I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Congress has legislative authority, the President has executive authority.

There will be no impeachment.

Hey moron, I suggest that you read the Constitution. The president (or in this case the dictator) CAN NOT alter law. ONLY THE CONGRESS CAN CHANGE IMMIGRATION LAW.

Stop being a fool.
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.

Skidmark? Is that something like a teabagger?

skidmark is when an assfly shows his stupidity about EO's and comes to a screeching halt.

Eo's fall under Executive Powers.

Asshat falls under idiots.
Congress has legislative authority, the President has executive authority.

There will be no impeachment.

Hey moron, I suggest that you read the Constitution. The president (or in this case the dictator) CAN NOT alter law. ONLY THE CONGRESS CAN CHANGE IMMIGRATION LAW.

Stop being a fool.

I just posted the protocol for an Executive Order which has the same power as a law. Stop being a moron.

Executive Powers of the POTUS ..

The president:
  • is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He or she has the power to call into service the state units of the National Guard, and in times of emergency may be given the power by Congress to manage national security or the economy.
  • has the power make treaties with Senate approval. He or she can also receive ambassadors and work with leaders of other nations.
  • is responsible for nominating the heads of governmental departments, which the Senate must then approve. In addition, the president nominates judges to federal courts and justices to the United States Supreme Court.
  • can issue executive orders, which have the force of law but do not have to be approved by congress.
  • can issue pardons for federal offenses.
  • can convene Congress for special sessions.
  • can veto legislation approved by Congress. However, the veto is limited. It is not a line-item veto, meaning that he or she cannot veto only specific parts of legislation, and it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote by Congress.
  • delivers a State of the Union address annually to a joint session of Congress.
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Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.

I don't think there would be a repudiation. Let's see how the people feel when half a million tech jobs go to the "newly deportation protected illegal aliens." There are still a lot of black and white Americans out of jobs that could be taking those jobs he saving for those special people he just saved.
i'd love to hear how you think tech jobs play into this.

One of the parts of his draft of the immigration bill is giving half a million tech jobs to the newly protected illegal aliens. Jobs that would have gone to American citizens. Don't you think that would piss off the people and their representatives?

Also, the entire immigration EO could be an impeachable offense. Obama said that himself at one time. It was against the constitution.
The lefties should read about Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, about how those 3 Presidents deported around 15 million illegal immigrants with executive orders to protect American workers jobs. After wars were fought. Obama wants illegals to have those jobs so they can vote for Democraps. We're at the end of another war, sheeple.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.

Skidmark? Is that something like a teabagger?

skidmark is when an assfly shows his stupidity about EO's and comes to a screeching halt.

Eo's fall under Executive Powers.

Asshat falls under idiots.

Thanks for the clarification, but I'm sure teabagger fits in there somewhere close to dittohead.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.

Skidmark? Is that something like a teabagger?

skidmark is when an assfly shows his stupidity about EO's and comes to a screeching halt.

Eo's fall under Executive Powers.

Asshat falls under idiots.
I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.

Again, your remarks will be given the consideration they deserve
View attachment 34057

Oh My A fox Barbie said something bad about our president. Who could imagine something like that would ever happen?
View attachment 34058

Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.

I don't think there would be a repudiation. Let's see how the people feel when half a million tech jobs go to the "newly deportation protected illegal aliens." There are still a lot of black and white Americans out of jobs that could be taking those jobs he saving for those special people he just saved.
i'd love to hear how you think tech jobs play into this.

One of the parts of his draft of the immigration bill is giving half a million tech jobs to the newly protected illegal aliens. Jobs that would have gone to American citizens. Don't you think that would piss off the people and their representatives?

Also, the entire immigration EO could be an impeachable offense. Obama said that himself at one time. It was against the constitution.
The lefties should read about Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, about how those 3 Presidents deported around 15 million illegal immigrants with executive orders to protect American workers jobs. After wars were fought. Obama wants illegals to have those jobs so they can vote for Democraps. We're at the end of another war, sheeple.

wtf does that have to do with a pipedream impeachment ? hell of a lot of dancing, no music ... get a life assfly, yer dun here .
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
According to you knuckleheads we lost that vote during the last 2 elections. Don't you guys ever get new material?

More than in just the last two.... but please do continue.
Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.

I don't think there would be a repudiation. Let's see how the people feel when half a million tech jobs go to the "newly deportation protected illegal aliens." There are still a lot of black and white Americans out of jobs that could be taking those jobs he saving for those special people he just saved.
i'd love to hear how you think tech jobs play into this.

One of the parts of his draft of the immigration bill is giving half a million tech jobs to the newly protected illegal aliens. Jobs that would have gone to American citizens. Don't you think that would piss off the people and their representatives?

Also, the entire immigration EO could be an impeachable offense. Obama said that himself at one time. It was against the constitution.
The lefties should read about Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, about how those 3 Presidents deported around 15 million illegal immigrants with executive orders to protect American workers jobs. After wars were fought. Obama wants illegals to have those jobs so they can vote for Democraps. We're at the end of another war, sheeple.

The dittoheads should read about Chicken Little. It's the story of a dumb little chicken who ran around trying to scare everybody into thinking the sky was falling. It wasn't long before everybody realized she only thought that because of her extremely limited reasoning ability, and everybody laughed and laughed. Kinda like people laugh at dittoheads today.
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

True, but even one of the prominent repubs has said he has the right to take Executive actions which may then be undone by the next President. So he has the right to make Executive orders, just as the recovering alcoholic that was in office before him had the right, and used it liberally I might add.
Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.

I don't think there would be a repudiation. Let's see how the people feel when half a million tech jobs go to the "newly deportation protected illegal aliens." There are still a lot of black and white Americans out of jobs that could be taking those jobs he saving for those special people he just saved.
i'd love to hear how you think tech jobs play into this.

One of the parts of his draft of the immigration bill is giving half a million tech jobs to the newly protected illegal aliens. Jobs that would have gone to American citizens. Don't you think that would piss off the people and their representatives?

Also, the entire immigration EO could be an impeachable offense. Obama said that himself at one time. It was against the constitution.
The lefties should read about Hoover, Truman and Eisenhower, about how those 3 Presidents deported around 15 million illegal immigrants with executive orders to protect American workers jobs. After wars were fought. Obama wants illegals to have those jobs so they can vote for Democraps. We're at the end of another war, sheeple.

wtf does that have to do with a pipedream impeachment ? hell of a lot of dancing, no music ... get a life assfly, yer dun here .
It shows there was no protest when real Presidents gave an EO. Lot of difference between them and this poser we have defiling the Oval Office.
Droves? :laugh:
The voter turnout was 40% of all voters, the GOP got 63% of the vote, that translates to 25% of all voters. Droves?
Now I believe I'm like most voters, I disagree with Obama a lot, but I don't hate the man. Most people whether they agree with "O" or not, don't hate the man. That's how most Americans felt about "W" during his second term. With a GOP majority in Congress, Obama's agenda is going to have a very rough time. We are headed to even more gridlock than we have now!
The GOP's approach to presidents from the other party is pretty well known based on their history in recent times. From pledging to make them a one-term president, to impeachment, to shutting down government. It all comes of making the GOP look like a bunch of immature radicals. Whenever GOP impeachment talk heads up, quite a few well respected Republicans have stated it's a bad idea for the GOP brand.

Less than that. I was likely just slightly under 37%, a miserable figure. The final stat can first be made when the end-canvasses are all in.
Why do you liberals always forget he is half white too..
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.
The white half of the Messiah came from pothead Communistic trailer trash.Who will deny that fact?

There was pot in Jesus' day?!?!?!?
Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.
So you believe the gop was elected in droves to sit idly by why Obama supercedes them?

Funny stuff

Droves? :laugh:
The voter turnout was 40% of all voters, the GOP got 63% of the vote, that translates to 25% of all voters. Droves?
Now I believe I'm like most voters, I disagree with Obama a lot, but I don't hate the man. Most people whether they agree with "O" or not, don't hate the man. That's how most Americans felt about "W" during his second term. With a GOP majority in Congress, Obama's agenda is going to have a very rough time. We are headed to even more gridlock than we have now!
The GOP's approach to presidents from the other party is pretty well known based on their history in recent times. From pledging to make them a one-term president, to impeachment, to shutting down government. It all comes of making the GOP look like a bunch of immature radicals. Whenever GOP impeachment talk heads up, quite a few well respected Republicans have stated it's a bad idea for the GOP brand.
Guess democrats didn't support obama's policies since obama said his policies were on the ballot.
Why would anyone want to lower the standards for impeachment to something so frivolous as using executive powers that were used by so many before? That would be weird, like emotional grudge in place of professional action. Hopefully, our Gov't doesnt give into such sophomoric think.

Pish-Posh. That's insignificant detail. Barely worth mentioning.

Surely something that isn't a crime, has been validated by the courts as within the President's authority and couldn't stick in any court will convince SIX, count the SIX democrats to cross the aisle and convict Obama during his impeachment trial. Surely it will.

So why haven't the republicans impeached? They have the numbers in the House. They have a majority in the Senate. What's their excuse this time for why they can't possibly back their empty bravado this time?

Wrong. To convict, you need 67 Senators, not 60. Assuming that the GOP picks up Louisiana, then that would mean that 13 senators from the DEM party would need to defect.
Congress has legislative authority, the President has executive authority.

There will be no impeachment.

Hey moron, I suggest that you read the Constitution. The president (or in this case the dictator) CAN NOT alter law. ONLY THE CONGRESS CAN CHANGE IMMIGRATION LAW.

Stop being a fool.

I just posted the protocol for an Executive Order which has the same power as a law. Stop being a moron.

Executive Powers of the POTUS ..

The president:
  • is the Commander in Chief of the armed forces. He or she has the power to call into service the state units of the National Guard, and in times of emergency may be given the power by Congress to manage national security or the economy.
  • has the power make treaties with Senate approval. He or she can also receive ambassadors and work with leaders of other nations.
  • is responsible for nominating the heads of governmental departments, which the Senate must then approve. In addition, the president nominates judges to federal courts and justices to the United States Supreme Court.
  • can issue executive orders, which have the force of law but do not have to be approved by congress.
  • can issue pardons for federal offenses.
  • can convene Congress for special sessions.
  • can veto legislation approved by Congress. However, the veto is limited. It is not a line-item veto, meaning that he or she cannot veto only specific parts of legislation, and it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote by Congress.
  • delivers a State of the Union address annually to a joint session of Congress.

OK Moron...
  • Article I - section 8 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the authority to establish a "uniform rule of naturalization" for non-citizens. This amendment allows Congress to create a uniform standard by which legal or illegal immigrants may be naturalized as citizens of the United States. Because this power is given to the Congress, no state may create its own rules and procedures for naturalization.

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Why do you liberals always forget he is half white too..
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.
The white half of the Messiah came from pothead Communistic trailer trash.Who will deny that fact?

There was pot in Jesus' day?!?!?!?
Of course, if we're talking about Jesus Manuel O'Bama.
Careful, or you may get an 0400 wakeup call.:dev2:

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