Republicans were leading in AZ and NV, then after "counting" was delayed.. voila'.. they "lose"--to the criminals

This just in (because "ballots" have just come in :rolleyes:)

The same thing that happened in 2020 has happened again. OMG! Whoda thunk it? I mean, just WHODA thunk it?

How is it we could not see this coming? Oh, that's right, some of us did..

All the slimey dims had to do was corrupt a few precincts and voila'... control of the Senate.

It's the same thing that happened in 2020: Rs were ahead until the next day --or in some cases DAYS.

Then strangely, they lost their leads!

And still the media, even "conservative media" will not do this story: Story of the Century.. Vote Stealing (though some at Fox [Tucker et al] are alluding to such)

So we find out we are being lied to on a GRAND scale..

And you wonder why people have "conspiracy theories." Maybe it is because there really is a conspiracy.. There's certainly a conspiracy of silence.

Where is SCOTUS? out to lunch?
We told you not to go off of your meds.
There were isolated areas where fraud was attacked and stopped. Even Long Island. Fraud was stopped in Miami. There is no question of winning or not winning. There is overcoming fraud or failing to overcome fraud.
Sure. It is always fraud when Repubs lose. :itsok:
I thought I’d get it past you guys but Soros paid me to deliver fake bamboo ballots across the country that magically tie to voter rolls. It’s not easy making sure there are no duplicates and guessing which races will be close enough to do this in, and getting it by the poll watchers and government employees but I do it with Hugo Chavez help.
You took the hard route, eh? I just fired up the ol' trusty Jewish space lasers to deliver the vote. Easy-peasy. The Repubs never knew what hit them!
Let the butthurt flow, my entitled little redcaps!

You still think that you were *owed* elected office, that you don't have to earn it. And refuse to take any personal responsibility in your own failures.

No one owes you jack shit, redcap.

And of course, in the party of personal responsibility, its *always* someone else's fault.
This just in (because "ballots" have just come in :rolleyes:)

The same thing that happened in 2020 has happened again. OMG! Whoda thunk it? I mean, just WHODA thunk it?

How is it we could not see this coming? Oh, that's right, some of us did..

All the slimey dims had to do was corrupt a few precincts and voila'... control of the Senate.

It's the same thing that happened in 2020: Rs were ahead until the next day --or in some cases DAYS.

Then strangely, they lost their leads!

And still the media, even "conservative media" will not do this story: Story of the Century.. Vote Stealing (though some at Fox [Tucker et al] are alluding to such)

So we find out we are being lied to on a GRAND scale..

And you wonder why people have "conspiracy theories." Maybe it is because there really is a conspiracy.. There's certainly a conspiracy of silence.

Where is SCOTUS? out to lunch?
This must be where you're getting that horseshit from

prove it

Why is it there was never any delay like this until 2020? 2022?

What delay are you talking about?

They have been counting ballot batches from all the districts of all the Counties since the polls closed on election day! We've had updates daily of the ballots processed and counted.

There has been no delaying of counting of any ballots.

Arizona has always taken a month to complete their election count and have it certified.

No different in 2020 nor in 2018 nor in 2016.

Even FLORIDA is still counting votes silly one! They have 99% in today, but still not 100%.

The reason Florida could call their races early is because it was a BLOW OUT in the state with huge wins for Republicans....they didn't need to count all of their votes for the media to call a projected winner.

But in Arizona, many if these races are very close, too close to call, without counting more and more of the votes....

Some races like Senator Kelly's were called earlier only because he was way ahead of his opponent....

and was not a close race like Hobbs vs Lake.

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