I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Exit polls showed that people were upset about Obama's amnesty plans. If he decides to ignore law and proceed with it, he needs to be stopped. Since it is unconstitutional, why shouldn't they impeach him?

As much as I would enjoy seeing the GOP make such fools of themselves, the reality is that at least a few of them are aware of how many votes in the Senate the Constitution requires for it to actually go through, so they won't try it.
Never underestimate the Stupidity of the Right Wing when they get their Crazy on.

Says the gullible Democrat.

I remember going over this with Greenbeard. He kept showing me portions of the ACA that did everything Obama said. How it wasn't a tax, would cut costs, all of that nonsense. My response was always "but it's a lie". It was tortured language intended to mislead. For some reason he couldn't argue with that. He would just disappear.

Now we know why. It was a pack of lies.
I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

I hope they TRY to impeach President Obama! That would make TWO Democrat presidents in a row that NaziCons would try to impeach. NaziCons don't seem to know any other way to govern. Only a retarded moron would even suggest that President Obama should be impeached.

It is talk and who brought it more often with this President?
Dems - Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans
Dems talk about impeachment 20 times as much as Republicans TheHill
They want you to think that the Repubs want it, when it keeps getting repeated over and over even though it's a lie, the people begin to believe it.


Charles Krauthammer Calls Potential Obama Immigration Action An Impeachable Offense

Krauthammer is not in congress.
I see you did not read the article.
What a perfectly stupid republican remark. It's sometimes possible to begin believing right wingers might be sane and mature, but posts like yours bring what you are really like back into focus. Thank you.

Change your name to POODLE...and when your zits have cleared up and you're no longer on your folk's health insurance, maybe, just maybe, you'll realize nobody is going to pay off your student loan (to Unca Sam because Barry took them away from the banks and it will be the IRS that comes calling if you try to default), and the only job you can find OOPS an illegal got it and is laughing at you in line for your SNAP benefits.....whatever..the day will come when you'll spit at the name OBAMA...wish I could be there to see it.

Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.
Uses the term teabaggers then calls others crazy


Are you saying that is any worse than the epithets used by the right wing on a consistent basis, or that it's just OK for your side to do it?
Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.

De nada.....I ain't a country club GOPer....I AM TEA PARTY and damn proud of where that name came from....our first step to INDEPENDENCE from a tyrant....same as now so we are REVOLUTION 2.0....you saw the beginning of it November 4th.....next step, BYE BYE Barry-Care.....and shortly thereafter, the arrest of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Gruber, Pelousy, Harry Reid, Schumer, and Rangel....and then de RAT KING....Barry Barack Soetoro Obama...may they all enjoy their cells in Leavenworth.
Last edited:
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"
I hope they do too.....then the GOP will be known as the Whiny Poor Loser's Party. :D

Better known as Democrats.

BTW, who won the election???

President Obama....in 2008 and in 2012. :D
So what, Bush won in 2000 and 2004.

This is 2014.

Quit living in the past.
So...we aren't talking about impeaching the CURRENT President? Poor mudwhistle....so engulfed in his own hate-bubble that he can't even stay on topic.
Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.

De nada.....I ain't a country club GOPer....I AM TEA PARTY and damn proud of where that name came from....our first step to INDEPENDENCE from a tyrant....same as now so we are REVOLUTION 2.0....you saw the beginning of it November 4th.....next step, BYE BYE Barry-Care.....and shortly thereafter, the arrest of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Gruber, Pelousy, Harry Reid, Schumer, and Rangel....and then de RAT KING....Barry Barack Soetoro Obama...may they all enjoy their cells in Leavenworth.
Gee...what a surprise.
I am not agreeing to what he is doing .I think it's wrong.
I am saying that it is lawful.
Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order
Historically,executive orders related to routine administrative matters and to the internal operations of federal agencies, such as amending Civil Service Rules and overseeing the administration of public lands. More recently, presidents have used executive orders to carry out legislative policies and programs. As a result, the executive order has become a critical tool in presidential policy making. For example, President john f. kennedy used an executive order to eliminate racial discrimination in federally funded housing (Exec. Order No. 11,063, 3 C.F.R. 652 [1959–1963], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 1982 app. at 6-8 [1982]); President lyndon b. johnson acted through an executive order to prohibit discrimination in government contractors' hiring practices (Exec. Order No. 11,246, 3C.F.R. 339 [1964–1965], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 28-31 [1982], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,375, 3 C.F.R. 684 [1966–1970], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,478, 3 C.F.R. 803 [1966–1970], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 31-33 [1982]); and President richard m. nixon used an executive order to set a ninety-day freeze on all prices, rents, wages, and salaries in reaction to rising inflation and unemployment (Exec. Order No. 11,615, 3C.F.R. 602 [1971–1975], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,617, 3 C.F.R. 609 [1971–1975], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,627, 3 C.F.R. 621 [1971–1975]).

Take a look at each of your examples.....each and every one had the president acting INSIDE laws already on the books.....tinkering with their parameters. Some more egregious than others for sure, but within the broad guidelines of the legislation passed. He has no authority to grant immunity to those expressly forbidden to legally be here....that breaks hundreds of laws he is guilty of not enforcing. This isn't me saying this....Constitutional scholars are saying it.....YELLING IT that he has no such authority...HE ADMITTED SO IN A TOWN HALL IN 2009!

Unless you are privy discussions about the wording of the order, you have no idea what it will say anyway. You think any order he might give will be outside of the laws already on the books? You really think there aren't lots of Constitutional scholars working diligently to make sure the order is specifically allowed? You think that there can be no order given that won't meet legal requirements? Teabaggers must think he is as stupid as they are to believe that.
He is stoopid.

And lazy.

He knows anything he does will cause a reaction from Congress. The problem is, once he pulls the trigger the damage is irreversible. Millions will pour over the border. When the GOP brings the hammer down the media will portray them as mean rich guys trying to starve women and children.

This is why Washington doesn't friggen work anymore. The assholes on the left constantly stirring up shit.

Of course, he knows it will cause a reaction from congress. How exactly is that any different than everything else for the last six years? Sorry, but congressional obstruction just isn't as surprising as it once was. The obstruction is why Washington doesn't work any more. Only an idiot wouldn't see that. Congressional action would eliminate the need for him to make any order, and if they are too lazy to do it now, later action by them would supersede it. Why don't you tell your representatives to do their job?

Who's really doing the obstruction? I mean really, who???

Obama hates dealing with this messy thing we call democracy. He's too lazy to work the problem, so he obstructs, then blames his obstruction on the GOP. It's perfect. He would rather play golf than make phone calls to the hill trying to rally support. So when the shit hits the fan, where is Obama?

Practicing his short game.
What a perfectly stupid republican remark. It's sometimes possible to begin believing right wingers might be sane and mature, but posts like yours bring what you are really like back into focus. Thank you.

Change your name to POODLE...and when your zits have cleared up and you're no longer on your folk's health insurance, maybe, just maybe, you'll realize nobody is going to pay off your student loan (to Unca Sam because Barry took them away from the banks and it will be the IRS that comes calling if you try to default), and the only job you can find OOPS an illegal got it and is laughing at you in line for your SNAP benefits.....whatever..the day will come when you'll spit at the name OBAMA...wish I could be there to see it.

Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.
Uses the term teabaggers then calls others crazy


Are you saying that is any worse than the epithets used by the right wing on a consistent basis, or that it's just OK for your side to do it?
Nope. I have made well known my thoughts on the childish terms thrown around here so often.

Have you EVER seen me use terms like dimocrat? Communist? Marxist? Etc?
Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.

De nada.....I ain't a country club GOPer....I AM TEA PARTY and damn proud of where that name came from....our first step to INDEPENDENCE from a tyrant....same as now so we are REVOLUTION 2.0....you saw the beginning of it November 4th.....next step, BYE BYE Barry-Care.....and shortly thereafter, the arrest of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Gruber, Pelousy, Harry Reid, Schumer, and Rangel....and then de RAT KING....Barry Barack Soetoro Obama...may they all enjoy their cells in Leavenworth.

It's quite obvious that you are nothing like the old time GOP, back before they would rant about revolution, and all the other silly things they now say. Again, I am glad to have your beliefs made as publicly as possible. I have always believed "The truth will set you free" and the full truth of what you really believe is such a great help to your opposition.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"
I hope they do too.....then the GOP will be known as the Whiny Poor Loser's Party. :D

Better known as Democrats.

BTW, who won the election???

President Obama....in 2008 and in 2012. :D
So what, Bush won in 2000 and 2004.

This is 2014.

Quit living in the past.
So...we aren't talking about impeaching the CURRENT President? Poor mudwhistle....so engulfed in his own hate-bubble that he can't even stay on topic.
Who's we?

You personally was just pooping in the pool, as usual.

The adults were discussing impeachment. I think it's a bad idea because of this guy:

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Elections do have consequences. The middle class idiot class voted for Republicans, a mistake they've been doing since Nixon.
Thanks again. Another list of the crazy fears that teabaggers have, but are not backed up by any evidence other than the ranting of right wing media. Please keep it up. It's good to have specific examples of the crazy things teabaggers think. You are a fine example.

De nada.....I ain't a country club GOPer....I AM TEA PARTY and damn proud of where that name came from....our first step to INDEPENDENCE from a tyrant....same as now so we are REVOLUTION 2.0....you saw the beginning of it November 4th.....next step, BYE BYE Barry-Care.....and shortly thereafter, the arrest of Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Gruber, Pelousy, Harry Reid, Schumer, and Rangel....and then de RAT KING....Barry Barack Soetoro Obama...may they all enjoy their cells in Leavenworth.

It's quite obvious that you are nothing like the old time GOP, back before they would rant about revolution, and all the other silly things they now say. Again, I am glad to have your beliefs made as publicly as possible. I have always believed "The truth will set you free" and the full truth of what you really believe is such a great help to your opposition.
Pro tip: No one gives a shit what we say on this site. Public or not
I am not agreeing to what he is doing .I think it's wrong.
I am saying that it is lawful.
Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order
Historically,executive orders related to routine administrative matters and to the internal operations of federal agencies, such as amending Civil Service Rules and overseeing the administration of public lands. More recently, presidents have used executive orders to carry out legislative policies and programs. As a result, the executive order has become a critical tool in presidential policy making. For example, President john f. kennedy used an executive order to eliminate racial discrimination in federally funded housing (Exec. Order No. 11,063, 3 C.F.R. 652 [1959–1963], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 1982 app. at 6-8 [1982]); President lyndon b. johnson acted through an executive order to prohibit discrimination in government contractors' hiring practices (Exec. Order No. 11,246, 3C.F.R. 339 [1964–1965], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 28-31 [1982], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,375, 3 C.F.R. 684 [1966–1970], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,478, 3 C.F.R. 803 [1966–1970], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 31-33 [1982]); and President richard m. nixon used an executive order to set a ninety-day freeze on all prices, rents, wages, and salaries in reaction to rising inflation and unemployment (Exec. Order No. 11,615, 3C.F.R. 602 [1971–1975], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,617, 3 C.F.R. 609 [1971–1975], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,627, 3 C.F.R. 621 [1971–1975]).

Take a look at each of your examples.....each and every one had the president acting INSIDE laws already on the books.....tinkering with their parameters. Some more egregious than others for sure, but within the broad guidelines of the legislation passed. He has no authority to grant immunity to those expressly forbidden to legally be here....that breaks hundreds of laws he is guilty of not enforcing. This isn't me saying this....Constitutional scholars are saying it.....YELLING IT that he has no such authority...HE ADMITTED SO IN A TOWN HALL IN 2009!

Unless you are privy discussions about the wording of the order, you have no idea what it will say anyway. You think any order he might give will be outside of the laws already on the books? You really think there aren't lots of Constitutional scholars working diligently to make sure the order is specifically allowed? You think that there can be no order given that won't meet legal requirements? Teabaggers must think he is as stupid as they are to believe that.
He is stoopid.

And lazy.

He knows anything he does will cause a reaction from Congress. The problem is, once he pulls the trigger the damage is irreversible. Millions will pour over the border. When the GOP brings the hammer down the media will portray them as mean rich guys trying to starve women and children.

This is why Washington doesn't friggen work anymore. The assholes on the left constantly stirring up shit.

Of course, he knows it will cause a reaction from congress. How exactly is that any different than everything else for the last six years? Sorry, but congressional obstruction just isn't as surprising as it once was. The obstruction is why Washington doesn't work any more. Only an idiot wouldn't see that. Congressional action would eliminate the need for him to make any order, and if they are too lazy to do it now, later action by them would supersede it. Why don't you tell your representatives to do their job?

Who's really doing the obstruction? I mean really, who???

Obama hates dealing with this messy thing we call democracy. He's too lazy to work the problem, so he obstructs, then blames his obstruction on the GOP. It's perfect. He would rather play golf than make phone calls to the hill trying to rally support. So when the shit hits the fan, where is Obama?

Practicing his short game.

Sure. You spout the right wing story perfectly, but history doesn't agree with you claim of him being the source of obstruction. You whine about him playing golf because Hannity told you to, but that will only last so long. What will he tell you to whine about next? Teleprompters again?
It's quite obvious that you are nothing like the old time GOP, back before they would rant about revolution, and all the other silly things they now say. Again, I am glad to have your beliefs made as publicly as possible. I have always believed "The truth will set you free" and the full truth of what you really believe is such a great help to your opposition.

Oh I know how your masters long for the good ol Rockefeller republicans...go along to get along Bob Dole and the rest of them.....I'm a Viet Vet...I always believed if Goldwater had won in '64 we'd never have had to bleed and die there. There has always been that kind of republican around...your MSM was quite successful in killing Goldwater with the little girl a-bomb commercial....it's all your side is good at...lying and character assassination...and what do they get? Power and money. And what do you get? the shit end of the stick...time after time after time, and yet you can't break away. Suckers.
Take a look at each of your examples.....each and every one had the president acting INSIDE laws already on the books.....tinkering with their parameters. Some more egregious than others for sure, but within the broad guidelines of the legislation passed. He has no authority to grant immunity to those expressly forbidden to legally be here....that breaks hundreds of laws he is guilty of not enforcing. This isn't me saying this....Constitutional scholars are saying it.....YELLING IT that he has no such authority...HE ADMITTED SO IN A TOWN HALL IN 2009!

Unless you are privy discussions about the wording of the order, you have no idea what it will say anyway. You think any order he might give will be outside of the laws already on the books? You really think there aren't lots of Constitutional scholars working diligently to make sure the order is specifically allowed? You think that there can be no order given that won't meet legal requirements? Teabaggers must think he is as stupid as they are to believe that.
He is stoopid.

And lazy.

He knows anything he does will cause a reaction from Congress. The problem is, once he pulls the trigger the damage is irreversible. Millions will pour over the border. When the GOP brings the hammer down the media will portray them as mean rich guys trying to starve women and children.

This is why Washington doesn't friggen work anymore. The assholes on the left constantly stirring up shit.

Of course, he knows it will cause a reaction from congress. How exactly is that any different than everything else for the last six years? Sorry, but congressional obstruction just isn't as surprising as it once was. The obstruction is why Washington doesn't work any more. Only an idiot wouldn't see that. Congressional action would eliminate the need for him to make any order, and if they are too lazy to do it now, later action by them would supersede it. Why don't you tell your representatives to do their job?

Who's really doing the obstruction? I mean really, who???

Obama hates dealing with this messy thing we call democracy. He's too lazy to work the problem, so he obstructs, then blames his obstruction on the GOP. It's perfect. He would rather play golf than make phone calls to the hill trying to rally support. So when the shit hits the fan, where is Obama?

Practicing his short game.

Sure. You spout the right wing story perfectly, but history doesn't agree with you claim of him being the source of obstruction. You whine about him playing golf because Hannity told you to, but that will only last so long. What will he tell you to whine about next? Teleprompters again?

Hannity is so yesterday.

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