I have to admit, my views on Ukraine could change

I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
Putin is a monster. But NATO is an even bigger monster. And all wars result in the loss of innocent lives, so we can't single this one out as being any worse than any other. It is war that is the crime and we need to accept that 'we' in the West had a part in starting this one. Putin has had years to carry out this invasion so an explanation is needed as to why he did it now. And that is I believe that he had little choice as it was a last resort situation, Russia's enemies arming themselves along its border threatening instability as they were.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
Makes me wonder if it's the good 'ol USA is footing the bill for NATO again.
I wonder what the other countries are anteing up in dollars.
So the Speaker of the House goes to the Ukraine to show US solidarity with the besieged country and the US President continues to pour aid to the Country to fight off the invaders, and somehow the OP sees some sort of conspiracy in all this. It is the new conservatism. Everything is a conspiracy.
She went because the man behind the curtain was afraid the first and second string would screw the pooch with an in person visit.
You know damn well that Hunter Biden will bag a few $million for "the big guy".
Pelosi and her son PAUL jr will do the same----he was taking kick backs from a different ukrainian energy company while Biden was taking his and Joes from Burisma. Pelosi even made a filmed "commercial" to support his position in the company. Anytime that our government spends money, they (the politicians) have a system in place to get kickbacks especially from overseas.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.

Time to leave the Matrix, brother
So the Speaker of the House goes to the Ukraine to show US solidarity with the besieged country and the US President continues to pour aid to the Country to fight off the invaders, and somehow the OP sees some sort of conspiracy in all this. It is the new conservatism. Everything is a conspiracy.
When you see these are the same people throwing open the US Southern border, you know something is very very wrong with the narrative
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
Your OP is one evil production, if you don't like the way they are running the nation run for office then.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
Even enemies can agree on that POOTIN need to go!
Putin is a monster. But NATO is an even bigger monster. And all wars result in the loss of innocent lives, so we can't single this one out as being any worse than any other. It is war that is the crime and we need to accept that 'we' in the West had a part in starting this one. Putin has had years to carry out this invasion so an explanation is needed as to why he did it now. And that is I believe that he had little choice as it was a last resort situation, Russia's enemies arming themselves along its border threatening instability as they were.
I haven’t seen NATO doing any invading lately.
Usage of Drones and not ending the Afghanistan conflict and keeping us in Iraq…
What’s the problem with drones?

Afghanistan and Iraq were difficult to get out of. Biden finally ripped the band-aid off for Afghanistan and got a lot of shit for it.
I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

...sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelous

Kids, this is your brain on politico coolaid overdose.

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