I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak

You nailed it
if Hillary becomes President that the FBI is just going to slink away and forget everything you're fucking delusional.
The REP controlled Senate and Congress will NEVER let go until they have impeached the corrupt bitch!
If Trump wins we all know where this whole Clinton Crime INC bunch of thugs.....including Obama is going.
Once again the LIBs have brought disgrace on themselves.
Yeah sure. Cheeto Jesus is going to personally put Hillary and Obama in prison. I'm sure his top secret investigative team is working on it as we speak :lol:

You people are delusional
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Don't forget suicide. This bitch wants to be president so bad that when she fails, and she already has, as unstable as she is, she won't be able to cope.
The bitch pounds back a bottle of Bombay gin every day. Any Secret Service agent tasked with protecting the lush knows it.
Win or lose she'll drink herself to death within a year.
'President Kaine'?
Dear GOD help America!
Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
Back up your BS
Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
Back up your BS
Opinions need no back up. Now kindly fuck off moron.
You need actual facts to send someone to jail....

My money says Trump sees prison before Hillary
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

I wont believe it until I see her make the walk from the jail across the street to the courthouse. She and her family have gotten away with way to much for me to buy this being her end.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.
Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
Back up your BS
Fuck you jerk-off. You have contributed nothing meaningful here. Bet that's not the first time someone has told you what a useless asshole you are.
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
This is a forum, a place to share opinions & thoughts. If you want to play go fetch find another sucker.
Back up your BS
Opinions need no back up. Now kindly fuck off moron.

Now it's an opinion? So now it's no longer so much corruption and crimes...it's just an opinion that crimes were committed. Lol...
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.

If they arrest the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, justice can be served. She's the main culprit behind the Clinton cover ups. She's consistently obstructed justice. She's used intimidation tactics to coerce Comey. Keep in mind, he is her subordinate at the end of the day.

When Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton, we all knew the fix was in. It's blatant in-your-face corruption at this point. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore. They truly believe they're above the law. And sadly, they're probably right.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.

Psst dumbass, subset of a possibility cannot be higher in possibility, not even in your fantasy land.
I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.

If they arrest the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, justice can be served. She's the main culprit behind the Clinton cover ups. She's consistently obstructed justice. She's used intimidation tactics to coerce Comey. Keep in mind, he is her subordinate at the end of the day.

When Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton, we all knew the fix was in. It's blatant in-your-face corruption at this point. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore. They truly believe they're above the law. And sadly, they're probably right.
They WERE above the law absolutely but not anymore. WikiLeaks and the NYPD have insured justice will be served. The genie is out of the bottle and there's no way all the guilty parties escape this mess unscathed. There's blatant corruption splashed all over the internet that no one will escape
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.

If they arrest the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, justice can be served. She's the main culprit behind the Clinton cover ups. She's consistently obstructed justice. She's used intimidation tactics to coerce Comey. Keep in mind, he is her subordinate at the end of the day.

When Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton, we all knew the fix was in. It's blatant in-your-face corruption at this point. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore. They truly believe they're above the law. And sadly, they're probably right.
They WERE above the law absolutely but not anymore. WikiLeaks and the NYPD have insured justice will be served. The genie is out of the bottle and there's no way all the guilty parties escape this mess unscathed. There's blatant corruption splashed all over the internet that no one will escape

I pray you're right. I do cling to some small hope that the American People won't reward such corrupt criminals with the US Presidency. But it is only a small hope. I'm not nearly as optimistic as you are.
Give Comey a week and he will release a statement saying....OOps.....looks like there was nothing there....sorry for the inconvenience
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I've been thinking about this a bit. I think the best thing for this nation would be for her to go to trial. I wasn't certain for sure because this will create alot of anger and division for this nation but I think trying her gives the nation the best chance to heal on the other side.

Here is why:

1) it will show everyone that no one is too big to face justice.

2) it will make the left face the Clinton cancer among them and get rid of it.

3) it will calm the anger of the right

You dont bring false charges to calm people down
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Agree but I'd bump it up to 99.9% she gets indicted and 100% she does some time. This is the end of the road for a lot of people. Expect some high ranking officials to go down and watch them all turn on each other. The shit is literally hitting the fan on this one.

If they arrest the current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, justice can be served. She's the main culprit behind the Clinton cover ups. She's consistently obstructed justice. She's used intimidation tactics to coerce Comey. Keep in mind, he is her subordinate at the end of the day.

When Lynch met privately with Bill Clinton, we all knew the fix was in. It's blatant in-your-face corruption at this point. They're not even bothering to hide it anymore. They truly believe they're above the law. And sadly, they're probably right.
They WERE above the law absolutely but not anymore. WikiLeaks and the NYPD have insured justice will be served. The genie is out of the bottle and there's no way all the guilty parties escape this mess unscathed. There's blatant corruption splashed all over the internet that no one will escape

I pray you're right. I do cling to some small hope that the American People won't reward such corrupt criminals with the US Presidency. But it is only a small hope. I'm not nearly as optimistic as you are.
If it weren't for WikiLeaks and the NYPD I'd be where I was in the 1st investigation. I said all along they wouldn't indict her. I knew it and wasn't surprised.

One thing else to keep in mind. A lot of people are under investigation right now and they will look to save their own ass. Nobody wants to go to jail over the Clintons so you have to add that to the mix as well. They will sing like little birdies
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