Zone1 I haven't found many Churches (or "churches") that have much charity

I've had problems w/ Catholic Answers and besides they are novus ordo and I am definitely NOT.

In any case, mormons are stuck on the prophet thing. Catholics are stuck on Jesus. . or should be. IF mormons were more into Jesus, it seems they wouldn't push the marriage thing. They pressure young peple to be married by .. what, age 30? I didn't really mature spiritually until much older.... (didn't have a good base in childhood.. etc... )

People should get married if they think/believe/know God wants them to... not bc some human pressures them for who knows what reason
The marriage thing? Yes, we believe that marriage is the only time men and women should engage is sexual relations. That sexual relations is for those who are married only. And it’s best to have children when young. However, we don’t push marriage. We believe couples can be sealed together for not only time but for all eternity as well.
The marriage thing? Yes, we believe that marriage is the only time men and women should engage is sexual relations. That sexual relations is for those who are married only. And it’s best to have children when young. However, we don’t push marriage. We believe couples can be sealed together for not only time but for all eternity as well.
no one should be pressured into marriage. It is a HUGE commitment. I myself have not foundANYONE I was truly compatible with... but I, when younger, wouldget involved anyway because subconsciously I was ... looking for something... I began to get in touch with my subconscious somewhat (kind of a mixed blessing to do that...) and... well... let's just say Jesus came into my life via the rosary and knocked some sense into me and now I havebeen celibate for a LONG time, don't miss the opposite sex one damn bit
no one should be pressured into marriage. It is a HUGE commitment. I myself have not foundANYONE I was truly compatible with... but I, when younger, wouldget involved anyway because subconsciously I was ... looking for something... I began to get in touch with my subconscious somewhat (kind of a mixed blessing to do that...) and... well... let's just say Jesus came into my life via the rosary and knocked some sense into me and now I havebeen celibate for a LONG time, don't miss the opposite sex one damn bit
You are correct about being pressured into marriage. However, marriage should be talked about and encouraged, especially when people are going to be sexually active. While children with one parent, mom or dad, can have success, the statistics don't bear this out. Children brought up without a father in the home have a higher potential to get into criminal trouble. With one parent, they tend to do more poorly in school as well. Their intelligence IQ can also be stunted. Therefore, the religious tenant of promoting marriage is better for children and society in general. I know there are bumpkins in here that will try to point out there are children who have done well in single parent homes. For those bumpkins, those are not the majority of children. We see this in the Black communities as a major cause of crime, gang activity, poor education, below learning levels and thus lower IQ's as well. Society has to get back to supporting the marriage program by getting back to having faith in God who promotes marriage.
You are correct about being pressured into marriage. However, marriage should be talked about and encouraged, especially when people are going to be sexually active. While children with one parent, mom or dad, can have success, the statistics don't bear this out. Children brought up without a father in the home have a higher potential to get into criminal trouble. With one parent, they tend to do more poorly in school as well. Their intelligence IQ can also be stunted. Therefore, the religious tenant of promoting marriage is better for children and society in general. I know there are bumpkins in here that will try to point out there are children who have done well in single parent homes. For those bumpkins, those are not the majority of children. We see this in the Black communities as a major cause of crime, gang activity, poor education, below learning levels and thus lower IQ's as well. Society has to get back to supporting the marriage program by getting back to having faith in God who promotes marriage.

you seem to be missing my point entirely. No one is arguing that children shouldn't always, where possible, be raised by both parents. I'd be the last to argue THAT.

But there is so much divorce and separations and that affects children deeply also.. People should just be VERY careful whom they marry. Being in love blinds you to many things that you are not blind to after the honeymoon... UNDERSTATEMENT
you seem to be missing my point entirely. No one is arguing that children shouldn't always, where possible, be raised by both parents. I'd be the last to argue THAT.

But there is so much divorce and separations and that affects children deeply also.. People should just be VERY careful whom they marry. Being in love blinds you to many things that you are not blind to after the honeymoon... UNDERSTATEMENT
The challenge is are you in love or in lust? Many are in lust thinking it’s love but haven’t a clue how to serve their spouse properly. Also, our environment of using credit and the love of money creates money issues as well. These issues cause or give an opening to adultery. All this can be attributed the decline in the belief of God and the order of His house.

I have a son who won’t get married as well. His reasoning is he doesn’t believe he’d be a good father and maybe not a patient husband either. I think he’s thought so much about this that he now believes his own press. Rationalizing is also something people do a very good job in.

Now, in your case, I don’t know you. But, it doesn’t sound like you are gay. In any event, staying celibate before marriage is to be commended.
The challenge is are you in love or in lust? Many are in lust thinking it’s love but haven’t a clue how to serve their spouse properly. Also, our environment of using credit and the love of money creates money issues as well. These issues cause or give an opening to adultery. All this can be attributed the decline in the belief of God and the order of His house.

I have a son who won’t get married as well. His reasoning is he doesn’t believe he’d be a good father and maybe not a patient husband either. I think he’s thought so much about this that he now believes his own press. Rationalizing is also something people do a very good job in.

Now, in your case, I don’t know you. But, it doesn’t sound like you are gay. In any event, staying celibate before marriage is to be commended.


doesn't sound like I'm gay... ya think?

not hardly. I guess if i am honest, I can .. remember what it was like being very very young, and had an attraction to the same gender.. but it passed and I was a virgin and nothing came of it and then it just.. I mean, I cn't imagine making a whole life out of something like that.. but then again, everyone has not had a religious experience like I have (I've had several, one of the biggest was when I prayed the rosary yrs ago...). I try to pray for all these lost folks every day... I do remember being very lost when I was young... One must always remembr where one has come from...

doesn't sound like I'm gay... ya think?

not hardly. I guess if i am honest, I can .. remember what it was like being very very young, and had an attraction to the same gender.. but it passed and I was a virgin and nothing came of it and then it just.. I mean, I cn't imagine making a whole life out of something like that.. but then again, everyone has not had a religious experience like I have (I've had several, one of the biggest was when I prayed the rosary yrs ago...). I try to pray for all these lost folks every day... I do remember being very lost when I was young... One must always remembr where one has come from...
We are on the same page. Different Church but same understanding.
We are on the same page. Different Church but same understanding.
we do nt have the same understanding.. we just agree on certain things

but false doctrines can lead people into Hell

Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven. I totally totally believe THAT. My experiences in life tell me that... The Word tells us that... the Church... used to tell us that.. still does but the Vatican which everyone still thinks is Catholic

does not
we do nt have the same understanding.. we just agree on certain things

but false doctrines can lead people into Hell

Jesus said FEW make it to Heaven. I totally totally believe THAT. My experiences in life tell me that... The Word tells us that... the Church... used to tell us that.. still does but the Vatican which everyone still thinks is Catholic

does not
Which Heaven? See there is one heaven but it's divided up into 3 different degrees of glory. 1Cor. 15: 40-42, "There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:"
So, they all are glories or mansions or kingdoms inside of Heaven. The 2 highest are named and the other is referred to as "the stars." We have named this glory, Telestial Glory."
What is the difference between these mansions? The Celestial are those who were valiant in their testimonies of Jesus Christ. The Terrestrial are those who were were not so valiant but good people who were blinded by the craftiness of men so they did not receive the necessary ordinances of exaltation to the Celestial Kingdom. The listened to good preachers who did not accept all the prophets past and present to receive their ordinances necessary for exaltation. However, they still receive salvation. The Telestial are those who did not receive the fulness of the Gospel when presented to them. And, they also did not have a testimony of Jesus Christ. But, they did not deny the Holy Ghost as well. They spent time in "hell" as did King David but will rise again to heaven for not denying the Holy Ghost. The Perdition is where those who deny the Holy Ghost and reject the Godhead completely.
Few will obtain the Celestial Kingdom and few will end up in Perdition. Most will be happy in the kingdom they chose for themselves.
Which Heaven? See there is one heaven but it's divided up into 3 different degrees of glory. 1Cor. 15: 40-42, "There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon,

I don't get into studying all that "minutiae"

I guess I have narrowed my focus vis a vis religion--- and picking apart scriptures.. well, I just don't get itno that much unless I'm trying to get people to see an important idea in the Bible that maybe they had overlooked or what have you

In other words, I don't get into the particulars about things that no one really knows or CAN know...No one has been to Heaven and then returned... Who would want to return?
I don't get into studying all that "minutiae"

I guess I have narrowed my focus vis a vis religion--- and picking apart scriptures.. well, I just don't get itno that much unless I'm trying to get people to see an important idea in the Bible that maybe they had overlooked or what have you

In other words, I don't get into the particulars about things that no one really knows or CAN know...No one has been to Heaven and then returned... Who would want to return?
Are you sure. There are an awful lot of people who have had near death experiences that would say otherwise. Also, Paul saw Heaven. He saw the 3 kingdoms of glory I shared with you. He also saw and reported on the 3rd and highest degree of glory in heaven, Celestial. I think the Lord wants us to know some of what is there for us to give us hope through the prophets and apostles.
As far as a narrow focus of religion, I would say a narrow focus of the Bible. Which is why there are 40,000 separate Christian Churches teaching different doctrines and focuses. After all, the scriptures are not for private interpretation of one person over an other. That doesn't mean all 40,000 churches are the ones Jesus approves of and designates proper priesthood authority to administer the saving ordinances such as baptism.
Are you sure. There are an awful lot of people who have had near death experiences that would say otherwise. Also, Paul saw Heaven. He saw the 3 kingdoms of glory I shared with you. He also saw and reported on the 3rd and highest degree of glory in heaven, Celestial. I think the Lord wants us to know some of what is there for us to give us hope through the prophets and apostles.
As far as a narrow focus of religion, I would say a narrow focus of the Bible. Which is why there are 40,000 separate Christian Churches teaching different doctrines and focuses. After all, the scriptures are not for private interpretation of one person over an other. That doesn't mean all 40,000 churches are the ones Jesus approves of and designates proper priesthood authority to administer the saving ordinances such as baptism.

I have read the whole Bible.. then began to read it again but didn't finish. I probably should. But anyway... Jesus never wrote anything except words in the sand.. But He did establish a Church.. and He only established ONE. That Church is the old Catholic Church.

And there was only that ONE until Luther came along (still is only ONE)

Luther was a Catholic priest so undoubtedly he knew (but ignored) Mt 16:18 in which Jesus said

I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it

Jesus prayed for unity in His Church

I say it's time for people to focus on that
I have read the whole Bible.. then began to read it again but didn't finish. I probably should. But anyway... Jesus never wrote anything except words in the sand.. But He did establish a Church.. and He only established ONE. That Church is the old Catholic Church.

And there was only that ONE until Luther came along (still is only ONE)

Luther was a Catholic priest so undoubtedly he knew (but ignored) Mt 16:18 in which Jesus said

I will build My Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it

Jesus prayed for unity in His Church

I say it's time for people to focus on that
That verse is often mistranslated or misinterpreted. Peter isn’t the big Rock. He’s the little rock or prophet. The “Rock” the foundation is on is “revelation.” That’s the big Rock of Jesus Christ. “Rock” or Chief Cornerstone.” When Jesus left, he had Peter as leader or president of His Church. But, there were 11 other apostles who are also prophets, seers and revelators. Such as John the Revelator. Or, seer like Paul. And others who prophesied of the future latter days. Christ’s Church must be founded on continuous revelation. But, as Paul wrote, that would end with an apostasy. Thus, that Church they built would cease with power and authority from heaven. We can see this with all the torture, blood and horror the RCC caused over the centuries while changing the doctrine and ordinances without revelation from heaven. The RCC turned to traditions of the people to make changes. The 50 year plan. Even the Popes themselves claim they are no prophet. All the people had were the Bible in which the RCC made unlawful to have and read except the priests. Thus, made the scriptures private interpretations.
If there is a true church, there must be apostles and prophets with revelation.
That verse is often mistranslated or misinterpreted. Peter isn’t the big Rock.
i stopped at the first wrong thing.

You can believe as you like but that is not true!

He was speaking to... whom?


"Thou art Peter..."


"on this rock [of Peter] I will build My Church"

Did you know the Church used to be literally built on the bones of St Peter? And St Peter's bones are still there, even after the Vatican was stolen by anti-Catholcs in 1958
i stopped at the first wrong thing.

You can believe as you like but that is not true!

He was speaking to... whom?


"Thou art Peter..."


"on this rock [of Peter] I will build My Church"

Did you know the Church used to be literally built on the bones of St Peter? And St Peter's bones are still there, even after the Vatican was stolen by anti-Catholcs in 1958
Out of context. Read verse 17. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not "REVEALED" it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. The "rock" therefore relates to the revelation given to Peter, not Peter himself. Simple reading comprehension. Now, try to read the rest because it's all about revelation given to Paul as well for us to understand more about Heaven.

I said "Did you know the Church used to be literally built on the bones of St Peter? --- the Vatican was stolen by anti-Catholcs in 1958"

I said "used to be" only because the Vatican is not in the hands of Cahtolics anymore (unless you think heretical, disobedient "catholics" w/ other allegiances that trump their Catholic-ness... are Catholics?)

Obviously, the bones of St Peter are still under the altar of St Peter's basilica...
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not "REVEALED" it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. The "rock" therefore relates to the revelation given to Peter, not Peter himself.

It is both.

We need an infallible person to head the earthly Church whose DIVINE leader is in Heaven

Peter was chosen by Christ. His name was always listed first... such as psgs in the Bible where it says: Peter and the others (etc)
It is both.

We need an infallible person to head the earthly Church whose DIVINE leader is in Heaven

Peter was chosen by Christ. His name was always listed first... such as psgs in the Bible where it says: Peter and the others (etc)
Infallible? There is nothing that says Peter was infallible. Heck, Moses wasn’t infallible. Moses wasn’t allowed to go into the Promised Land because he erred at the rock. And, there is no indication that there would always be successors. The fact is, the large “Rock” is the revelation from Jesus Christ. The RCC inserted the “you” in there to support them as the church. It doesn’t exist in Greek ir Amharic. It’s not both. Peter, an imperfect man, was called to be the Prophet. He was the senior apostle. Bishops and Cardinals are not apostles.
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