I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

You have 'new' information?
Comey does asshole!
The massive corruption that Hillary and Bill were involved in with the 'Foundation' will be made public.
If Hillary is the President she will be impeached.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

Gerald R. Ford: Proclamation 4311—Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon
Good thing Ford isn't running or president huh? LOL! Tick tok.

What does that have to do with the far reaching power of a Presidential Pardon. Ford Pardoned Nixon before any conviction and before any investigation could charge him with a crime.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Naw. Too big to jail.

Or more appropriately, too Democrat to jail.

For those reasons only, she'll never go to jail. Obama won't even bother to pardon her, it would sully his "legacy" just as Ford's pardon of Nixon did.
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Lynch is,protecting,obama whose legacy is toast also. It was his judgement that put Hilary in the sec of State position, and I would not be surprised if the reason he didn't hold Hilary to her agreement to keep the foundation at arms length is because he too,is getting kickbacks. He has already lied about not knowing about her server and he used an alias to speak,with her. How in any kind of real,world,can any of the administration support this,super predator criminal?
Maybe Wiki and the FBI has Obama's pseudonym emails implicating him too.

Be still my heart!
The FBI has in it's possesion hundrds of 'privatre' emails between Hillary and Obama. He was using an 'alias'. The server did NOT have an official Stae Department address.
Obama was flat out lying! He KNEW about Hillary's illegal server from the day she started using it.
Take THAT to the bank.
The number one reason Obama, Hillary et al are literally shit scared is they KNOW they were all in the corruption together and they are ALL going down!
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.

I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
That is so true.

They're mad, and they hate Hillary.

That's their starting point, then they, and conservative media, reverse engineer Trumped up BS to justify it. No pun intended
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
Having a rough day? No race shit to pimp got ya down?
I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.

Pardons her for what?

Being the victim of a conspiracy theory?
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Like what?
If you have to ask you don't belong in the discussion.

Getting an answer from you guys is like pulling teeth.

Its just drama queen assertions of "the worst thing ever...most corrupt....insert bad adjectives here" and when asked for anything specific that would give you the feeling of an 80% chance of going to jail you, time after time, refuse to name just one thing.

I'm sure thats just a coincidence
Watch the fucking news and stop pretending everyone else is your personal secretary.


How about you just stop saying shit you cant explain?
I've experienced this before when you call someone out to prove what they've said.

"Do your own research"

So weak
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Trump has a greater chance of being charged with crimes.
Trump U
Trump Foundation (at least a half dozen laws broken)
Current investigations ongoing
And this new Tax scam.

Here is the entire scam in simple English:

Trump lost nearly a billion dollars so this supposedly allowed him to go at least 18 years without paying taxes.

Trump's casinos were in deep debt. Trump asked the people who held the debt to forgive it. That means they would just wipe if off the books. They would no longer expect to collect the money owed.

So that money that's wiped off the books is basically a "free gift". If a billion dollars is wiped off the books, and the people who you were supposed to pay no longer expect payment, then that is a billion dollar gift. Even if no money actually changed hands, it's still a gift of a billion dollars and it must be reported to the IRS as "income".

But Donald Trump reported it as a "loss". And because of that loss, he hasn't paid taxes in nearly 20 years. Do you see? He deducted someone else's losses.

There is no Statute of Limitations on Taxes. Undoubtedly, this will open an investigation. There will be a lot of explaining. And Donald Trump's lawyers advised against this scheme. They are in the clear. Trump is not.
"Trump's casinos were in deep debt. Trump asked the people who held the debt to forgive it. That means they would just wipe if off the books. They would no longer expect to collect the money owed."
Wise up dipshit!
The businessmen who 'wrote off' what Trump owed them were able to claim the loss prorated over many years.
Any half decent accountant could work things out so a million dollar 'write-off' can end up actually saving the businessman two million or more in future tax savings.
You simply aren't bright enough to be discussing these things in public.
You always end up proving what an idiot you are.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.
Win or lose Hillary is royally fucked.
If you think if Hillary becomes President that the FBI is just going to slink away and forget everything you're fucking delusional.
The REP controlled Senate and Congress will NEVER let go until they have impeached the corrupt bitch!
If Trump wins we all know where this whole Clinton Crime INC bunch of thugs.....including Obama is going.
Once again the LIBs have brought disgrace on themselves.
Actually it quoted transcript from Baier's segment. Google is your friend.

WHO IS ACTUALLY THE SOURCE of that stupid quote?

Two FBI sources with "intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations.

Ok so there is no source identified and we should just trust to whoever is saying this.

In other words someone interested in spreading rumor about Hillary could have just MADE IT UP and you wouldn't know the difference.
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