I have to admit, my views on Ukraine could change

I didn’t lie and you are retarded. I said I was giving it some reconsideration. And I am. But I’m not persuaded yet.

Further, I’m not accepting any propaganda. I basically susoect all sides are engaged innit which makes it more complicated. You however accept the propaganda of one side without a second thought.

I don’t care that you’re a close-minded lump. But you should stop projecting.
Putin is a monster. But NATO is an even bigger monster. And all wars result in the loss of innocent lives, so we can't single this one out as being any worse than any other. It is war that is the crime and we need to accept that 'we' in the West had a part in starting this one. Putin has had years to carry out this invasion so an explanation is needed as to why he did it now. And that is I believe that he had little choice as it was a last resort situation, Russia's enemies arming themselves along its border threatening instability as they were.
My problem with Putin is that he is a rotten passive-aggressive neighbor who is threatening to nuke anybody who helped the Ukraine if things don't go well for him there. He should take a hint from his soldiers who throw up thinking about the children Putin's generals made them kill, like the orphanage he vaporized the first day of shelling genocidal weaponry against the Ukraine, vaporized 5 or 6 grade schools and a maternity hospital in the Ukraine in the first week. Talk about the boss from hell. :cranky: :cranky:
You haven't??? NATO moved into North Macedonia in 2020, and Montenegro in 2017.
North Macedonia sought to JOIN NATO and formally entered as a member nation in 2020. Not exactly a NATO INVASION.
Montenegro similarly sought NATO membership and was formally admitted in 2017. Again, not a NATO invasion.
You haven't??? NATO moved into North Macedonia in 2020, and Montenegro in 2017.
oh NO............I missed it..............how many people were killed with NATO TAKING THEM

The HORROR........

Oh.........Ukraine is throwing flowers and thanking Russia for SAVING THEM.........ummm.........well..............NO THEY AREN'T.......

Guess they were really Russians just flew the hell out the window.
North Macedonia sought to JOIN NATO and formally entered as a member nation in 2020. Not exactly a NATO INVASION.
Montenegro similarly sought NATO membership and was formally admitted in 2017. Again, not a NATO invasion.
NATO an enemy of Russia has effectively moved up to the Russian border. This is an unwarranted threat.

And so, you are saying that the best course of action is to wait until every house in your street is occupied (provided they take up a lease) by the enemy. And then do what? Surrender?

Nato is a military representation of the Left and will not stop until it destroys those nations representing the Right.
NATO an enemy of Russia has effectively moved up to the Russian border. This is an unwarranted threat.

And so, you are saying that the best course of action is to wait until every house in your street is occupied (provided they take up a lease) by the enemy. And then do what? Surrender?

Nato is a military representation of the Left and will not stop until it destroys those nations representing the Right.
You mean like when Russia moved it’s troops and war materiel right up to the Ukraine border in preparation for its pre-planned offensive invasion? That kind of unwarranted threat?
You mean like when Russia moved it’s troops and war materiel right up to the Ukraine border in preparation for its pre-planned offensive invasion? That kind of unwarranted threat?
Putin moved the Russian army to the border for a pre-emptive strike to counter the immanent threat of an attack by the rogue Ukrainian forces.
Putin moved the Russian army to the border for a pre-emptive strike to counter the immanent threat of an attack by the rogue Ukrainian forces.
Absolute made-up horse shit. There was no threat at all of any Ukrainian invasion of any part of Russia. Lying is a sin. Get right with Allah.
Ukraine was about to join NATO that's what set this off. If Russia had not backed out of Cuba the same thing would have happened there.
The USSR had actually put atomic weapons IN Cuba. It wasn’t some paranoid fear that it “might possibly conceivably someday perhaps happen.” And, uhm, no. Ukraine had sought entry for almost 20 years and had never been “about to join” NATO because NATO said “no.”
Buildings can be rebuilt. Obliterating buildings, and obliterating Ukraine are two different things. I thought you meant obliterating the Ukraine military.
The country and you just showed what I was saying. One obliterates where the countrymen work and live, forcing them to flee to other countries, pretty much is obliterating the country. At least how I see it.

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