I have never thought Hillary was going to go to jail.....until now.

For the record, I think Hillary misused and royally fucked up her SoS communication. However I also think it's not enough to charge her with a crime. Her scandal really isn't that big of a deal in comparisons to ones prior to it.

This means you do not comprehend what the evidence shows in regards to why Crooked Hillary set up a private server in addition to being very clueless as to the extent of Crooked Hillary's corrupt, law breaking activities..
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For the record, I think Hillary misused and royally fucked up her SoS communication. However I also think it's not enough to charge her with a crime. Her scandal really isn't that big of a deal in comparisons to ones prior to it.

There's more than just that you simpleton. She's being investigated on two fronts. First, her e-mails, second her "charitable foundation." The FBI has latched on to something on the foundation investigation that could potentially bring her down. Next we have 650,000 e-mails that many of the agents closest to that investigation say are confident that classified information may be contained therein.

We have you, a forum poster, telling me, that your judgement is superior to that of hundreds of FBI agents with combined centuries of legal experience to your none, saying that her scandal(s) aren't "that big of a deal."

Please, stop embarrassing yourself.

That's the closest you can get to objective reality.

Sure, coming from Billy000, who consistently makes threads bashing Republicans, never attempting to commit to any type of objectivity whatsoever. Republicans bad, Democrats good.
She's under two major investigations, where one or both of them could land her in jail. She needs to be in jail.

Let's put it this way: the FBI is now "99.9%" certain that 5 foreign intelligence agencies did in fact hack Clinton's server to access e-mails.

There went the whole "there's no proof her server was hacked" talking point.

who hacked it? why haven't they released a single email from it to prove they hacked it?


Lol. Like I told Billy. Those FBI agents know more than you. They have evidence that five different foreign intelligence organizations hacked Hillary's private server and made off with classified information.

Your experience and judgement are inferior to the FBI's in this context.
Indeed Etherion, and there are multiple layers and a vast array of crooks (government officials) related to the email investigation and Clinton Foundation investigation, and to top it off they intersect! But here Crooked Hillary explains back in 2000 that a private server was needed to hide her corrupt pay for play schemes, her schemes to rig elections, her schemes to rig the MSM, her schemes to rig the justice dept, etc. The problem is she did not know her "private server" she was to set up might have been hidden from the law enforcement unfavorable to her at the time, but was a "public server" to internet experts like Wikileaks, the 5 foreign governments, etc. :p

Obama at least had some knowledge of Crooked Hillary's activities since he knew she was not using a government server, and we can assume he offered backup to pardon Crooked Hillary should things get messy as they are now. We are talking about dozens of people going to prison, not just Crooked Hillary. And if the justice dept was not rigged the investigations would be farther along and Obama might well have been impeached.
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I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.
She's under two major investigations, where one or both of them could land her in jail. She needs to be in jail.

Let's put it this way: the FBI is now "99.9%" certain that 5 foreign intelligence agencies did in fact hack Clinton's server to access e-mails.

There went the whole "there's no proof her server was hacked" talking point.

who hacked it? why haven't they released a single email from it to prove they hacked it?


You simply can't be that much of an idiot.....can you?
She's under two major investigations, where one or both of them could land her in jail. She needs to be in jail.

Let's put it this way: the FBI is now "99.9%" certain that 5 foreign intelligence agencies did in fact hack Clinton's server to access e-mails.

There went the whole "there's no proof her server was hacked" talking point.

who hacked it? why haven't they released a single email from it to prove they hacked it?


Apparently you don't understand the strategic value of information. Why would anyone advertise that they hacked her emails? If I, as a foreign power, did it and found information I could use, I would let no one know I had it until I was ready to use it. If I found information I could use to blackmail her, I would wait until she was in office, then when facing her across the bargaining table, let her know I had information I was ready to release unless she gave me what I wanted. The LAST thing I would do is advertise that I had it.
What if it's direct from an FBI source? Lol. It's game over for you. Just like the Cleveland Indian's World Series Championship hopes, Hillary has gone up in smoke.
Hmm except that the FBI doesn't want to charge Clinton. It doesn't get simpler than that.

Come again?

FBI Source to Fox News: Agents Are 'Livid' About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
Why FBI Director Comey jumped at chance to reopen Hillary Clinton email investigation | Daily Mail Online

Billy, after what has transpired over the past six hours, that's going to change. Everyone involved in the investigation wanted her to be charged. Except Comey.

You're blind. You're ignoring the corruption, the evidence of corruption. You're ignoring clear violations of numerous federal laws by your candidate. You think Hillary is infallible.

That's what Napoleon thought at Waterloo too. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Lol you people are so simple minded. Some "anonymous source" tells the home for republican dick-sucking politics (Fox News) that the FBI is after her and you just blindly believe it?

You know what? If you want to define "simple minded", let's start with people like you, gleefully ignoring the numerous crimes committed by the person you're planning to vote for. Things far worse than anything Trump has ever done. You're voting for someone in spite of the fact they violated federal law.

Let's go even further, to people who repeat talking points, some as ridiculous as accusing Trump of conspiring with Russia, or Wikileaks collaborating with Russia to hurt her highness, simply because their political overlords told them to. These people are so simple minded they believe anything they're told. More often than not, they are far left liberal Democrats like yourself.

Come on, please call me simple minded again. Let's go hotshot.
For the record, I think Hillary misused and royally fucked up her SoS communication. However I also think it's not enough to charge her with a crime. Her scandal really isn't that big of a deal in comparisons to ones prior to it.

I also really wish Bernie Sanders would be in her place right now. There are a lot of things about her I don't like.


She is far better than Trump as a presidential candidate. That's the closest you can get to objective reality.
So you admit, you support a criminal?
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Trump has a greater chance of being charged with crimes.
Trump U
Trump Foundation (at least a half dozen laws broken)
Current investigations ongoing
And this new Tax scam.

Here is the entire scam in simple English:

Trump lost nearly a billion dollars so this supposedly allowed him to go at least 18 years without paying taxes.

Trump's casinos were in deep debt. Trump asked the people who held the debt to forgive it. That means they would just wipe if off the books. They would no longer expect to collect the money owed.

So that money that's wiped off the books is basically a "free gift". If a billion dollars is wiped off the books, and the people who you were supposed to pay no longer expect payment, then that is a billion dollar gift. Even if no money actually changed hands, it's still a gift of a billion dollars and it must be reported to the IRS as "income".

But Donald Trump reported it as a "loss". And because of that loss, he hasn't paid taxes in nearly 20 years. Do you see? He deducted someone else's losses.

There is no Statute of Limitations on Taxes. Undoubtedly, this will open an investigation. There will be a lot of explaining. And Donald Trump's lawyers advised against this scheme. They are in the clear. Trump is not.
I know it's hard for the mentally challenged to stay focused but this thread is about Hillary not Trump
Honestly, I expect either Trump or Clinton will face impeachment proceedings fairly early into their first term.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

I'm watching Hannity now and it's absolutely incredible. The problem Obama now has is he's neck-deep in shit himself. This will taint his legacy.
If he pardons her his legacy is toast. His best chance to escape unscathed is to avoid dealing with her & hope he wasn't involved in any of this shit.
Obama has told a flat out lie!
He claimed he found out about Hillary's illegal sever when the public found out.
Yet there is 100% irrefutable proof he was emailing her using an alias.
Someone as fucking 'intelligent' as Obama claims to be should have noticed the emails were NOT going through an official State Department server.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
Don't forget suicide. This bitch wants to be president so bad that when she fails, and she already has, as unstable as she is, she won't be able to cope.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

Gerald R. Ford: Proclamation 4311—Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon
Good thing Ford isn't running or president huh? LOL! Tick tok.
I'd give her an 80% chance of either winding up in jail or getting a blanket pardon from Obama.
There is an avalanche of torrid shit coming out about her, the DOJ & her foundation.
A month after the election, no one will care about Clinton's email nor Trump's statements about women.
BTW, a president can't pardon a person that has never been convicted of anything.

Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, have granted and by these presents do grant a full, free, and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 20, 1969 through August 9, 1974.

Gerald R. Ford: Proclamation 4311—Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon
Good thing Ford isn't running or president huh? LOL! Tick tok.
You missed his point.
No I didn't. She can be pardoned. It's just that because one person did something may not mean another will do the same thing.

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