I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
Back up your BS
Opinions need no back up. Now kindly fuck off moron.

Now it's an opinion? So now it's no longer so much corruption and crimes...it's just an opinion that crimes were committed. Lol...
Until charges are formally made that's all it ever is. Christ some of you are so incredibly stupid I'm surprised you know how to post online.
Don't be cranky Grandpa...you're perpetuating the stereotype of angry old white male Republicans
I am a white male Republican. Old? Naw. Angry? Sometimes I guess.

And I don't care about stereotypes or names. I'm not a delicate snowflake so have at it.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email

I beg to differ.
You may think an email message is the "smoking gun" and it may be in the court of public opinion but not necessarily in a court of law. The rules of evidence require that the email be authenticated and to be introduced in a way that doesn't violate the general prohibition on hearsay evidence. This can be very difficult if not impossible when the emails are stolen by an unknown third party. It's an even bigger problem when the emails are not coming from Clinton but rather from campaign advisers repeating what they have heard.

The goal of House republicans has been to use the email controversy to put a republican in the white house in order to pack the court with conservative judges. Assuming Clinton wins the election, removing her from office would not solve the problem. In fact it might make things worse with Tim Kaine in the Oval Office.

Oh wow, an all bold conspiracy theory. Now, I'll quote this in another post...
Back up your BS
Opinions need no back up. Now kindly fuck off moron.

Now it's an opinion? So now it's no longer so much corruption and crimes...it's just an opinion that crimes were committed. Lol...
Until charges are formally made that's all it ever is. Christ some of you are so incredibly stupid I'm surprised you know how to post online.
Don't be cranky Grandpa...you're perpetuating the stereotype of angry old white male Republicans
I am a white male Republican. Old? Naw. Angry? Sometimes I guess.

And I don't care about stereotypes or names. I'm not a delicate snowflake so have at it.
I am an old and angry white male Republican.

But I'm angry at things like Breitbart, Hannity, The Tea Party, Fox News, Jessie Watters. and all the other idiots who are giving the Republican Party a bad name.

Eisenhower and Reagan would have nothing to do with those ass holes if either were alive today.

RINOs' Schminos!

Every single Alt Righty needs to be an ass hole in at least some small way to ever think like that
You may think an email message is the "smoking gun" and it may be in the court of public opinion but not necessarily in a court of law.

I made this clear to two other people this morning. You have no legal experience, whereas the hundreds of FBI agents who worked (and are still working) on Hillary's email investigation have combined centuries worth of legal experience. They wouldn't be rigorously investigating Hillary unless they DID find a smoking gun. You had best leave the "court of law" to the professionals, which excludes people like you.

The rules of evidence require that the email be authenticated and to be introduced in a way that doesn't violate the general prohibition on hearsay evidence. This can be very difficult if not impossible when the emails are stolen by an unknown third party. It's an even bigger problem when the emails are not coming from Clinton but rather from campaign advisers repeating what they have heard.

This isn't "hearsay evidence." We already have evidence, in the form of 650,000 emails and an email server which was hacked at least five times by foreign countries. These agents' combined legal knowledge will tell them what constitutes evidence and what constitutes as hearsay. They already know what is admissible as evidence in the court of law. You don't. Your analyses are motivated by political bias. Theirs is motivated by sheer knowledge of the processes which are governed by said law.

As far as where the emails came from, a lot of them were sent or received via Hillary's private server. The probability of emails coming directly from Hillary herself is an absolute certainty. I told another person a few days ago that given the sheer number of emails uncovered that it is also very certain that classified information exchanged hands. Classified information here can only come from one person, a member of the highest echelon of the federal government, namely the Secretary of State. Anyone else who got that classified information did not have the clearance to read or posses the information and were prohibited by law to have it.
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The goal of House republicans has been to use the email controversy to put a republican in the white house in order to pack the court with conservative judges.

Are you joking? You sound like a Cleveland Indians fan who's still mad at the rain delay last night...
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I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
I don't think she should go to jail. Just recover all the money from the foundation, fine her 200 million, cancel bubbas retirement package, and then build a statue of her on the mall in her baggy pantsuit. "Hillary Clinton....Failed"
I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right

You dont bring false charges to calm people down

No one said anything about bringing false charges
I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right

You dont bring false charges to calm people down

Yup and you don't reopen a case and announce it to the world, 11 days before an election unless something was really big.

Not to mention your reaction if nothing is there would.be yo say there is nothing there and not "I don't know how those emails got there.".

You also don't throw your associate under the bus to distance yourself if there is nothing to distance from
I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right

You dont bring false charges to calm people down

No one said anything about bringing false charges

Yes you are unless you can cite an actual crime that you say she should go to trial for.
She asked him to release any and all information he has. You guys laughed at it. NOW you're saying she should say it another way?
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
Billy boy Clinton pardoned felons by the score Marc Rich included and no one seems to give a crap. So a pardon of Hillary, if she isn't President, would mean she could fade into the sunset never to be seen again. That is all I want. The jails have enough trouble no use subjecting them to Hillary.
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
Billy boy Clinton pardoned felons by the score Marc Rich included and no one seems to give a crap. So a pardon of Hillary, if she isn't President, would mean she could fade into the sunset never to be seen again. That is all I want. The jails have enough trouble no use subjecting them to Hillary.
Most people never even heard of Marc Rich or what he was wanted for. EVERYONE knows Hillary
I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right

You dont bring false charges to calm people down

No one said anything about bringing false charges

Yes you are unless you can cite an actual crime that you say she should go to trial for.

The crimes have already been cited. You ignoring them Is literally proving point number 2 that i made

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