I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Acting against the Constitution. Congress makes the laws. Then he makes a law that goes against the law that Congress made. He can't do that. Can he?

Actually, the President can make laws.

But to what extent, I'm not sure.

They can be challenged in court if they are unconstitutional, though.

Simply because conservatives don't like his executive orders or his policies doesn't mean they are impeachable.

But if it is contrary to an existing law, is it a misdemeanor?

That's for the courts to decide, not a politically-motivated Congress.
Acting against the Constitution. Congress makes the laws. Then he makes a law that goes against the law that Congress made. He can't do that. Can he?

Actually, the President can make laws.

But to what extent, I'm not sure.

They can be challenged in court if they are unconstitutional, though.

Simply because conservatives don't like his executive orders or his policies doesn't mean they are impeachable.

But if it is contrary to an existing law, is it a misdemeanor?

That's for the courts to decide, not a politically-motivated Congress.

Thank you.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Oh, I hope they try it. The entertainment value would be priceless.:party:

It was with Blow Job Clinton! :banana::banana::banana:
Yeah great...a STUPID distraction that kept Clinton from his job, like getting Bin Laden- when he did, it was "wagging the dog"...how'd that work out, dishonest hater, party first, brainwashed functional moron/traitor.
Maybe he should have kept his pecker away from impressionable young interns then, eh?
I think the question if Obama will be impeached is if he pulls the immigration EO or not. IF he does not only does he "poison the well", he pushed too far. I think the letters will go out to representatives asking for impeachment.

The well was poisoned when they had that meeting and decided to oppose everything he did. How exactly do you think it could possibly be worse than the right wing behavior of the last six years?
..."High crimes and misdemeanors". What are the charges? Politics and the disagreements they spawn do not reach the threshold for impeachable offenses.
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.

Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?

I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.
Again, I would love the GOP to be known as the Whiny Loser Party. :D
They may very well take you up on that challenge - although the outcome might end-up surprising you, if done right.
Oh, I'm looking forward to it. Republicans Impeaching Democrats 0-3. :D
OK. Just sayin'... this is different... there's a racial element... there's an accusations-of-socialism element... there's an arrogance element... there's a performance element...

Every one of those was a Chef's Surprise... with their own unique conditions... this one could prove to be a real cliff-hanger... or not.
As I said bull pup you don't care about this country as much as you do the democrat party, your support for failure is a fact.
Again, I would love the GOP to be known as the Whiny Loser Party. :D
They may very well take you up on that challenge - although the outcome might end-up surprising you, if done right.
Oh, I'm looking forward to it. Republicans Impeaching Democrats 0-3. :D

Commander, I'm surprised that the Navy didn't do a better job of educating you.

Impeachment is merely the process of BRINGING charges against, in this case the POTUS.

Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were both IMPEACHED. They , however, were not convicted.

You're a dumbshit.
Impeachment would not be hard. How many senators do we have now? 44? We would need 67 for removal. I think I counted there are 19 up for re-election in 2015. In 2014, they couldn't run away fast or far enough from him. We would need 13 to vote for removal. Could happen.
After the new Congress is sworn-in, in January, 2015, the Pubs will have 52? 53? 54? Senators. That leaves 12 or 13 or 14 needed for conviction in the Senate. Between those running from Obumble at the speed of light and a few independents, and corrupt Dems who can be bought... yeah... it might just prove do-able, after all.
Welcome to fantasy island

Maybe if you actually had a crime instead of a major case of Butthurt
The way things are going, a quick sidebar to invent some juicy charges, may end-up doing the trick.

If the Failed Messiah pushes the Pubs too far on this Immigration-Shamnesty horseshit, the Pubs are gonna crucify him, even if they have to make-up shit and find a way to make it stick. Obumble seems to be preparing to tread on very treacherous ground, but his arrogance may be blinding him to the nature and severity of the aftermath.

He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.

Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?

I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
He is arrogant, and the damage he does won't just fall on his head, but ours as well.
Does arrogance meet the criteria of high crimes and misdemeanors?

This impeachment talk is purely political and does not reach the threshold of high crimes. Not anymore than the last time politics drove the impeachment process and the Republicans were shown to be petulant children.

Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?

I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"
You same people who stood up for Wall Streeters getting their bonuses and not going to jail because everything they did when the crashed the economy was legal under the law NOW want to impeach a president who is going to do something that is legal under the law.
Again, I would love the GOP to be known as the Whiny Loser Party. :D
They may very well take you up on that challenge - although the outcome might end-up surprising you, if done right.
Oh, I'm looking forward to it. Republicans Impeaching Democrats 0-3. :D
OK. Just sayin'... this is different... there's a racial element... there's an accusations-of-socialism element... there's an arrogance element... there's a performance element...

Every one of those was a Chef's Surprise... with their own unique conditions... this one could prove to be a real cliff-hanger... or not.

Of course those elements are all present. The racist right are starting to believe their own made up claims about socialism, and their arrogance, and lack of performance led them to believe they have a chance of the president being found guilty of any impeachment charges brought against him. The fact that they don't like him is good enough to bring the charges, but that won't be enough for him to be found guilty, or to keep the right wing from suffering the backlash deserved by a do nothing party who thinks that impeachment for every Democratic president is a reasonable course of action.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

He has the legal right with the executive order.
What they can do and should is not fund it.
He does not have the right to over step his authority.

That's what you liberals are ignoring.

What is he doing that Bush did not do?

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