I have to admit, my views on Ukraine could change

Learn not to be an arrogant prick and how to focus an argument. Then I might be willing to entertain your otherwise worthless commentary. But I will give you a hint because you urgently need it.

Ukraine did not invade Russia. Ukraine did not threaten Russia. Even NATO had not granted Ukraine entry into NATO. Zero threat to Russia by Ukraine. As in None. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
We can’t debate. It’s as if we are speaking a different language.
It's really all about information overload and information black out. How many people know that Ukraine had been stealing Russian oil? That they refused to pay back billions in loans? That they have been attempting to genocide Russian speaking UKES and have even terrorized their own with the Azov Nazis?
Very few.
Some of us have bothered to get informed, but we’re a small minority.

We have a government and media that have lied us into every war these past few decades, yet somehow millions of Americans still believe their government and media. I’m sure there is a psychological explanation.
Hey, I know exactly where you are coming from. When I see Pelosi and Schiff in Kiev, I know they are not asking "what can we do to help?"

They are setting conditions- the list of recipients will be provided by dems at a later date.

I'm less worried about the lend-lease because that goes through FMS. It will be military-to-military.

It's the $13Bn slush fund that really bothers me. That will be handed out by State and end up in the hands of Oligarchs.

At least the weapons will go to the armed forces to defend their country...

Ukraine is ultra-corrupt. It'll be interesting to see how many stinger's the U.S. gives end up on the arm's black market.
Some of us have bothered to get informed, but we’re a small minority.

We have a government and media that have lied us into every war these past few decades, yet somehow millions of Americans still believe their government and media. I’m sure there is a psychological explanation.
Once again it infuriates me that you can't share any of this stuff without being called a communist. How stupid.
Ukraine is ultra-corrupt. It'll be interesting to see how many stinger's the U.S. gives end up on the arm's black market.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
The Ukraine, before this war, was the Democrat-elite playground for extortion, money laundring and quid pro quo money. As soon as the Ukraine started really investigating its largest energy company (Burisma) for corruption, where Hunter was extorting money for introductions to the 'Big Guy' (Joe Biden), then Joe Biden used taxpayer money and U.S. policy to bribe them to remove the prosecutor (Shokin) who was investigating Joe's son Hunter's corporation, Burisma.
The Ukraine, before this war, was the Democrat-elite playground for extortion, money laundring and quid pro quo money. As soon as the Ukraine started really investigating its largest energy company (Burisma) for corruption, where Hunter was extorting money for introductions to the 'Big Guy' (Joe Biden), then Joe Biden used taxpayer money and U.S. policy to bribe them to remove the prosecutor (Shokin) who was investigating Joe's son Hunter's corporation, Burisma.
Not one word of that ^ has a damn thing to do with the Russian military invasion of and war against Ukraine
Not one word of that ^ has a damn thing to do with the Russian military invasion of and war against Ukraine
Joe Biden and the Democrats stupid energy policies had the effect of handing billions of dollars over to Russia by increasing their oil revenue which is where Putin gets his money. In fact, for a time, we were still buying oil from Putin after he invaded. Before that, as I said, Ukraine was a Democrat dirty money playground. By all accounts, Ukraine was a pretty corrupt place before the invasion however, that is no real excuse for Putin's war however, Biden stupidly paved the way and not one D.C. Democrat elite spoke up.
Joe Biden and the Democrats stupid energy policies had the effect of handing billions of dollars over to Russia by increasing their oil revenue which is where Putin gets his money. In fact, for a time, we were still buying oil from Putin after he invaded. Before that, as I said, Ukraine was a Democrat dirty money playground. By all accounts, Ukraine was a pretty corrupt place before the invasion however, that is no real excuse for Putin's war however, Biden stupidly paved the way and not one D.C. Democrat elite spoke up.

Also, don't forget that 14,000 people died in the Donbas for the last 8 years due to Ukraine trying to rid Ukrainian-Russians from their own land.
Also, don't forget that 14,000 people died in the Donbas for the last 8 years due to Ukraine trying to rid Ukrainian-Russians from their own land.
Exaggeration. But even if true, that doesn’t provide any excuse for Russia’s war. Internal Ukrainian issues (even ones involving violence) are matters for Ukraine, not Russia.
Also, don't forget that 14,000 people died in the Donbas for the last 8 years due to Ukraine trying to rid Ukrainian-Russians from their own land.
Putin has wanted Ukraine back the whole time. That, and the U.S. election of a weak, bumbling POTUS IMO, gave Putin the impetus to invade. I believe Putin was just sitting on the border waiting for his opportunity and when Biden got to be POTUS he saw his window of opportunity.
Joe Biden and the Democrats stupid energy policies had the effect of handing billions of dollars over to Russia by increasing their oil revenue which is where Putin gets his money. In fact, for a time, we were still buying oil from Putin after he invaded. Before that, as I said, Ukraine was a Democrat dirty money playground. By all accounts, Ukraine was a pretty corrupt place before the invasion however, that is no real excuse for Putin's war however, Biden stupidly paved the way and not one D.C. Democrat elite spoke up.
The current set up in Ukraine is and has been just another department of NATO. The tax money theft there from Us coffers has been mind blowing.
Aside from the ethnic cleansing being done by the Azov Nazis the rather naked intentions of taking Sevastopol away from Russia was pretty much paraded out there in a somewhat defiant manner.
In short NATO knew it was just a matter of time before Putin would react and they were ready. They knew well in advance that the Ukranian citizens would become helpless victims of this pissing contest.

Ukraine was a defacto NATO operations center and this war has proved that in spades.
Exaggeration. But even if true, that doesn’t provide any excuse for Russia’s war. Internal Ukrainian issues (even ones involving violence) are matters for Ukraine, not Russia.

I can run with this.
But it's essential to add that it really is a matter for Europe, not the U.S., because corrupt Ukraine IS NOT a member of NATO!
So why treat these criminals like they are??
I can run with this.
But it's essential to add that it really is a matter for Europe, not the U.S., because corrupt Ukraine IS NOT a member of NATO!
So why treat these criminals like they are??
I don’t think we’ve sent in any troops. But containing Russian expansionism is absolutely a U.S. interest. And that’s true whether the independent and sovereign nation of Ukraine is in NATO or not. We aren’t treating Ukraine as though they were in NATO. IF WE WERE, we would already be fighting there ourselves.
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I don’t think we’ve sent in any troops. But containing Eussian expansionism is absolutely a U.S. interest. And that’s true whether the independent and sovereign nation of Ukraine is in NATO or not. We aren’t treating Ukraine as though they were in NATO. IF WE WERE, we would already be fighting there ourselves.

Close enough to it. The rest is pure bullshit!
I can run with this.
But it's essential to add that it really is a matter for Europe, not the U.S., because corrupt Ukraine IS NOT a member of NATO!
So why treat these criminals like they are??
Because U.S. criminals like the Biden family were making too much dirty money there.

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