Zone1 I haven't found many Churches (or "churches") that have much charity


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
I found ONE in all my life that lived up to what Jesus commanded (some members therein anyhow)

That's bad... only ONE

I have to say it was not a Sedevacantist Church, although there was / is some charity in the Sede Church I last went to.

Anyway... I know this one Sede who is likely very intelligent and is always picking apart the novus ordo.. Well, there's a lot to criticize there so I don't have a problem with THAT. But there seems to be something missing w/ this guy... I mean, he acts like no one can know Christ unless he or she has a theology / philosophy degree.. never actually said that but I found myself, rightly or wrongly, reading btwn the lines of some things he said.. He seemed annoyed with some of my questions.. (i probably was asking too many, but how many is too many? :rolleyes:)

Then there is the other extreme: people trying to always simplify Christ and His Church... to the point they just toss out what seems too "complicated" or too "ritualistic" or what have you...


I really don't have a Church... You should pity me deeply... but I know you won't..
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I've found, throughout my life so far, religious organizations of ALL kinds are ONLY sympathetic and charitable to THEIR OWN.

Last year I lost my job and had to look for assistance paying bills. I was given a LONG list of "charities", most of which claim to be religious.
Only ONE helped me out. No headgames, no bullshit, no lies........they just asked why I needed help, how much I needed and what for. And that was all. They paid my rent for a month.

All these other religious places were like "too old", "not old enough", "not black", "not an immigrant", "not married", "not homeless", NOT, NOT, NOT. EXTREMELY bigoted, prejudiced, and racist. And by law, they are allowed to be. If they had to operate by the same laws that legal businesses did, they'd all be sued by the government and put out of business!!!

I had a friend when I lived in East Texas. He had an Aunt that was blind and lived alone out in the boonies. She had an awesome sense of humor! She thought I was funny, even though I played a couple of practical jokes on her, she still laughed.

My car engine blew at one point, and I didn't have the money to get it fixed, and it wasn't really that much to get it fixed. Unbeknownst to me at that time, she had asked her church to help me out with car repair. They told her no, because I "wasn't part of their flock".

Apparently she threw a fit, telling the preacher SHE was an actual Christian and it was HER religion that ANYONE that needs help should NOT be denyed. She said she wasn't ever going back to that church again if they weren't going to help out. They didn't, and she changed churches.

So its not just NON-religious people that have problems with this, it is a lot of people who firmly believe help is help, regardless. Unfortunately, its all the corrupt liars and hypocrites that outnumber the really GOOD people who beleive in their religion.
I found ONE in all my life that lived up to what Jesus commanded (some members therein anyhow)

That's bad... only ONE

I have to say it was not a Sedevacantist Church, although there was / is some charity in the Sede Church I last went to.

Anyway... I know this one Sede who is likely very intelligent and is always picking apart the novus ordo.. Well, there's a lot to criticize there so I don't have a problem with THAT. But there seems to be something missing w/ this guy... I mean, he acts like no one can know Christ unless he or she has a theology / philosophy degree.. never actually said that but I found myself, rightly or wrongly, reading btwn the lines of some things he said.. He seemed annoyed with some of my questions.. (i probably was asking too many, but how many is too many? :rolleyes:)

Then there is the other extreme: people trying to always simplify Christ and His Church... to the point they just toss out what seems too "complicated" or too "ritualistic" or what have you...


I really don't have a Church... You should pity me deeply... but I know you won't..

Oh, I have worked with and ran across MANY extreme narcissists like that. They think anyone who never went to "college" is a red-necked, backwoods hick that doesn't know thier left foot from their right foot! They think that piece of paper they paid $100K for gives them the immediate power to KNOW EVERYTHING.

I've found the exact opposite. People who went to "college" are far more ignorant and stupid than someone who had to work their way through life and learn everything "the hard way".
If I got down on my luck the last place I would go to for "help" is a fuckin' church.
That's not the purpose of the Church. The Church exists for the edification of the saints. Now if you want to judge INDIVIDUAL Christians as being non-charitable, I know you will. But the Living Organism that is the Body of Christ, does not exist to pay your bills
If I got down on my luck the last place I would go to for "help" is a fuckin' church.
the Church I found, the good one was not like that... they helped people in need..

more than the people even asked for... a Catholic Church

but that was a rare find...
I found ONE in all my life that lived up to what Jesus commanded (some members therein anyhow)

That's bad... only ONE

I have to say it was not a Sedevacantist Church, although there was / is some charity in the Sede Church I last went to.

Anyway... I know this one Sede who is likely very intelligent and is always picking apart the novus ordo.. Well, there's a lot to criticize there so I don't have a problem with THAT. But there seems to be something missing w/ this guy... I mean, he acts like no one can know Christ unless he or she has a theology / philosophy degree.. never actually said that but I found myself, rightly or wrongly, reading btwn the lines of some things he said.. He seemed annoyed with some of my questions.. (i probably was asking too many, but how many is too many? :rolleyes:)

Then there is the other extreme: people trying to always simplify Christ and His Church... to the point they just toss out what seems too "complicated" or too "ritualistic" or what have you...


I really don't have a Church... You should pity me deeply... but I know you won't..

How do you think those millions of illegals are getting moved into this country? Through NGOs, the majority of which are churches or religious organizations. I have a serious issue with that shit.
How do you think those millions of illegals are getting moved into this country? Through NGOs, the majority of which are churches or religious organizations. I have a serious issue with that shit.
so do I

Any true (read: law abiding.. and Law abiding) person would. We don't know these people from freaking Adam and yet here they come (to take our jobs, use up our welfare...rob, rape and murder). Bidum couldn't care less. He's protected by armed guards at all times and will be for the rest of his life, the selfish PO... whatever..

In sum, not all those who say Lord Lord will enter the Kingdom.. but only those who do the will of the Father. Is it god's will to have all this mayhem in our lives, so much so that we can hardly pray sometimes? I mean, when people are busy just trying to stay safe all the time from not only foreigners but our own violent people whom the left do not want to hold accountable...

That's not the purpose of the Church. The Church exists for the edification of the saints. Now if you want to judge INDIVIDUAL Christians as being non-charitable, I know you will. But the Living Organism that is the Body of Christ, does not exist to pay your bills

The members should help pay the bills of those who are made poor by the sicko govt that is supposed to be FOR We the People but often is NOT

and there are other reasons for people not being able to pay their bills. Look at the parable Jesus told about the rich man and the poor man. The rich man couldn't have cared less about the poor beggar even though he had so many resources, he wouldn't have missed giving him a few "crumbs" from his table.. but refused.. ended up in Hell

Lk 16:19
I really don't have a Church... You should pity me deeply... but I know you won't
I don’t have a church either, and it’s been the most rewarding, enlightening and spiritually invigorating thing to ever happen to me.

I don’t look to others for my faith, I find it on my own. Try it. You might dind something wonderful
I've found, throughout my life so far, religious organizations of ALL kinds are ONLY sympathetic and charitable to THEIR OWN.

Last year I lost my job and had to look for assistance paying bills. I was given a LONG list of "charities", most of which claim to be religious.
Only ONE helped me out. No headgames, no bullshit, no lies........they just asked why I needed help, how much I needed and what for. And that was all. They paid my rent for a month.

All these other religious places were like "too old", "not old enough", "not black", "not an immigrant", "not married", "not homeless", NOT, NOT, NOT. EXTREMELY bigoted, prejudiced, and racist. And by law, they are allowed to be. If they had to operate by the same laws that legal businesses did, they'd all be sued by the government and put out of business!!!

I had a friend when I lived in East Texas. He had an Aunt that was blind and lived alone out in the boonies. She had an awesome sense of humor! She thought I was funny, even though I played a couple of practical jokes on her, she still laughed.

My car engine blew at one point, and I didn't have the money to get it fixed, and it wasn't really that much to get it fixed. Unbeknownst to me at that time, she had asked her church to help me out with car repair. They told her no, because I "wasn't part of their flock".

Apparently she threw a fit, telling the preacher SHE was an actual Christian and it was HER religion that ANYONE that needs help should NOT be denyed. She said she wasn't ever going back to that church again if they weren't going to help out. They didn't, and she changed churches.

So its not just NON-religious people that have problems with this, it is a lot of people who firmly believe help is help, regardless. Unfortunately, its all the corrupt liars and hypocrites that outnumber the really GOOD people who beleive in their religion.

I hear you.

You werent a member of hteir flock?

what.. ? like you would likely becme one after the way they treated u?

I mean, they aren't even good for themselves!
I don’t have a church either, and it’s been the most rewarding, enlightening and spiritually invigorating thing to ever happen to me.

I don’t look to others for my faith, I find it on my own. Try it. You might dind something wonderful

well, I can u/stand you saying this

but anyone who has once had THE Church Christ founded... and then lost it

....Only they can u/stand where I am at...
Oh, I have worked with and ran across MANY extreme narcissists like that. They think anyone who never went to "college" is a red-necked, backwoods hick that doesn't know thier left foot from their right foot! They think that piece of paper they paid $100K for gives them the immediate power to KNOW EVERYTHING.

I've found the exact opposite. People who went to "college" are far more ignorant and stupid than someone who had to work their way through life and learn everything "the hard way".

this post really hit home and.. I'd not thought, when interacting with that "educated" person, that he may be a narcissist, but... well, actually, I did find him to be that.. just hadn't come up with the exact term... (I'm in the clouds 90% of the time.. LOL) but anyhow...

yeh, I've thougjht to send him an email letting him know what I htink of him but ... he'd probably ignore it so what's the point?

he'd ignore me because I am "a backwoods hick" as you say... don't know my right from my left foot!

If that's what he thinks and I am certain it is... anything I could come up with 2 say would.. be a waste o'time
well, I can u/stand you saying this

but anyone who has once had THE Church Christ founded... and then lost it

....Only they can u/stand where I am at...
From what we’ve discussed over time the church you knew and are searching for again no longer exists throughout the world. At least not in an organized, brick and mortar congregational setting.

That’s why I’m suggesting to you that you need to find that congregation inside yourself, and be the church you’re seeking; because I don’t know that you’re ever going to be able to find a congregational setting that meets what you’re looking for.
I've found, throughout my life so far, religious organizations of ALL kinds are ONLY sympathetic and charitable to THEIR OWN.

Last year I lost my job and had to look for assistance paying bills. I was given a LONG list of "charities", most of which claim to be religious.
Only ONE helped me out. No headgames, no bullshit, no lies........they just asked why I needed help, how much I needed and what for. And that was all. They paid my rent for a month.

All these other religious places were like "too old", "not old enough", "not black", "not an immigrant", "not married", "not homeless", NOT, NOT, NOT. EXTREMELY bigoted, prejudiced, and racist. And by law, they are allowed to be. If they had to operate by the same laws that legal businesses did, they'd all be sued by the government and put out of business!!!

I had a friend when I lived in East Texas. He had an Aunt that was blind and lived alone out in the boonies. She had an awesome sense of humor! She thought I was funny, even though I played a couple of practical jokes on her, she still laughed.

My car engine blew at one point, and I didn't have the money to get it fixed, and it wasn't really that much to get it fixed. Unbeknownst to me at that time, she had asked her church to help me out with car repair. They told her no, because I "wasn't part of their flock".

Apparently she threw a fit, telling the preacher SHE was an actual Christian and it was HER religion that ANYONE that needs help should NOT be denyed. She said she wasn't ever going back to that church again if they weren't going to help out. They didn't, and she changed churches.

So its not just NON-religious people that have problems with this, it is a lot of people who firmly believe help is help, regardless. Unfortunately, its all the corrupt liars and hypocrites that outnumber the really GOOD people who beleive in their religion.
So you are pissed because you couldn't get the welfare you thought you should get? LOL!

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