I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.

Are you aware that if she wins, while she is President she cannot be prosecuted for any crimes she may have committed in the past? A former US Attorney General and Judge made this point yesterday. She would be immune from prosecution until after her term is up, worse if the statue of limitations for any crimes has run out she walks free. I have a feeling this is what weighed on Comey's mind.
Not aware of that. Would have to see some concrete proof of that.

As I said this was from a former GOP Attorney General and judge. Something about the founders not wanting presidents to be constantly under attack legally while in office. Now she could be impeached and then charged and convicted.
Let's put it this way: the FBI is now "99.9%" certain that 5 foreign intelligence agencies did in fact hack Clinton's server to access e-mails.

There went the whole "there's no proof her server was hacked" talking point.

LOL seriously? Robo-talking youtube video is your supporting source?

wtf is "99% sure 5 foreign did..."? it is complete nonsense and no one with half a brain would be caught saying something so stupid.

Actually it quoted transcript from Baier's segment. Google is your friend.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.

Come again?

FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online

Billy, after what has transpired over the past six hours, that's going to change. Everyone involved in the investigation wanted her to be charged. Except Comey.

You're blind. You're ignoring the corruption, the evidence of corruption. You're ignoring clear violations of numerous federal laws by your candidate. You think Hillary is infallible.

That's what Napoleon thought at Waterloo too. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Last edited:
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Trump has a greater chance of being charged with crimes.
Trump U
Trump Foundation (at least a half dozen laws broken)
Current investigations ongoing
And this new Tax scam.

Here is the entire scam in simple English:

Trump lost nearly a billion dollars so this supposedly allowed him to go at least 18 years without paying taxes.

Trump's casinos were in deep debt. Trump asked the people who held the debt to forgive it. That means they would just wipe if off the books. They would no longer expect to collect the money owed.

So that money that's wiped off the books is basically a "free gift". If a billion dollars is wiped off the books, and the people who you were supposed to pay no longer expect payment, then that is a billion dollar gift. Even if no money actually changed hands, it's still a gift of a billion dollars and it must be reported to the IRS as "income".

But Donald Trump reported it as a "loss". And because of that loss, he hasn't paid taxes in nearly 20 years. Do you see? He deducted someone else's losses.

There is no Statute of Limitations on Taxes. Undoubtedly, this will open an investigation. There will be a lot of explaining. And Donald Trump's lawyers advised against this scheme. They are in the clear. Trump is not.
Actually it quoted transcript from Baier's segment. Google is your friend.

WHO IS ACTUALLY THE SOURCE of that stupid quote?

Two FBI sources with "intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations."

Wait no, here's the transcript of what Baier told Britt Hume:

"BRET BAIER: Here's the deal: We talked to two separate sources with intimate knowledge of the FBI investigations. One: The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far... Several offices separately have been doing their own investigations.

Two: The immunity deal that Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, two top aides to Hillary Clinton, got from the Justice Department in which it was beleived that the laptops they had, after a narrow review for classified materials, were going to be destroyed. We have been told that those have not been destroyed -- they are at the FBI field office here on Washington and are being exploited. .

Three: The Clinton Foundation investigation is so expansive, they have interviewed and re-interviewed many people. They described the evidence they have as 'a lot of it' and said there is an 'avalanche coming in every day.' WikiLeaks and the new emails.

They are "actively and aggressively pursuing this case." Remember the Foundation case is about accusations of pay-for-play... They are taking the new information and some of them are going back to interview people for the third time. As opposed to what has been written about the Clinton Foundation investigation, it is expansive.

The classified e-mail investigation is being run by the National Security division of the FBI. They are currently combing through Anthony Weiner's laptop. They are having some success -- finding what they believe to be new emails, not duplicates, that have been transported through Hillary Clinton's server.

Finally, we learned there is a confidence from these sources that her server had been hacked. And that it was a 99% accuracy that it had been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that things had been taken from that...

There has been some angst about Attorney General Loretta Lynch -- what she has done or not done. She obviously did not impanel, or go to a grand jury at the beginning. They also have a problem, these sources do, with what President Obama said today and back in October of 2015...

I pressed again and again on this very issue... The investigations will continue, there is a lot of evidence. And barring some obstruction in some way, they believe they will continue to likely an indictment."
Last edited:
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Trump has a greater chance of being charged with crimes.
Trump U
Trump Foundation (at least a half dozen laws broken)
Current investigations ongoing
And this new Tax scam.

Here is the entire scam in simple English:

Trump lost nearly a billion dollars so this supposedly allowed him to go at least 18 years without paying taxes.

Trump's casinos were in deep debt. Trump asked the people who held the debt to forgive it. That means they would just wipe if off the books. They would no longer expect to collect the money owed.

So that money that's wiped off the books is basically a "free gift". If a billion dollars is wiped off the books, and the people who you were supposed to pay no longer expect payment, then that is a billion dollar gift. Even if no money actually changed hands, it's still a gift of a billion dollars and it must be reported to the IRS as "income".

But Donald Trump reported it as a "loss". And because of that loss, he hasn't paid taxes in nearly 20 years. Do you see? He deducted someone else's losses.

There is no Statute of Limitations on Taxes. Undoubtedly, this will open an investigation. There will be a lot of explaining. And Donald Trump's lawyers advised against this scheme. They are in the clear. Trump is not.

These things are like hitting a baseball through a glass window compared to the things Hillary has done. No use trying to divert attention away from it.
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No one besides simpletons watch Fox News.
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.

Come again?

FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online

Billy, after what has transpired over the past six hours, that's going to change. Everyone involved in the investigation wanted her to be charged. Except Comey.

You're blind. You're ignoring the corruption, the evidence of corruption. You're ignoring clear violations of numerous federal laws by your candidate. You think Hillary is infallible.

That's what Napoleon thought at Waterloo too. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lol you people are so simple minded. Some "anonymous source" tells the home for republican dick-sucking politics (Fox News) that the FBI is after her and you just blindly believe it?
No one but simpletons obsess over something that has nothing to do with the creation of this thread.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.

Come again?

FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online

Billy, after what has transpired over the past six hours, that's going to change. Everyone involved in the investigation wanted her to be charged. Except Comey.

You're blind. You're ignoring the corruption, the evidence of corruption. You're ignoring clear violations of numerous federal laws by your candidate. You think Hillary is infallible.

That's what Napoleon thought at Waterloo too. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lol you people are so simple minded. Some "anonymous source" tells the home for republican dick-sucking politics (Fox News) that the FBI is after her and you just blindly believe it?

You know what? If you want to define "simple minded", let's start with people like you, gleefully ignoring the numerous crimes committed by the person you're planning to vote for. Things far worse than anything Trump has ever done. You're voting for someone in spite of the fact they violated federal law.

Let's go even further, to people who repeat talking points, some as ridiculous as accusing Trump of conspiring with Russia, or Wikileaks collaborating with Russia to hurt her highness, simply because their political overlords told them to. These people are so simple minded they believe anything they're told. More often than not, they are far left liberal Democrats like yourself.

Come on, please call me simple minded again. Let's go hotshot.
That's where you get this bullshit. Unless it's Breitbart, the blaze, or infowars.

What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.

Come again?

FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online

Billy, after what has transpired over the past six hours, that's going to change. Everyone involved in the investigation wanted her to be charged. Except Comey.

You're blind. You're ignoring the corruption, the evidence of corruption. You're ignoring clear violations of numerous federal laws by your candidate. You think Hillary is infallible.

That's what Napoleon thought at Waterloo too. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lol you people are so simple minded. Some "anonymous source" tells the home for republican dick-sucking politics (Fox News) that the FBI is after her and you just blindly believe it?

You know what? If you want to define "simple minded", let's start with people like you, gleefully ignoring the numerous crimes committed by the person you're planning to vote for. Things far worse than anything Trump has ever done. You're voting for someone in spite of the fact they violated federal law.

Let's go even further, to people who repeat talking points, some as ridiculous as accusing Trump of conspiring with Russia, or Wikileaks collaborating with Russia to hurt her highness, simply because their political overlords told them to. These people are so simple minded they believe anything they're told. More often than not, they are far left liberal Democrats like yourself.

Come on, please call me simple minded again. Let's go hotshot.
For the record, I think Hillary misused and royally fucked up her SoS communication. However I also think it's not enough to charge her with a crime. Her scandal really isn't that big of a deal in comparisons to ones prior to it.

I also really wish Bernie Sanders would be in her place right now. There are a lot of things about her I don't like.


She is far better than Trump as a presidential candidate. That's the closest you can get to objective reality.
She's under two major investigations, where one or both of them could land her in jail. She needs to be in jail.

Let's put it this way: the FBI is now "99.9%" certain that 5 foreign intelligence agencies did in fact hack Clinton's server to access e-mails.

There went the whole "there's no proof her server was hacked" talking point.

who hacked it? why haven't they released a single email from it to prove they hacked it?


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