I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Acting against the Constitution. Congress makes the laws. Then he makes a law that goes against the law that Congress made. He can't do that. Can he?

Actually, the President can make laws.

But to what extent, I'm not sure.

They can be challenged in court if they are unconstitutional, though.

Simply because conservatives don't like his executive orders or his policies doesn't mean they are impeachable.

But if it is contrary to an existing law, is it a misdemeanor?

That's for the courts to decide, not a politically-motivated Congress.

Thank you.

The impeachment process is a political action, not a criminal or civil law action.

Thus, 'high crimes and misdemeanors' are determined only by Congress.

Is a president too politically weak to survive is the major question?

Senator Lane took a bribe, which saved Johnson. Nixon lost the support of both House and Senate GOP, so he resigned. Clinton smiled and kicked the GOP's teeth in, taking Gingrich down and some Congress seats back.

The House certainly has the votes to impeach Obama and send it to the Senate.

The problem is that the Senate GOP does not have all of its votes much less having to pick up at least thirteen or fourteen Dems.
Impeachment would not be hard. How many senators do we have now? 44? We would need 67 for removal. I think I counted there are 19 up for re-election in 2015. In 2014, they couldn't run away fast or far enough from him. We would need 13 to vote for removal. Could happen.
After the new Congress is sworn-in, in January, 2015, the Pubs will have 52? 53? 54? Senators. That leaves 12 or 13 or 14 needed for conviction in the Senate. Between those running from Obumble at the speed of light and a few independents, and corrupt Dems who can be bought... yeah... it might just prove do-able, after all.
Welcome to fantasy island

Maybe if you actually had a crime instead of a major case of Butthurt
Hell, RW, I really don't have much of a dog in this crap, and my backside's A-OK, so... MY modest little contribution here is the idea that 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' is mere detail - if the country and the Congress want him out of there THAT badly, they'll make-up some kind or shit or another that can be made to stick, and then act on it. What Obumble supporters fail to realize is that the legitimacy of the charge(s) don't really matter all that much... merely that they can be considered High Crimes and Misdemeanors that will withstand the kangaroo court of a trial in the Senate, and that can result in a 66% 'guilty' verdict. You've got to get ofver this 'fair' and 'legitimate crime' barrier to understanding, in this narrow context. If they want him gone that badly, they'll find a legal way to do it, even if they had to dodge brickbats later. Now, as to whether they will have reached such a point, if His Majesty is foolish enough to go through with his threat... that's where I pack up my crystal ball, and take a rest.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

He has the legal right with the executive order.
What they can do and should is not fund it.
He does not have the right to over step his authority.

That's what you liberals are ignoring.

What is he doing that Bush did not do?
He is being black.

He is being a socialist.

He is being insufferably arrogant, and not even bothering to try to hide it.

He is about to serve-up Shamnesty to millions, against the Will of the American People.
Acting against the Constitution. Congress makes the laws. Then he makes a law that goes against the law that Congress made. He can't do that. Can he?

Actually, the President can make laws.

But to what extent, I'm not sure.

They can be challenged in court if they are unconstitutional, though.

Simply because conservatives don't like his executive orders or his policies doesn't mean they are impeachable.

But if it is contrary to an existing law, is it a misdemeanor?

That's for the courts to decide, not a politically-motivated Congress.

Thank you.

The impeachment process is a political action, not a criminal or civil law action.

Thus, 'high crimes and misdemeanors' are determined only by Congress.

Is a president too politically weak to survive is the major question?

Senator Lane took a bribe, which saved Johnson. Nixon lost the support of both House and Senate GOP, so he resigned. Clinton smiled and kicked the GOP's teeth in, taking Gingrich down and some Congress seats back.

The House certainly has the votes to impeach Obama and send it to the Senate.

The problem is that the Senate GOP does not have all of its votes much less having to pick up at least thirteen or fourteen Dems.

Shhhh. Don't tell them that. They won't believe it unless fox tells them anyway. This is kinda like watching a jerk walk toward a banana peel. You know you should warn him, but he is a jerk after all.
Who said she had her presidenti
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Oh, I hope they try it. The entertainment value would be priceless.:party:

It was with Blow Job Clinton! :banana::banana::banana:
Yeah great...a STUPID distraction that kept Clinton from his job, like getting Bin Laden- when he did, it was "wagging the dog"...how'd that work out, dishonest hater, party first, brainwashed functional moron/traitor.
Maybe he should have kept his pecker away from impressionable young interns then, eh?
...who said she had her presidential kneepads ant threw herself at him...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but way to be total fuckups as usual...
Impeachment would not be hard. How many senators do we have now? 44? We would need 67 for removal. I think I counted there are 19 up for re-election in 2015. In 2014, they couldn't run away fast or far enough from him. We would need 13 to vote for removal. Could happen.
After the new Congress is sworn-in, in January, 2015, the Pubs will have 52? 53? 54? Senators. That leaves 12 or 13 or 14 needed for conviction in the Senate. Between those running from Obumble at the speed of light and a few independents, and corrupt Dems who can be bought... yeah... it might just prove do-able, after all.
Welcome to fantasy island

Maybe if you actually had a crime instead of a major case of Butthurt
Hell, RW, I really don't have much of a dog in this crap, and my backside's A-OK, so... MY modest little contribution here is the idea that 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors' is mere detail - if the country and the Congress want him out of there THAT badly, they'll make-up some kind or shit or another that can be made to stick, and then act on it. What Obumble supporters fail to realize is that the legitimacy of the charge(s) don't really matter all that much... merely that they can be considered High Crimes and Misdemeanors that will withstand the kangaroo court of a trial in the Senate, and that can result in a 66% 'guilty' verdict. You've got to get ofver this 'fair' and 'legitimate crime' barrier to understanding, in this narrow context. If they want him gone that badly, they'll find a legal way to do it, even if they had to dodge brickbats later. Now, as to whether they will have reached such a point, if His Majesty is foolish enough to go through with his threat... that's where I pack up my crystal ball, and take a rest.

The house brings the charges, but the Senate disposes of them. Do you really think the Senate has the votes to find him guilty? How many Democrats do you think will fall in line with a republican call for impeachment? The house could have brought charges the first day of his term, if they wanted to.
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.
Republicans went after Clinton for something that looks tame in comparison to what we already know Obama has done, and who knows what else he's done.
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?

I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.

Again, your remarks will be given the consideration they deserve
View attachment 34057
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.

If you think you care more about our country than I do because you were drafted, then you are nuts. Most who went to Nam were drafted, and the only reason I wasn't is because my lottery number was high. If you volunteered. then that's another reason to believe you are nuts. Only an idiot would have volunteered for such an immoral war which had nothing to do with protecting our country.
You do realize that the country doesn't rely on skidmarks like you? BULLDOG
So to get even, the Republicans should:

Tie up the legislative process with special prosecutors and Senate hearing; drag the nation further toward political division and animus, impeach a President not for high crimes and misdemeanors but for something that "looks" worse than the last time they pulled this crap.

And somehow, coupled with that bit of impeachment petulance with the government shutdiowns, the Republicans could "look" like a responsible, mature group of people charged with running the government?

What's the upside?

I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.

Again, your remarks will be given the consideration they deserve
View attachment 34057
And she's a left leaning Democrat too!
I'm afraid the time for being cordial with criminals is over. The Republicans have been eating the Democrat's shit and asking for seconds far too long.

They have two choices; Investigate the allegations that Johnathan Gruber has admitted to, and prosecute the guilty parties to the full extent of the law, or forgive their transgressions against the GOP and the people of this nation and allow them to get away with it and expect to pay a price in the future for not cleaning this den of vipers out of the houses of power in Washington. Any on the Republican's side that facilitated this criminal conspiracy should go down with the rest.

It will happen again soon if they don't do something about Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

When it comes to Obama, he thinks he has the upper hand. He does not. Anything he does he will pay a terrible price for. I doubt Impeachment is one of them.

Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.

Again, your remarks will be given the consideration they deserve
View attachment 34057

Oh My A fox Barbie said something bad about our president. Who could imagine something like that would ever happen?
View attachment 34058
Shes a Democrat, Bullfrog.
Viet Vet? Cool. I was in the Cub Scouts. Unlike you, we had adult supervision. Either way, that has nothing to do with the crazy train that the GOP/TP has been riding around in for the last several years.

Those of us who've shed blood for this Nation have a more vested interest in Her future than you little mama's boys who never risked anything for Her. All you've accomplished is having a smart mouth around those of us who know the consequences of a crook in the WH. You better hope there's still enough of us around to defend Her for you in the future because you've already ignored your own Call to Duty.

If you think you care more about our country than I do because you were drafted, then you are nuts. Most who went to Nam were drafted, and the only reason I wasn't is because my lottery number was high. If you volunteered. then that's another reason to believe you are nuts. Only an idiot would have volunteered for such an immoral war which had nothing to do with protecting our country.
You do realize that the country doesn't rely on skidmarks like you? BULLDOG

I'm pretty sure someone with a big problem wouldn't think that finding a dittodead would be the first step in solving it either.
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Um, no they don't.

The referendum just delivered to the unlawful practices from the Imperial White House, clearly shows 2016 should be another bad day for the apologetic party of the left

Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.
Transgressions against the GOP? What more evidence does anybody need of the fact that you care more about your party than you do about the country?
Seems you care more about protecting the liar in chief than in defending the country.

Again, your remarks will be given the consideration they deserve
View attachment 34057

Oh My A fox Barbie said something bad about our president. Who could imagine something like that would ever happen?
View attachment 34058
Shes a Democrat, Bullfrog.

Do you agree with other things she might say, or just the things that match your preconceived ideas?
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.

apparently not.
Is not doing what Republicans want now grounds for impeachment?
No, it's arrogantly doing what HE wants, pissing into the face of Mainstream America, that will get him into such trouble.

"Grounds? We don't got to show you no stinking grounds."


Mere detail, to be hashed-out in the backrooms, once it becomes necessary.

Whatever kind of gooey shit that will stick to the walls, once thrown.

Whatever it takes to fire Obumble, quite probably.
In the absence of a functioning Congress, Obama is filling the void

If Congress does not like it, they can pass their own immigration bill
When are you lefties going to realize that Obama can't make or pass laws on his own?
If he can then we'll insist the next Republican president enact a law to sterilize all leftwingers so they can't breed.

you're an idiot assfly ..

There are two ways that presidents can enact initiatives without congressional approval. Presidents may issue a proclamation, often ceremonial in nature, such as naming a day in honor of someone or something that has contributed to American society. A president may also issue an executive order, which has the full effect of law and is directed to federal agencies that are charged with carrying out the order. Examples include Franklin D. Roosevelt's executive order for the internment of Japanese-Americans after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Harry Truman's integration of the armed forces and Dwight Eisenhower's order to integrate the nation's schools.
Congress cannot directly vote to override an executive order in the way they can a veto. Instead, Congress must pass a bill canceling or changing the order in a manner they see fit. The president will typically veto that bill, and then Congress can try to override the veto of that second bill. The Supreme Court can also declare an executive order to be unconstitutional. Congressional cancellation of an order is extremely rare.
I know the Constitution, Skidmark.

Skidmark? Is that something like a teabagger?

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