I have to correct something I said RE Cheney accusing Giuliani

That *^%^$##@ ssaid G was drunk... oh, wait "inebriated" whatever... the night of the election results and I responded to her bs by saying that No way could G have said to Trump he should stop the counting

Well, it escaped me at that time that maybe Trump did want the counting stopped. Now we all know (after months of investigations of voting procedures) that the counting in some places was CONTINUED, which resulted (OH GEE, we're SO shocked) in Biden ballots coming in at something like 4 am..

almost all of them were for ByeDum!! whoda thunk it?!

I hear some places the ballots were 94% for the senile Knuckelhead..

and in some places even more than 94%

Anyone who believes that hair sniffer won legitimately is either stupid or.. and/or a BIG freaking LIAR

i say both
A person denying the overwhelming evidence placed in front of them in favor of the lies broadcast to them over their favorite LIES outlet is a fool.
But, you see, the GQP depends on your foolishness.
While they screw you over they keep you distracted from the dick in your ass
By telling you it's someone else's dick
A wise man recognizes a dick when he sees it.
While the GQP fools call it a lollipop and start sucking.

Get some new material, dick licker.
You mean like calling people Nazis over and over and over and over and over and over again? New material like that?
They covered the well known effects of they way the Swing States counted their mail in ballot in the first hearing didn't they?

Why do you think Trumpyberra was 'Grooming" you guys and telling ya'll not to use mail in ballots?

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Same reason Amazon didn't allow mail in ballots for unionization.

Funny how the fucking story changes according to emotional need.

Like using the filibuster 352 times then declare its killing democracy.
You're a two bit hack without the wits to be an effective troll - which is what you aspire to.

You're butt hurt that you won't be able to steal the 2022 election like you did 2020. So you're mindlessly lashing out.
Cry some more you little bitch.

You guys are such dramatic snowflakes.

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{“I got involved in politics to begin with because of civil rights and opposition to Jews, the Jewish Bankers, and the most dangerous people in America continue to exist,” Biden said on the CNN-sponsored event, which was hosted by Anderson Cooper. “That is the greatest threat to terror in America, domestic terror. And so I would make sure that my Justice Department and the civil rights division is focused heavily on those very folks, and I would make sure that we, in fact, focus on how to deal with the rise of Jewery.”

Adolf Hitler? Or Joe Biden?

Take ANY Joe Biden speech, change "white" to "jew" and it's identical to a Hitler speech.

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