. They are being used to clean up a mess that private businesses made. Republicans are the ones who want to de-regulate everything. In addition, Trump and the Republicans have tried to get rid of the EPA.

Let us debate whether we should be de-regulating everything and whether the EPA is a necessary agency. Republicans lose on that.
The New Right has been found guilty of every last thing they project onto their opponents.

Now they are backing Nazis who rape kids.

At this point, I would not be surprised to learn Donald Trump was born in Kenya.
I think you are losing it..

(assuming any liberal had anything to lose mentally in the first place)
Currently, there is a God. And, what's happening in this country today is not only wrong, it's evil and demented.
I wonder why He seems to be MIA ?

But who am I to question Him? (just a dumbass human but I find myself often questioning everything... probably one of my greatest flaws, at least vis a vis God)
I'll bet you would blame Biden if your picnic was rained out. It was Trump who signed a surrender document and withdrew forces at a rapid rate while the Taliban violated the agreement they signed. Biden did not encourage Putin to do anything. Putin did that.
I am an independent. I have voted for a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and others for many years of my life and I don't watch Fox News. Biden let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling to Putin that we would just stand by and let him invade Ukraine, which has led us to where we are. If you would get off your high horse for one moment you would realize that several on the right don't want to support Ukraine, mostly because they believe Biden and Ukraine are in cahoots with each other in corruption. I, on the other hand, favor supporting Ukraine. I'm just saying we wouldn't have been in this timeline but for Biden's wrong decision. We abandoned the democracy we helped create in Afghanistan and now we are having to support democracy in Ukraine. If Biden hadn't been so inept, we would still have democracies in both Afghanistan and Ukraine wouldn't be on the verge of losing theirs and the world wouldn't be on the verge of a nuclear WWIII.
Separation of Church and state is about freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

You have no clue what you are talking about. Thomas Jefferson made it clear that the phrase means that there should be strict separation of church and state. You do not get bto impose your religious beliefs on others. We have a bunch of right wing Nazis on our courts who have allowed Christians to impose their beliefs on otherrs.
I don't trust anyone who don't believe in God, period.

There are no morals or laws outside of God, as we are seeing in the world today.

I don't trust anyone who wants to impose their religious beliefs on others at the point of a gun. You are a enemy of this country. I suggest you read the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I want the Ukrainians to prevail over the Z-Orcs but I have absolutely no doubt that some of that money that Potatohead is sending to the Ukrainians will find its way back into the coffers of the Biden family and some Democrat special interest groups.
We know exactly what the money is being used for. To kill Russian invaders. Biden is not compromised. Enough of the fascist pro-Putin talking points. A accusation is not proof and not oner scintilla of evidence has been provided. You aree nothing but a treasonous traitor.

No, its being used to protect the west's laundromat(ukraine). Quit spreading your filthy lies and propaganda. Thats all you know how to do. People like you are just gullible hacks. Sad.
I'll bet you would blame Biden if your picnic was rained out. It was Trump who signed a surrender document and withdrew forces at a rapid rate while the Taliban violated the agreement they signed. Biden did not encourage Putin to do anything. Putin did that.

Your stupid comment is laughable seeing how you little Moon Bat turds are are afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome and everything you spout is pure anti Trump hate.

I don't know about Biden causing a picnic to be rained on but his massive inflation would cause the cost of the food in the picnic to be substantially higher than it would have been. Driving to the picnic would cost a whole lot more due to his disastrous Environmental Wacko energy policy.
I am an independent. I have voted for a mix of Democrats, Republicans, and others for many years of my life and I don't watch Fox News. Biden let Afghanistan fall to the Taliban, signaling to Putin that we would just stand by and let him invade Ukraine, which has led us to where we are. If you would get off your high horse for one moment you would realize that several on the right don't want to support Ukraine, mostly because they believe Biden and Ukraine are in cahoots with each other in corruption. I, on the other hand, favor supporting Ukraine. I'm just saying we wouldn't have been in this timeline but for Biden's wrong decision. We abandoned the democracy we helped create in Afghanistan and now we are having to support democracy in Ukraine. If Biden hadn't been so inept, we would still have democracies in both Afghanistan and Ukraine wouldn't be on the verge of losing theirs and the world wouldn't be on the verge of a nuclear WWIII.

Your rhetoric betrays you. It was Trump who signed a surrender document and HR McMaster has called it a surrender document. He was a Trump Administration official. Trump withdrew troops at a rapid pace even as the Taliban was violating the agreement. The stage for Afghanistan to fall was set up during the Trump Administration. When Biden took office, he had to send more troops because there were not enough to handle the evacuation. Those are facts. In addition, McMaster, Esper and even Kudlow have acknowledged that Trump shares the blame. They all worked for Trump.

Those people on the right do not give a damn about corruption. They are using that as a political weapon to satisfy the rubes. Many of these people are praising Putin and painting him as a victim. Trump gave Russia unimpeded access by withdrawing from Syria. When Putin mercenaries attacked US troops, Trump did nothing.
Your stupid comment is laughable seeing how you little Moon Bat turds are are afflicted with the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome and everything you spout is pure anti Trump hate.

I don't know about Biden causing a picnic to be rained on but his massive inflation would cause the cost of the food in the picnic to be substantially higher than it would have been. Driving to the picnic would cost a whole lot more due to his disastrous Environmental Wacko energy policy.

Trump supporters are the ones who are infected with TDS. It causes Trump supporters to sound stupid. What I spout is facts that have been spouted by officials who worked in the Trump Administration.
No, its being used to protect the west's laundromat(ukraine). Quit spreading your filthy lies and propaganda. Thats all you know how to do. People like you are just gullible hacks. Sad.

The only filth I see is right wing fascists like you. You are the one spreading pro-Putin propaganda. You brainless fools are the rubes.
The only filth I see is right wing fascists like you. You are the one spreading pro-Putin propaganda. You brainless fools are the rubes.

Us brainless fools can see biden frolicking in ukraine and pushing the world towards its third war. An abomination. Unfortunately, you're blind.
Currently, there is a God. And, what's happening in this country today is not only wrong, it's evil and demented.

The only evil in this country is with right wing Christian nationalists. Jesus said to love your fellow man. He did not say anything about transgenders or gays. He did not give us the power to judge people and impose your will at the point of a gun. That is reserved for God. Yet you seek to give that power to yourself. That is evil.
while USA is the country giving the most aid, the government support given to ukraine only half comes from USA. Which means other countries are giving about the same as we are.

But on military aid, its much more lopsided towards the USA. But i'm not sure if the amount counts the leopard tanks coming from europe.

If it were some corrupt intent by Biden, you would see other countries also sending aid in similar proportion.

That is not surprising as the US has the largest military in the world. However some of it is being used to ease the way for other equipment to be sent. The US tanks are largely being sent to set the stage for Leopard tanks to be sent.
Us brainless fools can see biden frolicking in ukraine and pushing the world towards its third war. An abomination. Unfortunately, you're blind.

You are the one who is blind. Putin is the one who started the war yet you blame Biden. You are a pro-Putin puppet.
The poor leftists have been groomed to believe it’s freedom from religion. Just like they were groomed to believe RvW made abortion a constitutional right.

I suppose Thomas Jefferson was a leftist. He called for strict separation of church and state. The Constitution clearly states that a right does not have to be enumerated to be a right. Roe vs Wade was a small government decision. What passage in the Bible bans abortions.

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