I hope Hispanics are taking note !!!

We don't know if he stopped pursuing when he said he lost him on the 9-11 call. You're just inserting what you feel happened. Like I said, detach yourself from your feelings when analyzing the news, it keeps you grounded.

It's pretty safe to say that when Zimmerman said he was pursuing...He was pursuing. How else did Zimmerman and Martin get into a confrontation?

It's pretty clear that when police told Zimmerman he did not need to follow, he said 'okay'

he went back to his car where he was assaulted by a 6'3' teenager.

He said Ok?!! Well dam that changes everything! He went back to his car? Link?

So he chased Martin then stopped. Then the person being chased turned around and chased the chaser? That doesnt pass the straight face test
You're the one bringing politics into it.

Most of the coverage I heard yesterday in the media was giving Zimmerman's side of the story.

Just the picture we are constantly seeing of Trayvon is loaded against Zimmerman in his favor. The pic is of a sweet 12 year old boy. In actuality he was 17, was 6-3 in height, weighed 140 pounds (so they say) and played football in high-school. He was wearing a hoodie, got Zimmerman to the ground, smashed the back of his head against the pavement, and broke his nose before he was physically attacked by Zimmerman.
How do you know Zimmerman didn't injure himself?

Of course I don't know that but a witness reported seeing Trayvon on top of Zimmerman, Zimmerman was the one crying out for help, and there is very little logic to the possibility that Zimmerman injured the back of his own head or even his own nose by, what; falling down? Or anticipating that these injuries could be fabricated to extricate him later?
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It's pretty safe to say that when Zimmerman said he was pursuing...He was pursuing. How else did Zimmerman and Martin get into a confrontation?

It's pretty clear that when police told Zimmerman he did not need to follow, he said 'okay'

he went back to his car where he was assaulted by a 6'3' teenager.

He said Ok?!! Well dam that changes everything! He went back to his car? Link?

So he chased Martin then stopped. Then the person being chased turned around and chased the chaser? That doesnt pass the straight face test

Lol! You will try to weasel your way out of accepting possibilities in any way possible. Read this carefully: he said ok, he is still on the phone when he says he was going to meet the cops somewhere else. Prior to that he said he lost him. That means Martin was out of sight. Call ends. We don't know what happened after that. But we do know he was planning on meeting up with the cops.

From zimmermans report, he ran up from behind on Zimmerman. Argument. Punch to the nose. Zimmerman fell back. The witness"John" says he saw Martin on top of Zimmerman. Back of zimmermans head has wounds consistent with getting your head slammed into the ground plus the broken nose.

That's all we have.
taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

It was the Republican candidates who brought devisive political speculation into the situation. But, both the Fig Netwon and Little Sweet Rickie are toast. The President was showing his empathy for the family(something neither of them could) and instead of showing only sympathy for the family they both had to attack the Presidents empathy.......And they will attack hispanics with just as much zeal.
Just the picture we are constantly seeing of Trayvon is loaded against Zimmerman in his favor. The pic is of a sweet 12 year old boy. In actuality he was 17, was 6-3 in height, weighed 140 pounds (so they say) and played football in high-school. He was wearing a hoodie, got Zimmerman to the ground, smashed the back of his head against the pavement, and broke his nose before he was physically attacked by Zimmerman.
How do you know Zimmerman didn't injure himself?
He broke his own nose, threw himself to the ground and slammed the back of his head on the ground, then shot trayvon? Wtf?

He was thrown to the ground? His head was slammed on the ground?

Then you tell me to not jump to conclusions because we dont know all the facts:confused:
taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

You're the one bringing politics into it.

Most of the coverage I heard yesterday in the media was giving Zimmerman's side of the story.

Just the picture we are constantly seeing of Trayvon is loaded against Zimmerman in his favor. The pic is of a sweet 12 year old boy. In actuality he was 17, was 6-3 in height, weighed 140 pounds (so they say) and played football in high-school. He was wearing a hoodie, got Zimmerman to the ground, smashed the back of his head against the pavement, and broke his nose before he was physically attacked by Zimmerman.


If his nose was broken the EMT's report will have that in it. The police should have photos of Zimmermans condition as well. Should being the key.
i thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, usmb's biggest liberal is zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:
ohhh it is now thanks to the president !!! And the leftwing media and race baitors !!

as a proud whitino (white latino) i will take note! And then i will vote for obama!

I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:

Blacks hate Hispanics more than you claim conservatives hate them. I'm sure the press is counting on that surname to cover the fact that Zimmerman's mother is Hispanic.
How do you know Zimmerman didn't injure himself?
He broke his own nose, threw himself to the ground and slammed the back of his head on the ground, then shot trayvon? Wtf?

He was thrown to the ground? His head was slammed on the ground?

Then you tell me to not jump to conclusions because we dont know all the facts:confused:

I'm going by what the witness "John" said and for
Zimmermans report that the cops viewed as believable. By the evidence, Oprah, Jesus.
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:

You noticed that too. I wonder why the cons want everyone to know he's hispanic and get so mad when people say Zimmerman is white. Zimmerman is hispanic and white, but I guess the whites dont want nothing to do with him.

Seems convenient for obamabots to forget their messiah is half-white, too. C'mon, y'all gonna vote for another rich, white lawyer. Admit it!
OK, back to Zimmerman.

1. Zimmerman initiated the conflict
2. Zimmerman was told by the police to back off
3. Whatever the second word was, what Zimmerman muttered under his breath clearly showed he went into the confrontation looking for trouble
4. In a sane world, if someone packing, initiates a confrontation, then someone is killed in that confrontation with their weopon after they pulled it, they are responsible for that result, whether the dead person is the person that they confronted, a bystander, or the person packing the gun.
1. Yes I would agree.
2. He was told by a 9-11 operator to back off, not the police.
3. Really? Just sounds to me like he was pissed the kid lost him.
4. Yes, but if Martin was the initiator of the physical confrontation, it's his fault he was shot. All this could've been avoided. Zimmerman didn't need to confront Martin and all Martin had to say is I'm visiting my stepmom, just ran to the store to grab some skittles and an iced tea. And continued on his way. I doubt Zimmerman would've ran after him if he'd not ran in the first place. Bad advice from his 16 year old friend in Miami got him killed.

Why in the hell should that kid have answered to some asshole that was following him? Zimmerman isn't his master, he's not a police officer, and he's not the kid's parent. Plain fact is that if Zimmerman would have stayed in his trucked an observed the kid from afar, the kid would not have been shot by Zimmerman. THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR ZIMMERMAN. If zimmerman got out of the truck and approached that kid, the kid was defending himself and was covered under the "stand your ground" law, not Zimmerman, this is not my opinion this is the opinion of one of the republicans who helped set up that law. Here: "Dennis Baxley, a Republican state representative and co-author of the 2005 self-defense law, said Zimmerman negated his ability to claim immunity under the law by chasing Martin." Former Republican State Sen. Durell Peadon, another co-author of the law, said Zimmerman "has no protection under my law."

"They need to prosecute whoever shot the kid,"
An opinion from some gun organization (Florida Carry) representative in Florida also thought that Zimmerman was out of line. Here:"[URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/21/george-zimmerman-trayvon-martin-_n_1371171.html]"I don't see why he hasn't been arrested," said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a gun rights group.

Zimmerman had no right to follow and confront Martin in the first place, Caranna noted.

"Being the neighborhood watch guy doesn't give you carte blanche to stop and question every guy you see walking down the street," Caranna said. [/URL]
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:

Blacks hate Hispanics more than you claim conservatives hate them. I'm sure the press is counting on that surname to cover the fact that Zimmerman's mother is Hispanic.
the press is counting on what?

conspiracy in aisle 3
I thought conservatives were saying this case wasn't about race? :laugh2:

taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

I thought it wasn't about race? :laugh2:

Dante, USMB's biggest liberal is Zimmerman's biggest defender. Remember, conservatives hate Hispanics almost as much as they hate blacks. :redface:

Of course it is about race, because the left made it about race. Jackson,sharpton,even obama stuck his fucken nose in it. The great dividers have all spoken, so now it is about race.
OK, back to Zimmerman.

1. Zimmerman initiated the conflict
2. Zimmerman was told by the police to back off
3. Whatever the second word was, what Zimmerman muttered under his breath clearly showed he went into the confrontation looking for trouble
4. In a sane world, if someone packing, initiates a confrontation, then someone is killed in that confrontation with their weopon after they pulled it, they are responsible for that result, whether the dead person is the person that they confronted, a bystander, or the person packing the gun.
1. Yes I would agree.
2. He was told by a 9-11 operator to back off, not the police.
3. Really? Just sounds to me like he was pissed the kid lost him.
4. Yes, but if Martin was the initiator of the physical confrontation, it's his fault he was shot. All this could've been avoided. Zimmerman didn't need to confront Martin and all Martin had to say is I'm visiting my stepmom, just ran to the store to grab some skittles and an iced tea. And continued on his way. I doubt Zimmerman would've ran after him if he'd not ran in the first place. Bad advice from his 16 year old friend in Miami got him killed.

Why in the hell should that kid have answered to some asshole that was following him? Zimmerman isn't his master, he's not a police officer, and he's not the kid's parent. Plain fact is that if Zimmerman would have stayed in his trucked an observed the kid from afar, the kid would not have been shot by Zimmerman. THERE'S NO EXCUSE FOR ZIMMERMAN. If zimmerman got out of the truck and approached that kid, the kid was defending himself and was covered under the "stand your ground" law, not Zimmerman, this is not my opinion this is the opinion of one of the republicans who helped set up that law. Here: "Dennis Baxley, a Republican state representative and co-author of the 2005 self-defense law, said Zimmerman negated his ability to claim immunity under the law by chasing Martin." Former Republican State Sen. Durell Peadon, another co-author of the law, said Zimmerman "has no protection under my law."

"They need to prosecute whoever shot the kid,"
An opinion from some gun organization (Florida Carry) representative in Florida also thought that Zimmerman was out of line. Here:"[URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/21/george-zimmerman-trayvon-martin-_n_1371171.html]"I don't see why he hasn't been arrested," said Sean Caranna, executive director of Florida Carry, a gun rights group.

Zimmerman had no right to follow and confront Martin in the first place, Caranna noted.

"Being the neighborhood watch guy doesn't give you carte blanche to stop and question every guy you see walking down the street," Caranna said. [/URL]

Why should he have answered Zimmerman? Just because it would've avoided the stuff that happened we are currently discussing. Macho bullshit seems to be the reason behind this unfortunate tragedy.
This is most perplexing. His father is white, mother is peruvian so he's white hispanic? What if you are black and your mother is white and father is black? Are you black, white?, white african american? Or if your dad is white and mom is black, are you white black?

This is the first time I've ever heard someone being called a white hispanic. No one refers to hispanics down here as white hispanic.

Mostly, I've been avoiding these threads because I'm rather sick of the arm-chair-attorneys who seem to know all about what happened and who should be dead, and who shouldn't. Frankly, I doubt Zimmerman will be able to get a fair trial. And if the jury hearing evidence acquits him, the racists baying like hounds for his blood will not be satisfied.
The first picture I've seen of Zimmerman was in that article. If you saw him on the street, you might not think he was half-white. I believe that the census allows a person to "self identify" if they are of mixed heritage.

Race and ethnicity in the United States Census, as defined by the Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the United States Census Bureau, are self-identification data items in which residents choose the race or races with which they most closely identify, and indicate whether or not they are of Hispanic or Latino origin (ethnicity).
The racial categories represent a social-political construct for the race or races that respondents consider themselves to be and "generally reflect a social definition of race recognized in this country." OMB defines the concept of race as outlined for the US Census as not "scientific or anthropological" and takes into account "social and cultural characteristics as well as ancestry", using "appropriate scientific methodologies" that are not "primarily biological or genetic in reference." The race categories include both racial and national-origin groups.
Race and ethnicity are considered separate and distinct identities, with Hispanic or Latino origin asked as a separate question. Thus, in addition to their race or races, all respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnicities, which are "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino".
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taking note of the left wing medias biased in the Zimmerman case that is !!! remember that when you vote in 2012 !!! i hope that the way the left is bringing politics into this incident blows up in their face !!! Obama said his son would have looked like Martin ....GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK !!

So your argument is, hispanics are going to vote for republicans who would deport them because Treyvon was black like Obama?

Boy....that makes sense. Maybe...in the GUMDROP HOUSE ON LOLLIPOP LANE you live in.

Clear this up for me, you claim hispanics will not vote for Reps because they might be deported. We don't deport legal immigrants, we don't even deport enough illegals. Either way, the last time I heard, illegal hispanics were not permitted to vote. So, are we now deporting legals? Or are we allowing illegals to vote?
So this is what it seems to boil down to... We have a side that doesn't believe Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, and even if it's true that Trayvon was the aggressor and may have slammed the back of his head into the ground repeatedly, Zimmerman should've just taken it lying down. That's what this is for the pro-Trayvon was murdered for no reason crowd. Then there are the people who are analyzing the little evidence we have and coming to the conclusion we don't know what happened and merely giving their take from the information provided.

One is all emotion, screw the evidence. The latter is a level headed way to view this case.

I'm only going to stick to this topic a little while longer. If the complete denial of evidence continues I see nothing productive coming from this.

All it's becoming is a shouting match.

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