I have to admit, my views on Ukraine could change

I’m not in favor of China, but they know that such an attack would provoke war and the U.S. would respond accordingly.

This is getting really stupid so let me try to summarize my position on this. In situations that call for military action, I don‘t have a problem with us using drone strikes to hit specific targets and minimize destruction and death compared to boots on the ground. Whether the military action itself is necessary is another issue entirely, I’m just saying that I see drone strikes as a tool that can be used effectively in certain situations. And, obviously, I don’t want a drone strike to hit me.
The issue is when the drone strike is used on a nation you are not at war with is what Obama did in Yemen!

So let be very clear Obama is no better!
Eurasian warfare has been ever thus....They've never played by the Geneva convention, and aren't likely to ever do so.
I don’t doubt it. All war is — well, why reinvent the wheel? All war is hell.

I had not realized until recently that some US bombing of Japan (pre-nuke) had deliberately targeted purely civilian population centers. I had been under the misguided impression that our targets were purely military in nature. I find that new found knowledge (new for me) very disconcerting.

Still, past wrongs by us or others doesn’t justify Putin’s behavior. I would love to read breaking news of his sudden death.
The issue is when the drone strike is used on a nation you are not at war with is what Obama did in Yemen!

So let be very clear Obama is no better!
You said that already.

My response: “In situations that call for military action, I don‘t have a problem with us using drone strikes to hit specific targets and minimize destruction and death compared to boots on the ground.”
You said that already.

My response: “In situations that call for military action, I don‘t have a problem with us using drone strikes to hit specific targets and minimize destruction and death compared to boots on the ground.”
Obama and you have no right entering a country airspace to kill someone that you have not declared war with!

If you believe you do then you should be happy with Pootin and his illegal act but seeing Trump likes Pootin mean you have to hate him even though you are just like him!
I don’t doubt it. All war is — well, why reinvent the wheel? All war is hell.

I had not realized until recently that some US bombing of Japan (pre-nuke) had deliberately targeted purely civilian population centers. I had been under the misguided impression that our targets were purely military in nature. I find that new found knowledge (new for me) very disconcerting.

Still, past wrongs by us or others doesn’t justify Putin’s behavior. I would love to read breaking news of his sudden death.
I'm just saying is this is how the wars in this part of the world have always been fought....Not approving of it.

The Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, et. al. are well known for running prisoner conscripts out in front of guns to make the opponent run down their ammunition.....Their warfare hasn't progressed beyond medieval barbarism,, despite all the technological advances.
I'm just saying is this is how the wars in this part of the world have always been fought....Not approving of it.

The Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, et. al. are well known for running prisoner conscripts out in front of guns to make the opponent run down their ammunition.....Their warfare hasn't progressed beyond medieval barbarism,, despite all the technological advances.
Again. I’m not denying it. I’m just contending that this tragic historical fact doesn’t make me see Putin in any different light.
Obama and you have no right entering a country airspace to kill someone that you have not declared war with!

If you believe you do then you should be happy with Pootin and his illegal act but seeing Trump likes Pootin mean you have to hate him even though you are just like him!
I explained which actions I have a problem with. I explained which actions I don’t have a problem with.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.

Our budget for our So. Border is $15 billion per year. Biden wants $33 billion for Ukraine's border security on top of the $4.3 billion already spent.

Hope this helps you focus.
Our budget for our So. Border is $15 billion per year. Biden wants $33 billion for Ukraine's border security on top of the $4.3 billion already spent.

Hope this helps you focus.
It does not. I already oppose Brandon for his willful neglect of our border. And the Ukraine situation isn’t measured in dollars or billions of dollars for that matter.
I’m not in favor of China, but they know that such an attack would provoke war and the U.S. would respond accordingly.

This is getting really stupid so let me try to summarize my position on this. In situations that call for military action, I don‘t have a problem with us using drone strikes to hit specific targets and minimize destruction and death compared to boots on the ground. Whether the military action itself is necessary is another issue entirely, I’m just saying that I see drone strikes as a tool that can be used effectively in certain situations. And, obviously, I don’t want a drone strike to hit me.
So you're saying the US action in the Ukraine should provoke a war between the USA and Russia?

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