I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
What a perfectly stupid republican remark. It's sometimes possible to begin believing right wingers might be sane and mature, but posts like yours bring what you are really like back into focus. Thank you.

Change your name to POODLE...and when your zits have cleared up and you're no longer on your folk's health insurance, maybe, just maybe, you'll realize nobody is going to pay off your student loan (to Unca Sam because Barry took them away from the banks and it will be the IRS that comes calling if you try to default), and the only job you can find OOPS an illegal got it and is laughing at you in line for your SNAP benefits.....whatever..the day will come when you'll spit at the name OBAMA...wish I could be there to see it.

Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.
Uses the term teabaggers then calls others crazy


Are you saying that is any worse than the epithets used by the right wing on a consistent basis, or that it's just OK for your side to do it?
Nope. I have made well known my thoughts on the childish terms thrown around here so often.

Have you EVER seen me use terms like dimocrat? Communist? Marxist? Etc?

I know those terms are de rigueur for right wing posts, and you are firmly in the right wing. I am surprised that you seem to advocate all the other claims and insults put forth by the right wing, but demure at that specific term. I have yet to see you so personally offended by all the other derogatory remarks. As you know, responses here are not just for the recipient, but for public viewing. I suggest that if you are really opposed to insults, you might want to take a wider look at what is said here by all parties. When you complain about insults across the board, I'll worry about your opinion on the subject.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

No need to impeach him...just refuse to fund his "priorities" until he reforms. Fund the social programs and military and let everything else in his agenda wither away!
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.

De nada.....I ain't a country club GOPer....I AM TEA PARTY and damn proud of where that name came from....our first step to INDEPENDENCE from a tyrant....same as now so we are REVOLUTION 2.0....you saw the beginning of it November 4th.....next step, BYE BYE Barry-Care.....and shortly thereafter, the arrest of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Gruber, Pelousy, Harry Reid, Schumer, and Rangel....and then de RAT KING....Barry Barack Soetoro Obama...may they all enjoy their cells in Leavenworth.

It's quite obvious that you are nothing like the old time GOP, back before they would rant about revolution, and all the other silly things they now say. Again, I am glad to have your beliefs made as publicly as possible. I have always believed "The truth will set you free" and the full truth of what you really believe is such a great help to your opposition.
Pro tip: No one gives a shit what we say on this site. Public or not

In that case, quit whining about my post.
Actually, Bush never won either election - 2000 or 2004. Gore won Florida and Kerry won Ohio.

:laugh2: Bush carried Floriduh by 534? votes according to YOUR NY TIMES year long investigation.. Poor algore couldn't carry his HOME STATE....folks in Tennessee had seen enough of his gigantic white ass and Tipper's too. Speaking of Ohio, ROMNEY carried the fuckeye state in 2012...everybody knows the Rats rigged the Diebolds there...same as Richardson did for Kerry in 2004 which is why he withdrew from consideration since....You're a stooge and a liar.


Gore Won Florida

The Florida Recount of 2000

Yes Bush v. Gore Did Steal the Election -- NYMag

Florida recounts make Gore winner World news The Guardian

Citizens For Legitimate Government

Kerry Won Ohio: Greg Palast Investigative Reporter
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Actually, Bush never won either election - 2000 or 2004. Gore won Florida and Kerry won Ohio.

:laugh2: Bush carried Floriduh by 534? votes according to YOUR NY TIMES year long investigation.. Poor algore couldn't carry his HOME STATE....folks in Tennessee had seen enough of his gigantic white ass and Tipper's too. Speaking of Ohio, ROMNEY carried the fuckeye state in 2012...everybody knows the Rats rigged the Diebolds there...same as Richardson did for Kerry in 2004 which is why he withdrew from consideration since....You're a stooge and a liar.


Gore Won Florida

The Florida Recount of 2000

Yes Bush v. Gore Did Steal the Election -- NYMag

Florida recounts make Gore winner World news The Guardian

Citizens For Legitimate Government

Greg Palast Investigative Reporter

:laugh2: You're a joke.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush

Asked and answered several times.....either read the thread from the beginning or be ignored.
Actually, Bush never won either election - 2000 or 2004. Gore won Florida and Kerry won Ohio.

:laugh2: Bush carried Floriduh by 534? votes according to YOUR NY TIMES year long investigation.. Poor algore couldn't carry his HOME STATE....folks in Tennessee had seen enough of his gigantic white ass and Tipper's too. Speaking of Ohio, ROMNEY carried the fuckeye state in 2012...everybody knows the Rats rigged the Diebolds there...same as Richardson did for Kerry in 2004 which is why he withdrew from consideration since....and the same as how Al Franken found enough votes in the trunk of an abandoned car to win in Minnehaha.....You're a stooge and a liar.
A tragedy for the country. Gore was a competent policy geek who would've stopped 9/11, not had a corrupt meltdown. The NYT was going by bogus numbers, I blame Ralph Nader who got 200k votes in Florida, etc etc. The GOP has been a true disaster since Ike, who was an Indie in a you CAN't blow this world situation...before that, since TR. A corporate bought off mess, perhaps including Lincoln.
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
you may feel that is how it is to be used, but reality is different.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
It's quite obvious that you are nothing like the old time GOP, back before they would rant about revolution, and all the other silly things they now say. Again, I am glad to have your beliefs made as publicly as possible. I have always believed "The truth will set you free" and the full truth of what you really believe is such a great help to your opposition.

Oh I know how your masters long for the good ol Rockefeller republicans...go along to get along Bob Dole and the rest of them.....I'm a Viet Vet...I always believed if Goldwater had won in '64 we'd never have had to bleed and die there. There has always been that kind of republican around...your MSM was quite successful in killing Goldwater with the little girl a-bomb commercial....it's all your side is good at...lying and character assassination...and what do they get? Power and money. And what do you get? the shit end of the stick...time after time after time, and yet you can't break away. Suckers.

Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.
Pro tip: No one gives a shit what we say on this site. Public or not

Au contraire...I've turned formerly sensible democrats against the prog's criminal lunacy time and time again. I've been at this for almost 13 years and I would tell you I've turned a couple in my short time here. Not so that they'd vote for a GOPer necessarily.....just not vote at all....which is just as good in the scheme of thins...Two parts to radicalize somebody...first get them to withdraw support of the enemy, then arm them and yell SIC EM! It's a wonderful sight to see. :wink_2:
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
you may feel that is how it is to be used, but reality is different.
Reality doesn't trump the Constitution.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
Let's see how many of THESE Executive Orders were in response to an emergency:

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Here we go back to bush? Is he still president?
Immigration is not an emergency.
executive powers are not limited to emergency situations.
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.

Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
He is stoopid.

And lazy.

He knows anything he does will cause a reaction from Congress. The problem is, once he pulls the trigger the damage is irreversible. Millions will pour over the border. When the GOP brings the hammer down the media will portray them as mean rich guys trying to starve women and children.

This is why Washington doesn't friggen work anymore. The assholes on the left constantly stirring up shit.

Of course, he knows it will cause a reaction from congress. How exactly is that any different than everything else for the last six years? Sorry, but congressional obstruction just isn't as surprising as it once was. The obstruction is why Washington doesn't work any more. Only an idiot wouldn't see that. Congressional action would eliminate the need for him to make any order, and if they are too lazy to do it now, later action by them would supersede it. Why don't you tell your representatives to do their job?

Who's really doing the obstruction? I mean really, who???

Obama hates dealing with this messy thing we call democracy. He's too lazy to work the problem, so he obstructs, then blames his obstruction on the GOP. It's perfect. He would rather play golf than make phone calls to the hill trying to rally support. So when the shit hits the fan, where is Obama?

Practicing his short game.

Sure. You spout the right wing story perfectly, but history doesn't agree with you claim of him being the source of obstruction. You whine about him playing golf because Hannity told you to, but that will only last so long. What will he tell you to whine about next? Teleprompters again?

Hannity is so yesterday.

Has he done that waterboarding for veteran charities yet?

I wish there was a funny button to click.
Pro tip: No one gives a shit what we say on this site. Public or not

Au contraire...I've turned formerly sensible democrats against the prog's criminal lunacy time and time again. I've been at this for almost 13 years and I would tell you I've turned a couple in my short time here. Not so that they'd vote for a GOPer necessarily.....just not vote at all....which is just as good in the scheme of thins...Two parts to radicalize somebody...first get them to withdraw support of the enemy, then arm them and yell SIC EM! It's a wonderful sight to see. :wink_2:
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.
So it's right for Congress to tell a President not to use his Executive Powers. Could a President tell Congress not to use their legislative powers?
I'll try to explain this without hurting your feelings.
The executive order is to be used in time of emergency Not at the whim or the want of a president.
Was that nice enough?
you may feel that is how it is to be used, but reality is different.
Reality doesn't trump the Constitution.
doesn't have to. they're one and the same. just because you want to live in a world where your incorrect interpretation is the only interpretation of the constitution doesn't mean the rest of us do.
A tragedy for the country. Gore was a competent policy geek who would've stopped 9/11, not had a corrupt meltdown. The NYT was going by bogus numbers, I blame Ralph Nader who got 200k votes in Florida, etc etc. The GOP has been a true disaster since Ike, who was an Indie in a you CAN't blow this world situation...before that, since TR. A corporate bought off mess, perhaps including Lincoln.

Gore and Clinturd CAUSED 9/11 by instructing Jeanie Gorelick to build a wall between the CIA and FBI to keep the CIA out of internal matters. Nader hurt Gore that is true....same as Perot hurt Bush41...yet the contract with America was Perot chapter and verse and Newt admits it. What cost Gore Floriduh was the "butterfly ballot" that the dem sec. state put in front of the voters.....several thousand morons thought they were voting for Gore but ended up voting for PAT BUCHANAN. :badgrin:

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