I have the solution to rising sea levels.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Just to be clear, I'm going to run with the conclusion the bed wetters are parroting correct information and complete data so we can pretend that algore's (lol) predictions are just off a few years and the water's comin' baby.

What we need to do is find a way to get the water out of the ocean. We can't just jettison it into space, and I'd be willing to guess that with all the ice floating around in space as much falls on us as we could expect to jettison off. So what we need is more strip mines. We need to take mountain cones, and turn them into water cones. There are mountains full of resources all over the planet and we can use the excess material that has no real value as fill along the coasts to keep the oceans at bay.

Besides, imagine the commercial value of a housing community build on the steps of this valley about half full or more? With a desalination plant piping water into it, it could be a pretty awesome place.


Lets get strippin' !!!

Just to be clear, I'm going to run with the conclusion the bed wetters are parroting correct information and complete data so we can pretend that algore's (lol) predictions are just off a few years and the water's comin' baby.

What we need to do is find a way to get the water out of the ocean. We can't just jettison it into space, and I'd be willing to guess that with all the ice floating around in space as much falls on us as we could expect to jettison off. So what we need is more strip mines. We need to take mountain cones, and turn them into water cones. There are mountains full of resources all over the planet and we can use the excess material that has no real value as fill along the coasts to keep the oceans at bay.

Besides, imagine the commercial value of a housing community build on the steps of this valley about half full or more? With a desalination plant piping water into it, it could be a pretty awesome place.


Lets get strippin' !!!

In Saudi Arabia, they are using Desalination plants to bring in salt water, take the salt out then pipe fresh water inland to irrigate crops that were once desert areas. We could do the same thing, but also use ionization to separate hydrogen from oxygen, thus providing hydrogen fuel cells, then not only do we have fresh water from the sea coming in, but when the hydrogen burns it creates water vapor thus making more clouds to keep our country well irrigated. We seem to have a water shortage near liberal cities and states like Californication. There the water would be plentiful and no more Governor Brown induced wildfires...
Nobody cares about sea level rise.....except people who need some real responsibilities in life.
I always scratch my head though when I hear some lunatic lefty say "The oceans are rising do to global warming", then see people like Al Gore, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, go out and buy islands or put mansions on the beach in Californication or Florida. Just doesn't make sense, does it?
So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?
So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?
You would be surprised what people would do for money that is allocated for research a certain result. If you dont come up with said result, that funding goes away.
So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?

How have any threads claiming man made global warming not been moved to the conspiracy section. I started a whole thread stating plainly that there was no actual evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis....and there was:

1. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

2. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere.

3. There was not a single peer reviewed, published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by the activities of man were empirically measured, quantified, and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses.

And you know what? My claim stands...no one has been able to deliver even a single piece of the data requested above..not a single piece. Maybe you can help them out...or not..

When the rubber meets the road, you guys are all just alike....spewing your religion without the first piece of actual empirical data to support your beliefs.
So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?
You would be surprised what people would do for money that is allocated for research a certain result. If you dont come up with said result, that funding goes away.
Yeah,if only the cash strapped fossil fuel industry could afford to pay for REAL science, right?!?!

So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?

How have any threads claiming man made global warming not been moved to the conspiracy section. I started a whole thread stating plainly that there was no actual evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis....and there was:

1. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

2. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere.

3. There was not a single peer reviewed, published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by the activities of man were empirically measured, quantified, and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses.

And you know what? My claim stands...no one has been able to deliver even a single piece of the data requested above..not a single piece. Maybe you can help them out...or not..

When the rubber meets the road, you guys are all just alike....spewing your religion without the first piece of actual empirical data to support your beliefs.
Mods, please move to conspiracy section. Thanks.
So, the global scientific community is a bunch of liars engaged in a vast conspiracy.

How has this thread not been moved to the conspiracy section?

How have any threads claiming man made global warming not been moved to the conspiracy section. I started a whole thread stating plainly that there was no actual evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis....and there was:

1. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which supports the AGW hypothesis over natural variability.

2. There is not a single piece of observed, measured evidence which establishes a coherent link between the absorption of infrared radiation by a gas and warming in the atmosphere.

3. There was not a single peer reviewed, published paper in which the hypothetical warming caused by the activities of man were empirically measured, quantified, and ascribed to so called greenhouse gasses.

And you know what? My claim stands...no one has been able to deliver even a single piece of the data requested above..not a single piece. Maybe you can help them out...or not..

When the rubber meets the road, you guys are all just alike....spewing your religion without the first piece of actual empirical data to support your beliefs.
Mods, please move to conspiracy section. Thanks.

They'd do that only if there was no healthy debate amongst the public. Clearly there is....voters dont give a wit about climate change which means skeptics are winning the argument....decisively btw.

When the science transcends it's own field, then maybe this goes to conspiracy theory. Doy
They'd do that only if there was no healthy debate amongst the public.
Nonsense. There ia plenty of debate over idiotic 9/11 conspiracy theories. And in this topic, there is no debate among scientists. You freakish deniers are claiming a vast conspiracy of the world's scientists, and you should be rewarded with being treated like the anomalous fools you are.
They'd do that only if there was no healthy debate amongst the public.
Nonsense. There ia plenty of debate over idiotic 9/11 conspiracy theories. And in this topic, there is no debate among scientists. You freakish deniers are claiming a vast conspiracy of the world's scientists, and you should be rewarded with being treated like the anomalous fools you are.

But supposedly we deniers are a fringe cult. Then why is there zero climate action in the past 20 years?

So quotes like these below......wtf? Are you that deep into the matrix?

"The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself
- Club of Rome,
premier environmental think-tank,
consultants to the United Nations


"We need to get some broad based support,
to capture the public's imagination...
So we have to offer up scary scenarios,
make simplified, dramatic statements
and make little mention of any doubts...
Each of us has to decide what the right balance
is between being effective and being honest.
- Prof. Stephen Schneider,
Stanford Professor of Climatology,
lead author of many IPCC reports


"We've got to ride this global warming issue.
Even if the theory of global warming is wrong,
we will be doing the right thing in terms of
economic and environmental policy.
- Timothy Wirth,
President of the UN Foundation


"No matter if the science of global warming is all phony...
climate change provides the greatest opportunity to
bring about justice and equality in the world
- Christine Stewart,
former Canadian Minister of the Environment


The data doesn't matter. We're not basing our recommendations
on the data. We're basing them on the climate models
- Prof. Chris Folland,
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research


The models are convenient fictions
that provide something very useful
- Dr David Frame,
climate modeler, Oxford University
Get a room, deniers. You know, for the conspiracy circle-jerk. Nobody wants to see that. I know you're upset about the elections and seek comfort from each other, but you're grossing everyone out.

The OP's ideas are loony.

His brilliant plan is too carve up mountains to build levees along the whole coastline. Astronomical cost aside, how does that handle the problem of rivers? Water has to flow out into the ocean, or it pools up behind the levee. If there's a hole in the levee to let the river out, then ocean water can come back in that way.

You can build tidal defenses, like with the Thames Estuary. That ran about $2 billion. And by about 2070, it will be overwhelmed, and a new bigger barrier will need to be built. No problem, that only has to be done for every river and stream on earth.

Hmmm. Maybe better to not raise oceans levels, ya think?
Get a room, deniers. You know, for the conspiracy circle-jerk. Nobody wants to see that. I know you're upset about the elections and seek comfort from each other, but you're grossing everyone out.

The OP's ideas are loony.

His brilliant plan is too carve up mountains to build levees along the whole coastline. Astronomical cost aside, how does that handle the problem of rivers? Water has to flow out into the ocean, or it pools up behind the levee. If there's a hole in the levee to let the river out, then ocean water can come back in that way.

You can build tidal defenses, like with the Thames Estuary. That ran about $2 billion. And by about 2070, it will be overwhelmed, and a new bigger barrier will need to be built. No problem, that only has to be done for every river and stream on earth.

Hmmm. Maybe better to not raise oceans levels, ya think?

Sea levels were around 2 meters higher earlier in the Holocene, maybe it isn't that bad after all since we are still here and thriving.
Get a room, deniers. You know, for the conspiracy circle-jerk. Nobody wants to see that. I know you're upset about the elections and seek comfort from each other, but you're grossing everyone out.

The OP's ideas are loony.

His brilliant plan is too carve up mountains to build levees along the whole coastline. Astronomical cost aside, how does that handle the problem of rivers? Water has to flow out into the ocean, or it pools up behind the levee. If there's a hole in the levee to let the river out, then ocean water can come back in that way.

You can build tidal defenses, like with the Thames Estuary. That ran about $2 billion. And by about 2070, it will be overwhelmed, and a new bigger barrier will need to be built. No problem, that only has to be done for every river and stream on earth.

Hmmm. Maybe better to not raise oceans levels, ya think?

Upset about the elections?

:wtf:........... https://www.sfgate.com/news/article/Ballot-measures-taking-aim-at-climate-change-fall-13370355.php

Climate change flushed down the shitter by the voters last night!!


Nobody cares about the 3mm :iyfyus.jpg:
Just to be clear, I'm going to run with the conclusion the bed wetters are parroting correct information and complete data so we can pretend that algore's (lol) predictions are just off a few years and the water's comin' baby.

What we need to do is find a way to get the water out of the ocean. We can't just jettison it into space, and I'd be willing to guess that with all the ice floating around in space as much falls on us as we could expect to jettison off. So what we need is more strip mines. We need to take mountain cones, and turn them into water cones. There are mountains full of resources all over the planet and we can use the excess material that has no real value as fill along the coasts to keep the oceans at bay.

Besides, imagine the commercial value of a housing community build on the steps of this valley about half full or more? With a desalination plant piping water into it, it could be a pretty awesome place.


Lets get strippin' !!!

In Saudi Arabia, they are using Desalination plants to bring in salt water, take the salt out then pipe fresh water inland to irrigate crops that were once desert areas. We could do the same thing, but also use ionization to separate hydrogen from oxygen, thus providing hydrogen fuel cells, then not only do we have fresh water from the sea coming in, but when the hydrogen burns it creates water vapor thus making more clouds to keep our country well irrigated. We seem to have a water shortage near liberal cities and states like Californication. There the water would be plentiful and no more Governor Brown induced wildfires...

This IS the best engineering use for Solar and Wind power. Not even on the grid. Dedicated to desalinizing water and producing hydrogen.. That's an elegant design that doesn't care about when sun shines or the wind blows, because the PRODUCTS are easily storable.
This IS the best engineering use for Solar and Wind power. Not even on the grid. Dedicated to desalinizing water and producing hydrogen.. That's an elegant design that doesn't care about when sun shines or the wind blows, because the PRODUCTS are easily storable.

If someone actually started taking old mines and filling them with water in order to make little lakeside communities they'd be cheap. Well stocked with fish and not over crowded would make it better real estate. The problem is bed wetters would be genetically modifying insects in order to stop things from happening through the Endangered Species act. They will make every effort to prevent people from doing something that might encourage strip mining or even digging up the earth like that in the wasteland.

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