I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

The thing that would get Comey off on the "partisan move" is if something big is about to hit the news, then he would have no choice but to come clean before he got steamrolled under - aka covering his ass.

Not sure anything will, but if it does and he didn't come forward while knowing about it he'd be hosed.
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
The real problem is that you watch Hannity. When will he have to go back on his latest "revelations"? :laugh2:
The thing that would get Comey off on the "partisan move" is if something big is about to hit the news, then he would have no choice but to come clean before he got steamrolled under - aka covering his ass.

Not sure anything will, but if it does and he didn't come forward while knowing about it he'd be hosed.
The letter Comey issued was totally out of character for the FBI. They never have anything to say about an ongoing investigation until they have finished the job and can make definitive statements and recommendations as they did with the Clinton email investigation.

Even when the news media breaks stories, they rarely have any comment. The fact that they don't comment is why we place such credence on their statements and reports.
Yeah idk. There are a crap ton of places saying that they /have/ the evidence to arrest but the DOJ has obstructed, so Comey had no choice but to put it [the supposed corruption ring] out to congress.

We're just going to have to see what the hell happens. It's like a damn episode of CSI out there right now...
Yeah idk. There are a crap ton of places saying that they /have/ the evidence to arrest but the DOJ has obstructed, so Comey had no choice but to put it [the supposed corruption ring] out to congress.

We're just going to have to see what the hell happens. It's like a damn episode of CSI out there right now...
And from the day the FBI Clinton email investigation started there were tons of places pouring out a steady stream of information that turned out to be totally false. There were dozens of stories about Clinton being charged and arrested, never being nominated because she would be indited or in jail, selling secret documents and Obama was involved and it was all bull shit. The fact is the FBI is very good at saying nothing and releasing nothing until they complete their investigation. This drives the media mad so they create their own stories to satisfy their readers and I'm sure they will be doing that in coming weeks.
True, which is why it's a question in my mind. Let us not forget that /everyone/ from the top down on the D side said that Comey was squared away, honest, and non-partisan. So... why would he throw it all away? Clinton was really on track to win (and may still be) so why would he risk everything?
True, which is why it's a question in my mind. Let us not forget that /everyone/ from the top down on the D side said that Comey was squared away, honest, and non-partisan. So... why would he throw it all away? Clinton was really on track to win (and may still be) so why would he risk everything?
Either he felt he had to inform congress immediately that he would be reviewing new emails to determine if they would effect the Clinton email investigation which had been closed or that his intent was to sway voters in the election. I think the former is more likely but who knows. Someone could have been blackmailing him or promises made or maybe he felt Clinton was going to replace him if elected.

It's only natural that the Clinton and Trump would both condemn and praise Comey when his actions favored or disfavored their cause. It's all just politics.
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I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
The Democrats need to scamble now to save themselves. Barack, Michelle, Joe, Chelsea and all the others need to stop campaigning for her and admit she is not fit to be President.
Do you feel stupid yet? Just wait till Hillary wins and I comb through all the stupid shit you guys said that didn't even come close to happening. You guys are pathetic.
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
The Democrats need to scamble now to save themselves. Barack, Michelle, Joe, Chelsea and all the others need to stop campaigning for her and admit she is not fit to be President.
Do you feel stupid yet? Just wait till Hillary wins and I comb through all the stupid shit you guys said that didn't even come close to happening. You guys are pathetic.

I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
The Democrats need to scamble now to save themselves. Barack, Michelle, Joe, Chelsea and all the others need to stop campaigning for her and admit she is not fit to be President.
Do you feel stupid yet? Just wait till Hillary wins and I comb through all the stupid shit you guys said that didn't even come close to happening. You guys are pathetic.

Amen brother
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
The Democrats need to scamble now to save themselves. Barack, Michelle, Joe, Chelsea and all the others need to stop campaigning for her and admit she is not fit to be President.
Do you feel stupid yet? Just wait till Hillary wins and I comb through all the stupid shit you guys said that didn't even come close to happening. You guys are pathetic.

No shit oops!
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
The Democrats need to scamble now to save themselves. Barack, Michelle, Joe, Chelsea and all the others need to stop campaigning for her and admit she is not fit to be President.
Do you feel stupid yet? Just wait till Hillary wins and I comb through all the stupid shit you guys said that didn't even come close to happening. You guys are pathetic.

No shit oops!
I will be shocked if anything at all happens to her. She has some very powerful and influential friends and lots and lots of $$.
I will be shocked if anything at all happens to her. She has some very powerful and influential friends and lots and lots of $$.

Ummm the $$$ she got from those crimes they are gonna have to prosecute them for.
IF they find any connection to the Saudi money to Bill not persuing Bin Laden in 1998 that would have to be the biggest scandal EVER in our history. Worse if they find out he knew something was to occur back in 2001.
Remember he mentioned missing out on Striking Bin Laden, and gloated about it a day before 9/11 while in Australia during a speach.
It will take a while for the feds to view every possible situation the Clintons could have sold out our country. Now those weird decisions and poor judgement will start making sense.
I will be shocked if anything at all happens to her. She has some very powerful and influential friends and lots and lots of $$.

Ummm the $$$ she got from those crimes they are gonna have to prosecute them for.
IF they find any connection to the Saudi money to Bill not persuing Bin Laden in 1998 that would have to be the biggest scandal EVER in our history. Worse if they find out he knew something was to occur back in 2001.
Remember he mentioned missing out on Striking Bin Laden, and gloated about it a day before 9/11 while in Australia during a speach.
It will take a while for the feds to view every possible situation the Clintons could have sold out our country. Now those weird decisions and poor judgement will start making sense.

I HOPE we don't waste time and money trying to FIND things that Hillary may have done wrong. I'm just happy she isn't the POTUS, and we now need to concentrate on the economy and jobs, illegal immigration, etc.
I will be shocked if anything at all happens to her. She has some very powerful and influential friends and lots and lots of $$.

I concur that she will not have anything happen to her. She has too many outs. BO can and likely will pardon her before his term ends if it seems she will face any charges. Afterall, if her shit gets exposed so will some of his. I suspect Trump would pardon her too. His job will be easier if he unifies the country, and a long drawn out Watergate type event would be very divisive.

Better to let her disappear from the political scene, and if she is wearing the patch of a pardoned person, she will be seen by many in politics as damaged goods, a pariah to be avoided. As long as she is willing to go away quietly, I saw good riddance. I'd prefer never to hear about her again.

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