I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

Or that it wouldn't seem like a purely political act to most Americans.

Republicans risk being the party that cried wolf

Can they bring two consecutive Democratic presidents up on trumped up impeachment charges?
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

Or that it wouldn't seem like a purely political act to most Americans.
whether or not it's seen as a purely political act doesn't matter, it's what our reaction to that appearance would be - but i think you and i agree that the american people, even most republicans, would not go along with that sort of act.
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
Archaic terms from the Founders' time....."high crime" means committed by somebody in "high office" and "misdemeanor" meant a crime then, not less then a felony that it means today.

So once again- since the Constitution is very specific- you tell me which of these you believe that the President should be charged under:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

That is pretty specific:
Other high crimes

Which of these do you imagine that President Obama is guilty of- and for what?
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?

I understand- from your perspective, the charges are just a means to an end- you just see impeachment as a tool to remove a President for political reasons- the charges are just an excuse.

The excuse du jour.

The legal basis for firing the guy.

Their legitimacy and truth are far less meaningful to the nuts-and-bolts mechanics of removal than the presence and effective employment of devices (charges) that can be made to stick.

Is that not the nature of down-and-dirty politics, when one side or the other gets pushed to the limit, as Obama seems hell-bent upon foolishly doing, in the coming days?

I am just quoting the Constitution- and asking you to identify what 'crimes' you apparently are convinced that Obama can be impeached for- don't know why that is hard for you:

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

That is pretty specific:
Other high crimes

Which of these do you imagine that President Obama is guilty of- and for what?
I cannot answer your question

I've seen your question here, before, a little while ago.

I'm not a lawyer, nor am I a specialist in Constitutional Law, nor am I even particularly well-versed in the (quite probably) long list of things that Obama has done during the course of his Presidency to date, which might conceivably serve as the practical basis for the conjuring-up of such charges.

But, here's the thing...

You really DO have to move beyond the concept of 'fair' or 'legitimate' charges here, and focus on Dirty Politics at its best.

The brutal truth of the matter is, that the power brokers in Washington can pretty much make-up any old bullshit, and charge Obama with it, and get away with it.

They could charge Obama with Jaywalking While Conspiring to Commit Caustic Commentary, if that was a felony, and, if they can come up with the votes in the House, then Impeachment is a done deal...

They then merely need to try the Impeachment in the Senate, and to convict upon that charge of Jaywalking While Conspiring..., then Old Joe gets sworn-in, the next minute.

If they want to legally get rid of him, a way will be found.

Stop puzzling your brain over what the Charges would be... if Impeachment is in the works - if Obama makes the mistake of issuing that EO and pissing-off enough people, and after the new Congress gets sworn in, in January, 2015... the Charges will become clear, quickly enough.

Fair has nothing to do with it.

Legitimacy has nothing to do with it.

This is Politics at the highest level... down and dirty... over the prospect of removing an arrogant autocrat who is about to piss on the Will of the American People, and to declare War on Congress... your boy seems to be suffering from OCD, in his compulsion to shoot himself in the foot over this... in any event, we'll know soon enough, won't we?
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
I would believe the "abuse of power" is a high crime.
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"
You same people who stood up for Wall Streeters getting their bonuses and not going to jail because everything they did when the crashed the economy was legal under the law NOW want to impeach a president who is going to do something that is legal under the law.

no, what he wants to do is not legal.
He's not going to issue an illegal executive order. He's a Harvard Law professor, surrounded by top lawyers and access to top law advice with just a call from the White House.

Right-Wingers seem to cultivate their stupidity on issues like this. I guess it's part of their victimization identity.
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.

Ah so you think Congress should violate the Constitution.....in order to remove the President....who you accuse of violating the Constitution.....

A fine example of the Conservative approach to Constitutional law.
Are you really as naive as you manifest in this series of questions?

My condolences.

Did you see me ADVOCATING for such an approach?


Did you see me pointing out the VERY distinct possibility that such an approach might unfold, if the Failed Messiah pushes Congress and The People far enough?


Big difference.
Jackson said:
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
I would believe the "abuse of power" is a high crime.
that's a description, not a crime.
Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

Barack Obama is involved in multiple felonies. Along with Eric Holder, Obama has engaged in extortion to further his political agenda.

Bush did not engage in extortion or other actual crimes, the way Obama has. Impeach Obama for extortion and for turning the DOJ into a criminal racket. The DOJ should be shut down under RICO racketeering statutes as a corrupt organization engaged in organized crime.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

You mean, now that they have the votes, it should be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

I understand that you are a racist, and cannot see past the color of another person's skin. But Barack Obama is a criminal, he has engaged in a racket of extortion to destroy his political opponents. Obama belongs in prison, not in the White House.
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
It doesn't have to be illegal.

It just needs to piss off enough people (and power brokers) to stimulate lawmakers to conjure-up charges that can be made to stick, as prelude to removal.
The operative words.

verb \vt 2 & vi senses ˈkän-jər also ˈkən-; vt 1 kən-ˈju̇r\
: to make (something) appear or seem to appear by using magic

: to make you think of (something)

: to create or imagine (something)

that's exactly the point kondor was making. the president doesn't actually need to have done anything to be impeached. if they had the votes they could choose any reason they wanted, they only have to have the votes to make it stick, not the evidence.
Except they would never be able to get away with it.

Even conservative media would point out that there is no high crime or misdemeanor. Well, at least some of their guests would...
I would believe the "abuse of power" is a high crime.
"Abuse of power" ?

Yeppers... that would do it, alright.

The power brokers sponsoring the move could dot the I's and cross the T's on the specifics while they're fleshing-out the details.

There must be a dozen or more Constitutional provisions and vastly more statutory provisions under which the specifics could be constructed...

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

Barack Obama is involved in multiple felonies. Along with Eric Holder, Obama has engaged in extortion to further his political agenda.

Bush did not engage in extortion or other actual crimes, the way Obama has. Impeach Obama for extortion and for turning the DOJ into a criminal racket. The DOJ should be shut down under RICO racketeering statutes as a corrupt organization engaged in organized crime.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

You mean, now that they have the votes, it should be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

I understand that you are a racist, and cannot see past the color of another person's skin. But Barack Obama is a criminal, he has engaged in a racket of extortion to destroy his political opponents. Obama belongs in prison, not in the White House.
any proof?
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?

There's evidence. Obama has announced himself that he circumvents Congress, making this a two branch government! He;'s done it again and again. The immigration bill will be the epitome of injustice.
If impeachment (and a successful subsequent conviction in the Senate) DOES materialize, what difference the charges?

Obama's ever and vastly and swiftly -increasing circle of opponents and adversaries can certainly conjure-up something sufficient to the task at-hand, that can be made to stick, when the time comes, yes?

Why tip one's hand in advance of calling the other's bluff at the poker table?
you do make a good point. if republicans chose, and could somehow get the votes, they could impeach for whatever they wanted. it's not a criminal court, they don't have to prove anything, they just have to have the votes.

where you go wrong is in thinking that people are either so upset with the president or so enamored with republicans that there wouldn't be huge backlash for impeachment on unfounded allegations.

The people are upset enough to want this man out and probably out NOW. They are so disgusted with this president and his party that they are turning to the Republican Party for help. This is the time when the Republican Party will show what they can do. Let's see what they have.

If there would be an impeachment, rest assured it would not be on unfounded allegations.
you honestly think there is enough public support to warrant impeachment?
you also believe, without evidence, that there is legitimate grounds for impeachment, and that the congress just hasn't moved forward on it?

There's evidence. Obama has announced himself that he circumvents Congress, making this a two branch government! He;'s done it again and again. The immigration bill will be the epitome of injustice.
as has been pointed out, if his executive orders are illegal, that's something that the courts decide. issuing an executive order that does not meet legal muster is not a crime though - or at least it's never been treated as such.
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.
It's pointless to answer their questions and spend hours on minutiae they'll either ignore or quibble about. They have no legal training, no common sense, nothing better to do than sit here ripping off their government employer who couldn't care less or might even rather they did no work that would then have to be redone. You can smell their panic....they know they picked a joke of a president and a man who's intimidated by his wife (who may also be a man) and who's kids laugh and yawn at him. They know he's a serial liar and an arrogant airhead who got through Harvard as a affirmative action attraction with a foreign exchange student loan. Everything about him is a joke....and so why wouldn't they be attracted to him? :dunno:
Yes, and, I think, 'the panic' is actually beginning to sink home, now that they've lost the Senate as well, effective January 2015.

What is there to panic about?

Republicans can't do a thing in the Senate without 60 votes
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