I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
What damage lol. All you've got is phony crises and scandals, a Pub obstructed recovery, 6 trillion spent to avert a true Pub depression, and universal and better health care, when Pubs and their insurer pals stop screwing THAT up. Our pathetic "journalism" and uninformed "electorate" alone makes this crap possible.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.

Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?

Not really. It's supposed to be administrative. It's something presidents use and has the force of law but are subject to judicial review. Consequently, if the order is unconstitutional, it can be struck down. If it doesn't involve enforcing our laws, and instead goes against our laws, it can be erased.

Executive order - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.
my wife says there are two kinds of vets. those that served their country, and your kind.
A tragedy for the country. Gore was a competent policy geek who would've stopped 9/11, not had a corrupt meltdown. The NYT was going by bogus numbers, I blame Ralph Nader who got 200k votes in Florida, etc etc. The GOP has been a true disaster since Ike, who was an Indie in a you CAN't blow this world situation...before that, since TR. A corporate bought off mess, perhaps including Lincoln.

Gore and Clinturd CAUSED 9/11 by instructing Jeanie Gorelick to build a wall between the CIA and FBI to keep the CIA out of internal matters. Nader hurt Gore that is true....same as Perot hurt Bush41...yet the contract with America was Perot chapter and verse and Newt admits it. What cost Gore Floriduh was the "butterfly ballot" that the dem sec. state put in front of the voters.....several thousand morons thought they were voting for Gore but ended up voting for PAT BUCHANAN. :badgrin:
That's not what Boosh's Terrorism czar thinks. Boosh was worried about gay marriage and Terry Schiavo, the moron.

Hilarious, brainwashed party first, You, America and the world who cares, Pub dupe.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.
obama was beaten or the democrats were beaten last November 4 because of obama and his policies that they help to pass and push.. People do not support obama's immigration reform.
You can keep saying people elected obama twice, but if the election was held back in November 4 I doubt he would have won.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.

Got anything more than your old tired lies? And he's only half black...the other half is stinkin muslim which is why he wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt, has done nothing to help the overthrow of the Syrian and Iranian tyrants....doesn't mind Iraq falling to ISIL and despises Israel. Yep, you sure picked a winner there, son. I actually hope we get a chance to watch him HANG at Leavenworth....do these old eyes good to see his neck snap.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.
obama was beaten or the democrats were beaten last November 4 because of obama and his policies that they help to pass and push.. People do not support obama's immigration reform.
You can keep saying people elected obama twice, but if the election was held back in November 4 I doubt he would have won.

the GOP was given control to stop obama, not to get along with him. They should do what is necessary and let the politics be damned.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.

Got anything more than your old tired lies? And he's only half black...the other half is stinkin muslim which is why he wanted the Muslim Brotherhood to rule Egypt, has done nothing to help the overthrow of the Syrian and Iranian tyrants....doesn't mind Iraq falling to ISIL and despises Israel. Yep, you sure picked a winner there, son. I actually hope we get a chance to watch him HANG at Leavenworth....do these old eyes good to see his neck snap.
Jeeebus you're off the charts, moron hater dupe. Keep it up, people like you are the best thing for Dems.
U.S. Constitution: Standards for Impeachment, Article 2, Section 4

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

U.S. Constitution - Article 2 Section 4 - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

On what legal grounds could President Obama be impeached?

The treason part is easy, he funds, arms and trains Al Nusra in Syria and uses them as a proxy to arm and fund ISIS.
...So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
You seem to be operating under the mistaken impression that reciprocity and fairness have something to do with this.

That's not the case here.

The case is that the Pubs do NOT want their base pissed-off by admitting (legitimizing the presence of) 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens into the country at a time of economic difficulties and a lackluster job market.

Fair doesn't matter.

The processes don't matter.

The Pubs (and the American People) don't want His Imperial Majesty ruling by Imperial Decree in this matter.
Last edited:
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)


Obama is an African-American.

You are un-american.

That is setting the record straight.
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.
So...in your silliness, you think that people who think like you are the ONLY ONES who have shed blood for this nation?
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Um.....Barry is NOT black. I am black. He, on the other hand, is a half breed.

Just to set the record straight... :)


Obama is an African-American.

You are un-american.

That is setting the record straight.

his mother was white and his father was a black arab-------------he is NOT an african american
What damage lol. All you've got is phony crises and scandals, a Pub obstructed recovery, 6 trillion spent to avert a true Pub depression, and universal and better health care, when Pubs and their insurer pals stop screwing THAT up. Our pathetic "journalism" and uninformed "electorate" alone makes this crap possible.
That's OK... phony crises and scandals will be enough... the Pubs should be able to invent some really cool 'high crimes and misdemeanors' shit, Impeachment should sail through the House, and, what Dem Senators do not run from Obumble at the speed of light - most of the remainder can probably be bought-off, to get rid of His Imperial Majesty.
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.
It is what the Executive Orders require rather than the quantity of them that may make them unconstitutional.
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
And neither is establishing the order of succession in the Department of Agriculture.

Face facts: Obama has been elected twice by the citizens of the United States of America. His policies rub you the wrong way. And he's Black.

Add it up and you hold more animus toward the President of the United States of America than respect for the rule of law and the constitutional process.
obama was beaten or the democrats were beaten last November 4 because of obama and his policies that they help to pass and push.. People do not support obama's immigration reform.
You can keep saying people elected obama twice, but if the election was held back in November 4 I doubt he would have won.

the GOP was given control to stop obama, not to get along with him. They should do what is necessary and let the politics be damned.
Where's your proof of that?
...So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
You seem to be operating under the mistake impression that reciprocity and fairness have something to do with this.

That's not the case here.

The case is that the Pubs do NOT want their base pissed-off by admitting (legitimizing the presence of) 12,000,000 Illegal Aliens into the country at a time of economic difficulties and a lackluster job market.

Fair doesn't matter.

The processes don't matter.

The Pubs (and the American People) don't want His Imperial Majesty ruling by Imperial Decree in this matter.
looking at the new york times article the actions the president might take would seem to be actions that we can all agree upon to better focus the efforts of those enforcing immigration laws onto the immigrants that cause problems.

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