I have to admit, my views on Ukraine could change

No conflict of conscience here whatsoever, I said right from the get-go it was folly to get involved with those two criminal nations.

But no, the virtue-signaling left and the gop neocons found common ground, the gop to give their PACs a shot of arms manufacturers cash and the left to continue to launder billions.....And so it goes.
So the Speaker of the House goes to the Ukraine to show US solidarity with the besieged country and the US President continues to pour aid to the Country to fight off the invaders, and somehow the OP sees some sort of conspiracy in all this. It is the new conservatism. Everything is a conspiracy.
Nancy flew to Syria to have tea with Assad…frankly it’s always worth questioning the people she associates with
He said he wanted Putin dead. Both his opinion might change. So from anti Putin what other choice do you have if your opinion might change?
So you even understand the English language?

Pro anything means that you support it, wholeheartedly.

Now, revise your education and deal with it.
So the Speaker of the House goes to the Ukraine to show US solidarity with the besieged country and the US President continues to pour aid to the Country to fight off the invaders, and somehow the OP sees some sort of conspiracy in all this. It is the new conservatism. Everything is a conspiracy.
I didn’t say I see a conspiracy, you hack. I said I recognize that my position is more or less aligned with dolts like Brandon and Pelousy and Schitty and that constitutes reason to be concerned.

Your dopey attempt at a recap also left out another concern: There is a history of Brandon family corruption in Ukraine. It should be factored in.

All that said, I still want Putin to die. The sooner the better.
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I detest Putin. I’d like for him to die. Peacefully in his sleep tonight or violently via assassination. Like a bug in a RAID tv ad. Putin is evil incarnate and the Russian invasion of Ukraine is absolutely wrong and indefensible. The conduct of that war against Ukraine is even worse.

But when I see our senile scumbag old racist President seeking from our Congress 15 times what the Ukrainian President asked for, and then I see thieving scumbag assholes like pencil neck Schiff and the Mumbler of the House, Pelousy, going to Ukraine — I have to double clutch.

Sometimes you can tell you’re on the wrong side by looking at shit like Brandon and Schiff and Pelousy. If they seemingly agree with you, maybe you’re wrong.

I still want Putin dead. But maybe there is something more sinister to the whole story.
Trust me, Ukraine's government is a significant part of the problem, even more importantly, Russia did NOT start this war, Obama/Biden did back in 2013/14, which corresponds to just how long we have been training the Ukrainian Nazi's(Azov boys)to wage asymmetrical warfare!

Russia is not our enemy, but I can absolutely assure you, if fascist democrat and rino globalists have their way, they will be! :wink:
My view won't change Putin should of attack Ukraine. Ukraine gets to pick what they want to be.
Trust me, Ukraine's government is a significant part of the problem, even more importantly, Russia did NOT start this war, Obama/Biden did back in 2013/14, which corresponds to just how long we have been training the Ukrainian Nazi's(Azov boys)to wage asymmetrical warfare!

Russia is not our enemy, but I can absolutely assure you, if fascist democrat and rino globalists have their way, they will be! :wink:
So much truth there, but few Americans know it and few will accept it.

My guess is less than 10% of Americans know of the coup by O, old Joe, and neocon Nuland.
Shocking thread. Good to see the support for Putin strengthening among Trump supporters.
If Don were potus and doing exactly the same thing old Joe is doing (which in fact, he would), you’d be against it. You’d be singing love songs to Putin.

You have no credibility here, like all partisans of the duopoly.
I do think Ukraine is the victim. And I can’t stand Brandon, Pelousy or Shifty. If I find myself on their “side,” yep. I have to check myself.
Personally, I was amazed at how many Republican congress critters were cheering for the Biden's good friend and fellow crook Zelensky.
He is 100% pro abortion and a huge LGBTQ and transgender for kids supporter.
If the criminal drug dealer and money laundrier Zelensky was an American citizen.
He'd have a top position in the Democrat Party.
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Well now you have Sunni liking your posts. Would you rather be aligned with him?

To me, this is one of those issues that really shouldn’t be a left/right thing. We should all be horrified at what Putin is doing to innocent Ukrainians.

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